Generación 1 |
Generación 2 |
Generación 3 |
Generación 4 |
Generación 5 |
Generación 6 |
Generación 7 |
Minstrel Boy Of The Regions
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions  |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions  Ch Waggy Of The Regions  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Castizo Albermar Blazeaway  |
Protector Of Copperfield  |
Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  |
Guest´s Pride  |
Wicked Lady  |
Ch Cannertons Rougie  Ch Cannertons Rougie  |
Lady Dawn  |
Canford Rebecca  |
Chieftain Of Drivedale  |
Bragdon Boy  |
Up Spirits  |
Overfen Anne  |
Kippax Pippin  |
Eastgate Cluny  |
Katrina Of The Regions  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Ever Loving Adelaide  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Evanston Tansy  |
Brandy Bull  |
Worthy Nero Of Barabull  |
Brujowen Jiminy Cricket  |
Sally Of Hale  |
Dorjac Darling  |
Red Samson  |
Jacdor Jewel  |
Outdoors Harvest  |
Blockbuster Brevions August Moon  Blockbuster Brevions August Moon  |
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  |
Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  |
Ch Wintersmoon Janson  Ch Wintersmoon Janson  |
Wintersmoon Wildflower  |
Whip-it-trix  |
Noways Whipitquick  Noways Whipitquick  |
Woolgreens Trixies Pal  |
Blockbuster Far And Wide  |
Blockbuster Nobush  |
Boy Bunter  |
Blockbuster Rachel Marjon  |
Cestram Petergard Only Sue  |
Boadinor The Rock  |
Petergard Alicia  |
Tamie Maran  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Ever Loving Adelaide  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Evanston Tansy  |
Minotaur Kims Penny  |
Blockbuster Nobush  |
Boy Bunter  |
Blockbuster Rachel Marjon  |
Minotaur Maybe  |
not available |
not available |
Brooklyn Honey  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Broadford Happy Wanderer  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Ch Broadford Popper  |
Tredgold Rosebud  |
Leodride Ace  |
Judys Susan  |
Ever Loving Adelaide  |
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  |
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought  Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought  |
Avros Topsy  |
Blossom Time (uk)  |
Bodian Bully  |
Niagatow Lass  |
Walvra Heftygift  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  |
Allithorne Gay Lad  Allithorne Gay Lad  |
Rawburn Strength  |
Hefty Mandy  |
Hefty Man-o-war  |
Hefty Lady Janet  |
Evanston Tansy  |
Ch Sospan Fawr  Ch Sospan Fawr  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Parcwyn Amaranth  |
Bryneatons Bonnie  |
Ch Tinka Of Westframacott  Ch Tinka Of Westframacott  |
Bryneatons Lady Trixe  |
Brooklyn Snow White Candy  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin  |
Lady Dorothy O'dover  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Nugget Trealor  Nugget Trealor  |
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot  |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Webbs Leading Lady  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
USA Ch Vardona Prince Of Pilsdon  |
USA Ch Vardona Firebell  |
Sopwith Chantilly  |
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  Eng. Ch Sailors Choice  |
Maythorpe Mariner  Maythorpe Mariner  |
Leodride Ace  |
Leodride Bella Beauty  |
Dorroys Revelation  |
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  |
Ballybrophy Carnation  |
Sopwith Bluebell  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
What A Dolly Of Moselian  |
Moselian Gay Cavalier  |
Moselian Cassius  Moselian Cassius  |
Sunnlake Stroller  |
Strawbyn Sportsman  |
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  |
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  |
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  |
Strawbyn Star  |
Blockbuster Nobush  |
Strawbyn Stella  |
Goulceby Who's Who  |
Eng Int CH Goulceby Craigatin Brave Boy  Eng Int CH Goulceby Craigatin Brave Boy  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Vanessa Princess Of Eliber  |
Ch Goulceby Blockbuster Who's Who  |
Eng CH Outdoors Boozer  Eng CH Outdoors Boozer  |
Blockbuster Brigit  |
Moselian Peregrina  |
Broomwick Barrister  Broomwick Barrister  |
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  |
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  |
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  |
Hartend Josephine  |
Clearbrook Our George  |
Hartend Doryantrys Juliet  |
Moselian Beauty's Gal  |
Moselian Craftsman  |
Moselian Gay Knight  |
Venetian Merchandise  |
Moselian Gay Beauty  |
Gay Commando  |
Blockbuster Brave At Brass  |
Moselian Nicolina  |
Moselian Craftsman  |
Moselian Gay Knight  |
Gay Commando  |
Coventrian Commando  |
Jubilant Witch  |
Little Nell  |
Parkholme Craftsman  Parkholme Craftsman  |
Sunstorm Surprise  |
Venetian Merchandise  |
Ch Merchant Of Venice  Ch Merchant Of Venice  |
Wawensmoor Sugar Bush  |
Stratfordian Beauty  |
Gay Lady Of Iverley  |
Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  |
Elleff Betsy May  |
Moselian Silver Princess  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Little Secret  |
Frisky´s Trouble  |
Eng CH Mellea Jamie  Eng CH Mellea Jamie  |
Snowstorm Contessa  |
Moselian Venetian Silver  |
Moselian Gay Knight  |
Gay Commando  |
Little Nell  |
Venetian Merchandise  |
Ch Merchant Of Venice  Ch Merchant Of Venice  |
Gay Lady Of Iverley  |
Maythorpe More Snow  |
Noways Snowman  |
Noways Symas Sir William  |
Candy's Cavalier  |
Mellea William Rufus  |
Chisworth Charmer  |
Ch Melmor Queen  |
Pride Of Rochdale  |
Eng CH Mellea Jamie  Eng CH Mellea Jamie  |
Haughfield Amanda  |
Noways Blockbuster Felicity  |
Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  Ch Blockbuster Best Bitter  |
Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  |
Bessie Bunter  |
Noways Rachel Marjon  |
Noways Whipitquick  Noways Whipitquick  |
Noways Zelia  |
Noways Flair  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
Dilkusha Nelsons Memory  |
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Ever Loving Adelaide  |
Cassavra Golden Charm  |
Progsbody Agincourt  |
Cassavra Cherie  |
Maythorpe Snow Maiden  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin  |
Lady Dorothy O'dover  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Nugget Trealor  Nugget Trealor  |
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot  |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Webbs Leading Lady  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
USA Ch Vardona Prince Of Pilsdon  |
USA Ch Vardona Firebell  |
Maythorpe Aurora Of Jedavean  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
Red Huntress Of Jedavean  |
Maythorpe Middle Watch  |
Double Scotch  |
Maythorpe Marcasite  |
Cheeky Caledonian Lass  |
not available |
not available |