Ch Weslins Bear In Mind

7 generations extended pedigree generated by

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Weslins Knockout Of Birkshire   Ch Birkshire's Daring Dumpling    Birkshire's Tedd E Bear   Ch Rudyk Little Augie   
Ch Rudyk Little Augie
Marinebulls Andrew Of Clywd   Ch Marinebulls General Butch    Ch Cherokee Morgan   
Ch Cherokee Morgan
Ch Tha Mac's Windy Gal   
Marinebulls Why Not   Ch Golden Carmel Coach   
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes   
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Rudyk Precious Angel Jami   Am CH Domino´s Dynamo Of Grabel    Prince Domino Of Grabel  
Prince Domino Of Grabel
Golden Girl Xi  
Merrie Belle Maggie   Sargent Webster  
Diamond Dollar  
Birkshire's Linda Lovelace   Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane    USA Ch Doc's Iron Horse    Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette   
Doc's Strawberry Shortcake   Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Doc's Special  
Edward's Classy Lady   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Birkshire's Little Lu-lu   Noelean Lover Boy   Ch Outdoors Jubilant   
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold   
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough   
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough
Ch Aldridge Adventuress   
Ch Aldridge Adventuress
Outdoors Sunshine  
Outdoors Sunshine
Ch.Int Thydeal Golden Wonder   
Ch.Int Thydeal Golden Wonder
Outdoors Marrea  
Outdoors Marrea
Noelean Kishka Lady   Bowcrest Patton  
Bowcrest Patton
Eng. Ch Harada Ben Pepperdine   
Eng. Ch Harada Ben Pepperdine
Bowcrest Georgina  
Gwenstan Like Me Man Of Noelean   Noways Snowman  
Gwenstan Dutchess  
Baba Of Haytor   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Birkshire's Peaches N Cream   Ch Jaylous Lone Ranger    Ch Lord Timothy Scott   
Ch Lord Timothy Scott
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John´s Thunder    Ch. E-lynn´s Big John    USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket   
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  
Ch. Pitman´s Piccaddilly Pumpkin    Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey   
Bridgette Bulldot  
Amiga De Perfecta Production   Brutus Butch   Am CH Louita´s Leigh Brummel   
Welthy´s Ellie  
Lady Grumpy Of Devonshire   Saxe Gothe Barney  
M´lady´s Ginger  
Jaylous Orphan Annie   Jaylous Cedric   Jaylous Beelzebub   Ch. E-lynn´s Big John´s Thunder   
Amiga De Perfecta Production  
Pool's Queen Victoria   Bluntline´s Special Edition  
Bluntline´s Gigi  
Bluntline´s Bright Beautiful   Bluntline´s Special Edition   Ch Golden Carmel Coach   
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch. Orange Blossom Special   
Bluntline´s Mary Poppins   Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Bluntline´s Hello Dolly  
Birkshire's Special Edition   Doc's Sunshine Rally   Ch. Doc's Chunky Chester    Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette   
Dingmans Mama Cass   Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Marinebulls Kaydee Too  
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Doc's Brendie   Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober   
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Doc's Foxie Lady   Frans Redwood  
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette   
Ch Birkshire's Mae West    Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane    USA Ch Doc's Iron Horse    Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette   
Doc's Strawberry Shortcake   Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Doc's Special  
Ch Lady Diane Of Birkshire    Edward's Sir Reginald   not available
not available
Edward's Classy Lady   not available
not available
Weslins One And Only Dyna   Edward's Earl Of Birkshire   Supple's Zachary Joe   Edward's Lord Beverly   Edward's Sir Nigel   Edward's Sugar Blue´s   Ch Shacklefords Sugarlight   
Edward's Little Blue Bonnet  
Edward's Cherokee Princess   Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Edward's Jo-dee´s Alexandra  
Edward's Jo-dee´s Alexandra
Am Ch Edward's Sun Bonnet Sue    Ch Shacklefords Sugarlight    USA Ch Shack M'lou's Up N Adam   
USA Ch Shack M'lou's Up N Adam
Lowes Sweet Georgia Brown  
Edward's Little Blue Bonnet   Edward's Mr Wonderful  
Edward's Tuffy Blue Bonnet  
Edward's Brass Calliope   Edward's Porthos   Am Ch Edward's Mr Little Joe    Edward's Mr Wonderful  
Edward's Kathy-jo  
Am Ch Edward's Jo-dee   
Am Ch Edward's Jo-dee
Ch Shack-a-jewel Sugar Joe   
Ch Shack-a-jewel Sugar Joe
Ch Edward's Brindle Babe   
Ch Edward's Brindle Babe
Lady Sophia Of Amanda Rkd   He´s A Corker By Clyde   Am Ch Edward's Fletchers Clyde   
Fletcher Mandi Of Maxie  
M And M's Gingersnap Of Rkd   Am Ch Edward's Fletchers Clyde   
Cleopatra Of Lo-jean´s  
Edward's Lady Blondie   Am Ch Edward's Maximum Legacy    Edward's Sir Nigel   Edward's Sugar Blue´s   Ch Shacklefords Sugarlight   
Edward's Little Blue Bonnet  
Edward's Cherokee Princess   Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Edward's Jo-dee´s Alexandra  
Edward's Jo-dee´s Alexandra
Am Ch Edward's Perky Blue Bonnet    Ch Shacklefords Sugarlight    USA Ch Shack M'lou's Up N Adam   
USA Ch Shack M'lou's Up N Adam
Lowes Sweet Georgia Brown  
Edward's Little Blue Bonnet   Edward's Mr Wonderful  
Edward's Tuffy Blue Bonnet  
Edward's Brass Calliope   Edward's Porthos   Am Ch Edward's Mr Little Joe    Edward's Mr Wonderful  
Edward's Kathy-jo  
Am Ch Edward's Jo-dee   
Am Ch Edward's Jo-dee
Ch Shack-a-jewel Sugar Joe   
Ch Shack-a-jewel Sugar Joe
Ch Edward's Brindle Babe   
Ch Edward's Brindle Babe
Lady Sophia Of Amanda Rkd   He´s A Corker By Clyde   Am Ch Edward's Fletchers Clyde   
Fletcher Mandi Of Maxie  
M And M's Gingersnap Of Rkd   Am Ch Edward's Fletchers Clyde   
Cleopatra Of Lo-jean´s  
Birkshire's Shades Of Mandy   Ch, Int Ch Kaysinger's Gruffy Gus    Ch Captain Charlie By The Sea    Ch Doctor Dolittle From Pedley    USA Ch Benjamin´s Big Max Of Pedley   
USA Ch Benjamin´s Big Max Of Pedley
Jerubes Happy Beauregarde  
Lady Diedra  
Edward's Elizabeth   Ch Edward's Earl Of T-bone   
Edward's Barbie Doll  
Broadford Sweet Gyperose   Talloak's Little Big Man   Ch Golden Carmel Coach   
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch Canlan's Cushter Bita Rackly   
Admyerabull's Miss Hulkiedoo   Ch Frontier's Jc Desperado   
Pat's Smilin' Smedley Betty  
Kaysinger's Beverly Boop   Ch Tiffany's Smashin' Pup    Noelean Lover Boy   Ch Outdoors Jubilant   
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Noelean Kishka Lady  
USA Ch Tiffany's Raisin In The Sun    CH USA Tiffany's Godsend   
Tiffany's Lil Shock And Jive  
Kaysinger's Myqueen Martha   Edward's Baron Beefsteak   Ch Edward's Earl Of T-bone   
Ch Dura J's Buffy Sisotowbell   
Kaysinger's So Help Me Hannah   Kaysinger's Thadeus Hambone  
Kaysinger's Laura' Babe  
Birkshire's Copper Rain   Am CH Penny´s Hunk´o´copper    Mapo Leading Man Of Carden   Mapo Redman O´souvee   Smasher Souvenir  
Smasher Souvenir
Mapo Joy  
Cardens Juggernaut Penelope   USA Ch Juggernaut Apollo   
Juggernaut Peach  
Care A-lot´s Copper Penny   Mapo Hunky Dory   Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull  
Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull
Mapo Joy  
Care A-lot´s Matilda May   Mapo Redman O´souvee  
Birkshire's Special Edition   Doc's Sunshine Rally   Ch. Doc's Chunky Chester    Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Dingmans Mama Cass  
Doc's Brendie   Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Doc's Foxie Lady  
Ch Birkshire's Mae West    Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane    USA Ch Doc's Iron Horse   
Doc's Strawberry Shortcake  
Ch Lady Diane Of Birkshire    Edward's Sir Reginald  
Edward's Classy Lady