Jeruna Belle
7 generations extended pedigree generated by
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Pacific White Prince
Ch Failsworth White Knight (uk-usa)
Ch Failsworth White Knight (uk-usa)
White Marquis
White Marquis
Silent Knight Of Hollybrook
Wroxham Silent Prince
Wroxham Silent Prince
Hazelmere Prince
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress
Ch Silent Duchess
Ch Silent Duchess
Stolid Joe
Ch Heywood Duchess
Ch Heywood Duchess
Lady Carmer
Mersey King
Mersey King
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Felto
Carthusian Queen
Carthusian Cerberus
Carthusian Cerberus
Astley Queen
Thornwood Beatrice
Wroxham Silent Prince
Wroxham Silent Prince
Hazelmere Prince
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress
Ch Silent Duchess
Ch Silent Duchess
Stolid Joe
Ch Heywood Duchess
Ch Heywood Duchess
Thornwood Duchess
Heywood Marquis
Lord Roundcroft
Ch Heywood Duchess
Ch Heywood Duchess
Bessie (uk)
Lord Hesketh
Moston Patch
Maid Of Lee
Rival Stone
Rival Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Black 'un
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Ch Jack Of Spades (uk)
Gipperswick Beauty
Banzai Stone
Woodcote Chinosol
Woodcote Chinosol
Pink Light
Princess Eros
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Thorosett Psyche
Clapham Queen
Master Benzie
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Sweet Snowdrop (1902)
Woodcote Crib
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Merit Only
Slavin I I
Gipsy Mina
Pacific Queen
Kroo Nigger (uk-usa)
Hackney Marvel
Paddington Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Rita (1895)
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)
The Swashbuckler
Sally Venn
Sceptre Pride
Norland Kitty
Little Sceptre
Royal Britons Pride
Sceptre Queen
Farringford Diana
Crumpsall Sultan
Lady Bosan
not available
not available
Farringford Judy
Regal Son
Royal Persimmon
Pollard Nell
Dutch (uk)
Master Delamere
Duchess ( Davey)
Lady White
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Royal Duke (uk-usa)
Maid Of Perth
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Vesey Maud
Gay Lucy
Bull Ring Blackberry
Hampshire Dolly
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Vesey Maud
Bull Ring Blackberry
Belle I V (usa)
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
Moston Bar None (uk-usa)
The Swashbuckler
Vesey Maud
Kingsboro Peggy
Ch Rodney Toreador
Ch Rodney Toreador
Cadet Girl
Belle X I
Wroxham Jester (uk-usa)
Newington Chinosol
Newington Albert
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Boomerang (uk-usa)
Boomerang (uk-usa)
First Attempt
Dame Fortune (uk)
Preston Lion
Lancshire Lass
Bit O' Luck
Ch Chatley Nob
Ch His Lordship
Ch His Lordship
Kiss Me
Wylye Actress
Bapton Monarch
Carthusian Caricature
Floris (uk)
Woodcote Cervantes
Majors Boy
Irish Ivy
Irish Ivy
Lord Tom Nobby
Dancing Girl
Abercorn Lass
Pressmore Dandy
Don Venn
Don Venn
Lucy Venn
Beatrice (uk)
not available
not available
Balham Missy
Balham Gladiator
Balham Defender
Ch Regal Stone
Ch Regal Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Patricia
First Choice
Bully Boy I I
Gipsy Mina
Miss Chinosol
Woodcote Chinosol
Woodcote Chinosol
Bapton Monarch
Doctor Janet
First Choice
Bully Boy I I
Gipsy Mina
Balham Speck
Cambridge Heath Crib
Punch (1894)
Woodland Crib
Spratt's Patent
Nell Of Bromley
The Nobleman
Harris Isabel
Ayton Queen
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Peg O My Heart V I
Billy I I (uk-usa)
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Dick Stone
Dick Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Regina Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Patricia
Regal Choice
Ch Regal Stone
Ch Regal Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Patricia
First Choice
Bully Boy I I
Gipsy Mina
Belle ( Hopwood)
Stolid Joe
Bunch Of Fives
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Don Venn
Don Venn
Sea Foam
Robert The Devil
not available
Skrim Alice
Great Monarch
Lady Millet Star
Prince Royal (uk-usa)
Prince Royal (uk-usa)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Boomerang (uk-usa)
Boomerang (uk-usa)
First Attempt
Dame Fortune (uk)
Preston Lion
Lancshire Lass
Duchess Of Somerset
Balaclava (1895)
Balaclava (1895)
Eng Ch Blackberry
Eng Ch Blackberry
Pulley Block
Ch Chatley Nob
Vision Of Beauty
Dame Keo
Yeovil Lion (uk-usa)
Yeovil Lion (uk-usa)
Owen Swift
Facey Romford
Facey Romford
Lady Thornfield
Aston Thornfield
Aston Thornfield
Judy I I (uk)
Rush ( Carl Haggenjos)
Woodcote Don (uk-usa)
Ceres (1892)
Guess ( Carl Haggenjos)
Guelph (usa)
Babe ( Carl Haggenjos)