Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Ch Floral Garden George  Ch Floral Garden George
Ch, World Ch Bedfords Covenry Prince  Ch, World Ch Bedfords Covenry Prince  |
Ch Arthurian's Aztec Rojo Grande  |
Ch Arthurian's Spartacus Spike  Ch Arthurian's Spartacus Spike  |
USA Ch Kleeman´s Paco De Chaparra  |
Obie Wan Kenobie Of Westbriar  |
Kralan's Charmin Charlie  Kralan's Charmin Charlie  |
Dubonnet Of Westbriar  |
Chaparra´s Hermana  |
USA Ch Palamar Hathaway  USA Ch Palamar Hathaway  |
Dubonnet Of Westbriar  |
Ch Arthurian's Orphan Annie Of Jc  |
Jc's Incredible Hulk  Jc's Incredible Hulk  |
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins  Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins  |
Jc's Pretty Kan-dee Girl  |
Am CH Caly´s Strawberry Fizz  |
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins  Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins  |
Am CH Caly´s Jc Jon-boy´s Kan-dee Kane  |
Arthurian's Lady Natasha  |
USA Ch Kleeman´s Paco De Chaparra  |
Obie Wan Kenobie Of Westbriar  |
Kralan's Charmin Charlie  Kralan's Charmin Charlie  |
Dubonnet Of Westbriar  |
Chaparra´s Hermana  |
USA Ch Palamar Hathaway  USA Ch Palamar Hathaway  |
Dubonnet Of Westbriar  |
Marlow's Dame Sybil Blossom  |
Jc's Rocky Of Ramblewild  |
Jc's Colorado Red Rocks  Jc's Colorado Red Rocks  |
Judys Sir Axle Foley Of Jc S  |
Amanda Brookhollow Marlow  |
Brookhollow Bowditch Manual  |
Boatswain Bouny Lorelei  |
Fair Dinkum's Kaluha N'creame  |
USA Ch Perro De Presa Paco  USA Ch Perro De Presa Paco  |
Mccreerys Tam O'shay  |
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser  Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser  |
Am CH Rebel Rowzer  |
Nobb Hill´s Potlatch Lil  |
Lady Bird Tate  |
Jerohns Golden Boy  |
Flomars Duchess Pennyroyal  |
Am CH Duncan´s Eleanor Of Aquataine  |
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser  Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser  |
Am CH Rebel Rowzer  |
Nobb Hill´s Potlatch Lil  |
Molly U  |
USA Ch Alken Samson Esquire  |
Fearnaught´s Ursula Minor  |
Ch Dingmans Homemade Biscuit  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Am Ch Bayside Red Oak  |
USA Ch Rosebud Brandy  |
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  |
Ch Cherokee Morgan  Ch Cherokee Morgan  |
Ch Tha Mac's Windy Gal  |
Seabiscuit  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  |
Costello's Mrs Calabash  |
Am CH Juggernaut Jupiter  |
Am CH Bluntline´s Bashful Bess  |
Floral Garden Dusty  |
Ch Abison Campiroi  |
Pickwick Lumpaci  |
Ch Merriveen Mac Manus  Ch Merriveen Mac Manus  |
Merriveen Snowy Daze  Merriveen Snowy Daze  |
Merriveen Happy Daze  Merriveen Happy Daze  |
Merriveen Bess  |
Merriveen Donata  |
Quintic Peanut  |
Merriveen Ziggy  |
Pickwick Quaste  |
Alival Brigadier General  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Kingrock Fire Demon  |
Pickwick Gogolette  |
Ch Crossroads Carruthers  Ch Crossroads Carruthers  |
Pickwick Wally  |
Pickwick Vamp  |
Ch Pickwick Nicco  |
Ch Pickwick George  |
Ch Crossroads Carruthers  Ch Crossroads Carruthers  |
Pickwick Wally  |
Pickwick Babouche  |
Anglice Callan  |
Pickwick Edgy  |
Pickwick Angie  |
Pickwick Leander  Pickwick Leander  |
Ch Crossroads Carruthers  Ch Crossroads Carruthers  |
Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Bonnie  |
Pickwick Chuckles  |
Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Eick  Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Eick  |
Pickwick Quinnie  |
Floral Garden Abigail  |
Ch Pickwick Nicco  |
Ch Pickwick George  |
Ch Crossroads Carruthers  Ch Crossroads Carruthers  |
Ch Bryneatons Barbarian  Ch Bryneatons Barbarian  |
Eng CH Crossroads Chloe  Eng CH Crossroads Chloe  |
Pickwick Wally  |
Ch Pickwick Nicco  |
Ch Pickwick Tuffy  |
Pickwick Babouche  |
Anglice Callan  |
Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount  Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount  |
Tishbri Top Spot  |
Pickwick Edgy  |
Ch Walvra Red Ensign  Ch Walvra Red Ensign  |
Crossroads Calphurnia  Crossroads Calphurnia  |
Anka Of The Old Fashioned Corner  Anka Of The Old Fashioned Corner  |
Jaunter Of Outdoors  Jaunter Of Outdoors  |
Outdoors Morning Star  Outdoors Morning Star  |
Thatchway Conquest Of Outdoors  |
Outdoors Mitzi Of Stychens  |
Capps Pollyanna  |
Identical Son Of Turoca  |
Saucy Sarah  |
Susan Of The Edroywin House  Susan Of The Edroywin House  |
Byquy Uncle Gyril  |
not available |
not available |
Ziska Von Der Eisenschmelz  Ziska Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Ch Dewrie Drummer Boy  Ch Dewrie Drummer Boy  |
Queen Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Desire Von Der Stubentranke  |
Brutus Von Der Stubentranke  |
Despot Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Ch, Int Ch Marleroy Mr Chips Of Denbrough  |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  |
Ch Denbrough Leander  Ch Denbrough Leander  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Castizo Manuela  |
Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull  |
Brutus Of Barabull  |
The Witch Of Barabull  The Witch Of Barabull  |
Carrensian Miss Mandy  |
Armada Blaze  |
Harada Don Carlos  |
Bowcrest Lucky Charm  |
Tishbri Velvet Lady  |
Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind  Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind  |
Redburgh Simona Sue  |
Ledizia Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Quick Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Sungarth Grand Slam  |
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan  |
Tebroc Gerdavorge Glendusky  |
Ch Harpune Vom Grafensprung  |
Toprilt Inigo Jones  |
Wonderful Cheetah V. Cruisbrock  |
Romanze Von Der Eisenschmelz  Romanze Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
Ch Pickwick Honeybear  Ch Pickwick Honeybear  |
Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Eick  Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Eick  |
Haubitze Vom Grafensprung  |
Xenia Von Der Eisenschmelz  |
not available |
not available |
Angel Von Der Stubentranke  |
Tegfan Crafty Craftsman  Tegfan Crafty Craftsman  |
Moselian Gay Cavalier  |
Moselian Cassius  Moselian Cassius  |
Sunnlake Stroller  |
Moselian Peregrina  |
Moselian Nicolina  |
Moselian Craftsman  |
Moselian Silver Princess  |
Blockbuster So Be It  |
Blockbuster Jester  |
Blockbuster Nobush  |
Juggin Able Mable  |
Strawbyn Sparkler  |
Strawbyn Stilton  |
Strawbyn Sparkle  |
Alice Vom Bullenbeisser  Alice Vom Bullenbeisser  |
Skomerisle Stead Boy  |
Skomerisle Fredlyns Jonatham  |
Sungarth Thydeal Hammerhead  |
Fredlyns May-zee Wonder  |
Zircon Ninette  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Belinda Bella  |
Portfield Julia Jane  |
Portfield Snowman  |
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Zircon Red Pixie  |
Portfield Regal Lilly  |
Skomerisle Superb  |
Zircon Zumba Zay  |
Birchdenes Miss Molly  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  |
Ch Denbrough Leander  Ch Denbrough Leander  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Castizo Albermar Blazeaway  |
Canford Rebecca  |
Castizo Manuela  |
Castizo Carlos  Castizo Carlos  |
Castizo Consuelo  |
Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull  |
Brutus Of Barabull  |
Mellea Hesagenie  Mellea Hesagenie  |
Cleopatra Of Barabull  |
The Witch Of Barabull  The Witch Of Barabull  |
Highfield Toreador  |
Cleopatra Of Barabull  |
Ch Aldridge Adventuress  Ch Aldridge Adventuress  |
Broomwick Barrister  Broomwick Barrister  |
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove  |
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun  |
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel  |
Hartend Josephine  |
Clearbrook Our George  |
Hartend Doryantrys Juliet  |
Aldridge Pride Of Westbrook  |
Qualco Cracksman  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Qualco Solitaire  |
Qualco Sunset  |
Kippax Pippin  |
Qualco Jungle Girl  |
Breebar Kathryn The Great  |
Soldier Boy Of The Regions  Soldier Boy Of The Regions  |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  |
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions  |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions  Ch Waggy Of The Regions  |
Outdoors Harvest  |
Ch Lady Luana Of Brumigum  Ch Lady Luana Of Brumigum  |
Broomwick Barrister  Broomwick Barrister  |
Twinkle Twilight  |
Whiskey Slot  |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions  Ch Waggy Of The Regions  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Katrina Of The Regions  |
Aldridge Satalite  |
Aldridge Lunanaut  Aldridge Lunanaut  |
Aldridge Empress  |
Broomwick Beachcomber  |
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions  |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions  Ch Waggy Of The Regions  |
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer  |
Katrina Of The Regions  |
Outdoors Harvest  |
Blockbuster Brevions August Moon  Blockbuster Brevions August Moon  |
Tamie Maran  |
Broomwick Bodkin  |
Broomwick Burgomaster  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Ch Broomwick Blythome Bumble Bee  Ch Broomwick Blythome Bumble Bee  |
Ch Broomwick Blythome Bumble Bee  Ch Broomwick Blythome Bumble Bee  |
Eng. Ch Baron Of Blythome  Eng. Ch Baron Of Blythome  |
Broomwick Golden Maiden  |