Generación 1 |
Generación 2 |
Generación 3 |
Generación 4 |
Generación 5 |
Generación 6 |
Generación 7 |
Chepe  Chepe
Ch, Jr Ch Lead The Way Tresor  Ch, Jr Ch Lead The Way Tresor  |
Multi Ch Tres Llunes King Of Heaven  Multi Ch Tres Llunes King Of Heaven  |
Sealaville Hes Chesney  Sealaville Hes Chesney  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Berrybrook Boot Boy  |
Berrybrook Born Lucky  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Terlingfair Lilylane  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  |
Sealaville Kinky Boots  |
Tres Llunes Alizee  Tres Llunes Alizee  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James  Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James  |
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  |
Brampton Red Frazer  |
Brampton Red Sensation  |
Brampton Angel  Brampton Angel  |
Calibra Crusader At Brampton  Calibra Crusader At Brampton  |
Tomybenchel Messie Jessie At Brampton  |
Ava Garner De Bull´s Model At Tres Llunes  Ava Garner De Bull´s Model At Tres Llunes  |
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  |
Brampton Red Frazer  |
Brampton Red Sensation  |
Daisy Of Bull´s Model  Daisy Of Bull´s Model  |
Meljane Bulldogs My Boy  Meljane Bulldogs My Boy  |
Sp Int Ch Loli De Bages Dog  Sp Int Ch Loli De Bages Dog  |
Lead The Way Minerva  Lead The Way Minerva  |
Tres Llunes Dictator  Tres Llunes Dictator  |
Harmony Of Bull´s Model  Harmony Of Bull´s Model  |
Meljane Bulldogs My Boy  Meljane Bulldogs My Boy  |
Iceglint I´m Spike  Iceglint I´m Spike  |
Iceglint I´m Melanie  Iceglint I´m Melanie  |
Sp Int Ch Loli De Bages Dog  Sp Int Ch Loli De Bages Dog  |
Sp Por Mon Eur Int Ch Loli´s Dicky Dick Dikens  Sp Por Mon Eur Int Ch Loli´s Dicky Dick Dikens  |
Qliz Crystel Capris  |
Tres Llunes Show Me The Way  Tres Llunes Show Me The Way  |
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  |
Brampton Red Frazer  |
Brampton Red Sensation  |
Budas De Oro Daria  |
Bronorn Mind Games  |
Budas De Oro Blossom The Small Princess  |
Ifarabull Mae  Ifarabull Mae  |
Sealaville Hes Maximus  Sealaville Hes Maximus  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Lady Angie At Laguru  |
Louzoula Eefa Eclipse To Home Pilar  Louzoula Eefa Eclipse To Home Pilar  |
Ch Calibra Kryptonite  Ch Calibra Kryptonite  |
Sealaville Shes Pollyanna Louzola  Sealaville Shes Pollyanna Louzola  |
Rais The Queen Doris Bell  |
Budas De Oro Athor The Crafty  Budas De Oro Athor The Crafty  |
Sharon At Rais The Queen  |
Ch Frankie's Gang Scarlet  Ch Frankie's Gang Scarlet  |
Mellowmood Pride  Mellowmood Pride  |
Multi Ch Prideofbully Winstone  Multi Ch Prideofbully Winstone  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  |
Leighbeck Royal Roots  |
Prideofbully Faith  |
Hilbull Heeza Trouble Mystyle  Hilbull Heeza Trouble Mystyle  |
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo  |
Hilbull Red River Dancer  |
Prideofbully Eeyore  Prideofbully Eeyore  |
Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  |
Mysterious Holly Prideofbully  Mysterious Holly Prideofbully  |
Telfatoon Angel Of The North Mellowmood  |
Red Wonder At Bulldurham  Red Wonder At Bulldurham  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ocobo Rosemarie  |
Robobull Echo  |
Dewrie Superman  |
Robobull Pippi Longsox  |
Mellowmood Twinkle Toes At Telfatoon  |
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty  Ch Mellowmood Full Monty  |
Iceglint I'm Edward  Iceglint I'm Edward  |
Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood  |
Mellowmood Me Julie  |
Mellowmood Boyakasha For Melafella  Mellowmood Boyakasha For Melafella  |
Sealaville Lovely Jubbley At Mellowmood  |
Frankie's Gang N'oubliez Jamais  Frankie's Gang N'oubliez Jamais  |
Ch, Jr Ch Frankie's Gang Jimmy Eat World  Ch, Jr Ch Frankie's Gang Jimmy Eat World  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Triarder Abitnaughty By Britishpride  Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Triarder Abitnaughty By Britishpride  |
Britishpride Naughty Nigel  Britishpride Naughty Nigel  |
Ch Britishpride Lacost  Ch Britishpride Lacost  |
Britishpride Juicy Couture  Britishpride Juicy Couture  |
Triarder Abitathisnthat  |
Bronorn Bear Of Triarder  Bronorn Bear Of Triarder  |
Leger I Will Survive At Triarder  Leger I Will Survive At Triarder  |
Frankie's Gang Double Fantasy  Frankie's Gang Double Fantasy  |
Int.Ch. Britishpride Royal Flush  Int.Ch. Britishpride Royal Flush  |
Ch Britishpride Lacost  Ch Britishpride Lacost  |
Britishpride Sweet Harmony  Britishpride Sweet Harmony  |
Jaminic Satisfaction  Jaminic Satisfaction  |
Jaminic Specification  Jaminic Specification  |
Jaminic New Edition  |
Frankie's Gang Glory Days  Frankie's Gang Glory Days  |
Mellowmood I've Got The Power  Mellowmood I've Got The Power  |
Mellowmood King Of Ska  |
Ch Gemelia Jensen  Ch Gemelia Jensen  |
Mellowmood Little Mermaid  Mellowmood Little Mermaid  |
Mellowmood Too Hot  Mellowmood Too Hot  |
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty  Ch Mellowmood Full Monty  |
Ch Mellowmood Iron Lady  Ch Mellowmood Iron Lady  |
Jaminic Satisfaction  Jaminic Satisfaction  |
Jaminic Specification  Jaminic Specification  |
Wedgebury Leo  Wedgebury Leo  |
Jaminic Gold Impression  Jaminic Gold Impression  |
Jaminic New Edition  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Jaminic Golden Daze  Jaminic Golden Daze  |
British Legend Bridget  British Legend Bridget  |
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lester  Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lester  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo  Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Ringablok Sheena  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  |
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues  |
Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul  |
Leighbeck Royal Roots  |
Golden Reverie At Leighbeck  Golden Reverie At Leighbeck  |
Leighbeck Santa S Cupid  Leighbeck Santa S Cupid  |
Sebyan Nice On The Rocks  |
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Mystyle Shining Star  Mystyle Shining Star  |
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle  Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle  |
Ocobo Angel Delight Of Mystyle  |
Sabany Shakeira  |
Aldridge Albany  Aldridge Albany  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Aldridge Apalena  |
Sabany Nice On Ice  |
Belushi Wood Cutter Of Princebishop  Belushi Wood Cutter Of Princebishop  |
Sabany Gin And Tonic  |
Impressive Bull Jayluna  Impressive Bull Jayluna  |
Impressive Bull Hiron Lord  Impressive Bull Hiron Lord  |
Mystyle Legend Ocobo  Mystyle Legend Ocobo  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Quosvardos Who´s That Girl Mystyle  Quosvardos Who´s That Girl Mystyle  |
Astrellita Sugar Daddy At Ocobo  |
Miljaz Bashful For Quosvardos  |
Cleopatra (loi)  Cleopatra (loi)  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Swalesboy Simply The Best  Swalesboy Simply The Best  |
Buck And Sons Siviglia  |
Ch. White Angel  Ch. White Angel  |
Monica Lewinsky  Monica Lewinsky  |
Edition Of Luxe No Brakes  Edition Of Luxe No Brakes  |
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste  Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste  |
La Chata Happy Girl  |
Edition Of Luxe Springer  Edition Of Luxe Springer  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Edition Of Luxe Show Time  |
Magnamara  |
Domenikos Theotokopoulos  Domenikos Theotokopoulos  |
Simplydoor Sir Maximillian  Simplydoor Sir Maximillian  |
Selene  |
White Elephant Lilla  |
Ch. Groz Kriger Omar  Ch. Groz Kriger Omar  |
White Elephant's Durcas  |
Jr Ch Buldenezh Piper For Royal Victory  Jr Ch Buldenezh Piper For Royal Victory  |
Ch Buldenezh Dengerous Rival  Ch Buldenezh Dengerous Rival  |
Loveable Bulls Chespar  Loveable Bulls Chespar  |
Ch Mervander Thundering Home  Ch Mervander Thundering Home  |
Mervander Our Buster  Mervander Our Buster  |
Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  |
Mervander Yerma  |
Henlet Adorable Miss Of Mervander  |
Mervander Roman Gem Of Henlet  |
Jenbarton Aurora Of Mervander  |
Ch, BOY Mervander Go For Gold  Ch, BOY Mervander Go For Gold  |
Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  |
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  |
Henlet Beyva Of Mervander  |
Mervander Dancing Ship Of Dormelia  |
SA Ch Sezermervander Blazing Brave  SA Ch Sezermervander Blazing Brave  |
Karize Minerva Of Mervander  |
Ch, Jr Ch Debora ( Union Jack)  Ch, Jr Ch Debora ( Union Jack)  |
Gollivud ( Golden De Moris)  Gollivud ( Golden De Moris)  |
Chif Pontiac South Night  |
Ch Nisbet Archibald South Night  Ch Nisbet Archibald South Night  |
Turan Klio  |
Avrora ( Golden De Moris)  Avrora ( Golden De Moris)  |
Nicol  Nicol  |
Tibi Shastal  Tibi Shastal  |
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Vavilonika  Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Vavilonika  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice  |
Ch Mervander Thundering Home  Ch Mervander Thundering Home  |
SA Ch Mervander Galloon  SA Ch Mervander Galloon  |
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Rosika  Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Rosika  |
Swalesboy Pin Ball  Swalesboy Pin Ball  |
Pasenta Koldi  Pasenta Koldi  |
Ch, Jr Ch Orchideya De La Belle  Ch, Jr Ch Orchideya De La Belle  |
Ch Uilfred Kelvin Dzhul  Ch Uilfred Kelvin Dzhul  |
Ch, Jr Ch Yan Barmaley  Ch, Jr Ch Yan Barmaley  |
Ch Mervander Tom Jon  Ch Mervander Tom Jon  |
Ch Mervander Jon Jon  Ch Mervander Jon Jon  |
Mervander Ruby Rose  |
Regina (rkf)  Regina (rkf)  |
Ch Mervander Golden Gambler  Ch Mervander Golden Gambler  |
Angelica (rkf)  |
Avrora ( Golden De Moris)  Avrora ( Golden De Moris)  |
Nicol  Nicol  |
Ch Dinastia Kvin  Ch Dinastia Kvin  |
Danaya Laman Golden  |
Tibi Shastal  Tibi Shastal  |
Cherokee Ulysses Grant  Cherokee Ulysses Grant  |
Ayza South Night  |
Ch, Jr Ch Bessi Belle  Ch, Jr Ch Bessi Belle  |
Zherom Sendi Smollet  Zherom Sendi Smollet  |
Devid  |
Ch Mervander Golden Gambler  Ch Mervander Golden Gambler  |
Franceska (rkf)  |
Raymonda  |
Ch Eis Furor  |
Neyli Nait Ledi Magic  |
Venta Vest Wild  |
Cleve Mario Lemieux  Cleve Mario Lemieux  |
Lawford  |
Cleopatra (kusa)  |
Zhorzheta  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Wild Wild West To Wyecaple  Int Ch, Multi Ch Wild Wild West To Wyecaple  |
Assunta Red Insain  |