Miss Brandie Auburncrest

7 generations extended pedigree generated by bulldogpedigree.com

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Ch Auburncrest Challengers Double   
Ch Auburncrest Challengers Double
Irish Challenger (uk-can)  
Irish Challenger (uk-can)
Ch Challenger (uk-usa)    Excalibur (uk-usa)   Polam King   Ch Rollicking Randy   
Ch Rollicking Randy
Royal Stone  
Royal Stone
Strategy (uk)  
Polam Queen   Ch Melampus   
Ch Melampus
Grosvenor Wonder  
Throstonian   Chester Marvel   Stranton General  
Teesdale Duchess  
Throston Kitty   Stranton Rebel  
Lady Hannah  
Towerville Nan   Rival Stone  
Rival Stone
British Stone  
British Stone
Buck Stone  
Buck Stone
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)  
Banzai Stone   Barabbas  
Princess Eros  
Lomond Lass   Moston General  
Moston General
Moston Colonel (uk-usa)  
Gertie (uk)   New Monarch  
Lady Buller (uk)  
Ch Montem Susie   
Ch Montem Susie
Donovan (1910)   Kilburn Baron   Kilburn Barrister   Ben Stone  
Ben Stone
Mogg Smith  
Kilburn Caroline   The Crusher  
Hodkinsons Ruby   Hazelmere Prince   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress  
Westcliffe Beauty   Sir Thomas Forster  
Doris Boaz  
Montem Jess   Hollywell British  
Hollywell British
British Stone  
British Stone
Buck Stone  
Buck Stone
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)  
Hollywell Peggy   Parkholme Crib  
Parkholme Crib
Our Lassie  
Christmas Rose   Ch Kilburn Magnet Rockcliffe (uk-usa)   
Ch Kilburn Magnet Rockcliffe (uk-usa)
Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)   
Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)
Moston Duchess (uk-usa)  
Penthesilea   not available
not available
Toronto Lass (can)   Toronto Lad (uk-can)  
Toronto Lad (uk-can)
Master Penfold (uk-can)  
Master Penfold (uk-can)
Richard Penfold   Old Catton Diamond   Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)   
Deodora Diadem   Dick Penfold  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Lady Molly Penfold   Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa)   
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa)
Dick Penfold  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Gibson Flirt   Mark Anthony  
Greenwich Lass  
Diadem Penfold   Old Catton Diamond   Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)    Union Guard  
Pressmore Hattie  
Sallie   Thornbury Cavalier  
Buttercup (uk)  
Deodora Diadem   Dick Penfold   Duke Of Cornwall  
Our Sarah  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Baron Penfold  
Bermondsey Queen  
Blue Smoke   Coster Diamond (can-usa)  
Coster Diamond (can-usa)
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)  
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)
Ch Coadjutor    Clansman (uk)  
Clansman (uk)
Cecilia (uk)   Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)  
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Mersey Duchess  
The Little Diamond  
The Little Diamond
Woodcote Merry Boy (uk-can)   Woodcote Diplomacy  
Nelly Neil  
Fairplay   The Little Nipper (can-usa)  
Fairfool (uk-can)  
Carleton Blackey   Worsley Dreadnought (uk-can)  
Worsley Dreadnought (uk-can)
Ch Coadjutor    Clansman (uk)  
Clansman (uk)
Cecilia (uk)   Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)  
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Mersey Duchess  
Dermott Girl   Ch Cheetham Squire   
Ch Cheetham Squire
Ch Argo (can)   
Lady May (can 1909)  
Dufferin Girl   Moston Marshall (uk-can)  
Moston Marshall (uk-can)
Woodley Queen  
Rachel London   Cyrus Perkings   Jack London I I   Marvel London (uk-usa)  
Marvel London (uk-usa)
Old Catton Diamond   Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)    Union Guard  
Pressmore Hattie  
Sallie   Thornbury Cavalier  
Buttercup (uk)  
Deodora Diadem   Dick Penfold   Duke Of Cornwall  
Our Sarah  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Baron Penfold  
Bermondsey Queen  
Godlub Darkie   Moston Squire (uk-usa)   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Hazelmere Prince  
Isledon Bess  
Colney Hatch Bess   Hazelmere Prince  
Colney Hatch Floss  
Alimar Bess   Leone Doctor   Ch Woodcote Hermit (uk-usa)   
Ch Leone Hazelwyn (uk-usa)   
Ch Leone Hazelwyn (uk-usa)
Black Bess ( Rodney Kennels)   Rodney Dauphin  
Donna Ronto (uk-usa)  
Mayos Babby I I (usa)   Gentleman Tom   Melbourne Chief   Cinnamon (uk-usa)  
Cinnamon (uk-usa)
Crumpsall Baron  
Irish Molly  
Melbourne Dottie   Kilburn King (uk-usa)  
Kilburn King (uk-usa)
Lady Melbourne (uk-usa)  
Miladi Nell   Silver Athos (uk-usa)   Carthusian Albert  
Rose Of Denmark  
Miladi I I   Rejected I I  
Lady Bazzaza   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Hazelmere Prince   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress  
Isledon Bess   Corney Grain  
Baseldon Bess  
Maizie Penfold (uk-usa)   Romsey Refusal   Reminder  
Sheffield Daisy  
Civil Servant   Major Cyclops  
Major Cyclops
Fleet Lass  
Mayos Special   not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available