Ch Southtop Cedric
Pedigree de 7 generaciones generado por
Generación 1
Generación 2
Generación 3
Generación 4
Generación 5
Generación 6
Generación 7
Baton Brea Buxton
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not available
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not available
Jenny Of Mt Oliver
Ch Snowyhaze Of Baroby
Ch Pluto Of Oakfern
Prince Charles Of Helston
Wallie Of Helston
Big Jamie Of Dumfries
Shirltom Mighty Man
Lady Meg Of Dumfries
Duchess Of Dosrius
Big Jamie Of Dumfries
Contessa Of Longbay
Gee Emm Of Green Gables
Ch Salisbury Mighty Boy
Ch Kama Priority
Shirltom Grindy
Octavia Of Long Bay
Toulouse Atlas
Shirltom Whitey
Elsa Of Helston
John Jackson Of Ashley
Shirltom Mighty Man
Kulkyne Gamester
Ch Shirltom Image
Merravale Dainty Dira
not available
not available
Tralene Of Helston
Big Jamie Of Dumfries
Shirltom Mighty Man
Lady Meg Of Dumfries
Duchess Of Dosrius
Big Jamie Of Dumfries
Contessa Of Longbay
Ch Reglor Snow Queen
Ch Wybong Wine N Dine
Ch Portfield Monarch
Ch Portfield Monarch
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching
Zircon Red Pixie
Moselian Craftsman
Belinda Bella
Petworth Britannia Buggins
Ch Allomdom Dilkusha Crusader
Ch Allomdom Dilkusha Crusader
Ch Walvra Red Ensign
Ch Walvra Red Ensign
Brevions Argosy Girl
O'busy Buggins Of Petworth
O'busy Buggins Of Petworth
Bill Buggins Of Petworth
Bill Buggins Of Petworth
Oh U Of Petworth
Dontoro Francisca
Kama Big Boy
Ch Donallen Aparosa
Ch Donallen Hans
Donallen Hanna
Kama Louise
Mundra Top Command
Kama Modern Millie
Brunson Lindy Lou
Ch Tenacity Toro
Ch Tyfi Ali Baba
Yurnga Lady Jane
Brundah Scarborough Girl
Ch Bonzo Samson
not available
Lady Brigatta Of Patco
Ch Chajen Peter Son
Chajen The Troubadour
Ch Donallen Hans
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman
Landhoy Simonetta
Acton Moon Gleam
Donallen Yuri Spaceman
Faithful Wagleigh Lass
Debnoral Lady Deborah
Suffolk Dictator
Ch Soraya Diplomat
Ch Soraya Diplomat
Suffolk Gleam
Kama Lady Carmen
Soraya Mighty Boy
Garden View Lady Rose
Ch Donallen Regal Lass
Ch Donallen Regal Lass
Ch Qualco Caesar Of Barnston
Qualco Achievement
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought
Qualco White Rose Of Coates
Overfen Diana
Overfen Shamus
Overfen Agnes
Ch Donallen Red Radiant
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman
Landhoy Simonetta
Ch Starway Tuffy
Ch Donallen Cheeky Boy
Macbai Dyna Mite
Simbalei Corals Lass
Macbai Marcus
Ch Donallen Hans
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman
Landhoy Simonetta
Acton Moon Gleam
Donallen Yuri Spaceman
Faithful Wagleigh Lass
Macbai Mehitabel
Ch Qualco Caesar Of Barnston
Qualco Achievement
Overfen Diana
Valley Vale Miss Muffit
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid
Leedour Little Lady
Niraldah Samantha
Ch Belnan Senator
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Little Secret
Dorjac Quaker Maid
Red Samson
Jacdor Jewel
Avrom Nellie
Ch Wantage Jason
Ch Wantage Jason
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid
Ch Wantage Beauty Spot
Ch Wantage Beauty Spot
Avrom Tugboat Annie
Valley Vale Buddy
Avrom Katie Girl