Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day |
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar |
Merriveen Milady |
Merriveen Quite Contrary Merriveen Quite Contrary |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully |
Merriveen Mary Mary |
Swalesboy Simply The Best Swalesboy Simply The Best |
Ch Athelstan Anglorum Ch Athelstan Anglorum |
Lynmans Living Legend Lynmans Living Legend |
Swalesboy Popcorn Of Athelstan |
Swalesboy West Morning Star Swalesboy West Morning Star |
Cockney Scallywag Of Samsted |
Swalesboy Travelin Style |
Katiuska At La Chata Katiuska At La Chata |
La Chata Kaiser La Chata Kaiser |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste |
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar |
Merriveen Mona Lisa Merriveen Mona Lisa |
La Chata Boot White La Chata Boot White |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust |
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez |
Shasha The Queen Shasha The Queen |
Budas De Oro Bulky Budas De Oro Bulky |
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red |
Andrea Andrea |
La Chata Ilusion Bitch La Chata Ilusion Bitch |
Merriveen Courtier Merriveen Courtier |
La Chata Beauty In Show |
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Jacaranda Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Jacaranda |
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego HJCH Sotakal Don-diego |
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica |
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull |
Alba De Bravobox |
Golden Bull Illussion Golden Bull Illussion |
Ch. Merriveen Take That Ch. Merriveen Take That |
Golden Bull Unicum Golden Bull Unicum |
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle |
Sotakal Ginette |
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus Ch Groz Kriger Uranus |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi |
La Chata After All La Chata After All |
Sotakal Giovanni Sotakal Giovanni |
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus Ch Groz Kriger Uranus |
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees |
Ch April Full Moon Kwai Ch April Full Moon Kwai |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi |
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr |
Ch. Hu Groz Kriger Lola April Full Moon |
La Chata Yavanseis La Chata Yavanseis |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste |
La Chata Happy Girl |
Atxa D´alfinach |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste |
Deisy |
Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls |
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego HJCH Sotakal Don-diego |
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica |
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull |
La Chata Kaiser La Chata Kaiser |
Shasha The Queen Shasha The Queen |
Alba De Bravobox |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White |
Tublatanka Z Uvalaku |
Golden Bull Illussion Golden Bull Illussion |
Ch. Merriveen Take That Ch. Merriveen Take That |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste |
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull |
Golden Bull Unicum Golden Bull Unicum |
Ch Newrock Rasputin Ch Newrock Rasputin |
Golden Bull Mary Golden Bull Mary |
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready |
Swalesboy Simply The Best Swalesboy Simply The Best |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle |
Ch Alex Emin Sad |
Cobadu Bella |
Sotakal Ginette |
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus Ch Groz Kriger Uranus |
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees |
Ch April Full Moon Kwai Ch April Full Moon Kwai |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi |
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr |
Ch. Hu Groz Kriger Lola April Full Moon |
Bon Ecuyer Geox At De Lucaipa Bon Ecuyer Geox At De Lucaipa |
Bullyoyo Horse Power Bullyoyo Horse Power |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Katiuska At La Chata Katiuska At La Chata |
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull |
Groz Kriger Ismael Groz Kriger Ismael |
Red Blossum Of Hadabull |
Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa |
Ch Sotakal Kimi Ch Sotakal Kimi |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra |
Ocobo Maximus Ocobo Maximus |
Bullyoyo Cool Cofee Bullyoyo Cool Cofee |
Greta Del Boqueron Greta Del Boqueron |
La Chata Ironman La Chata Ironman |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull |
La Chata Kaiser La Chata Kaiser |
Shasha The Queen Shasha The Queen |
Gilda De Can Plus Gilda De Can Plus |
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull |
Lola |
Imperio Del Boqueron Imperio Del Boqueron |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle |
Bildaw Lady Em Bildaw Lady Em |
Kingdome Can Beyonce Kingdome Can Beyonce |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond |
Merriveen Rough Cut Merriveen Rough Cut |
Kelly De Casa Rivera At Tony Brus Bulls |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Arana Jacinto ( Martinez ) At Casa Rivera Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Arana Jacinto ( Martinez ) At Casa Rivera |
Arana Macario ( Martinez ) Arana Macario ( Martinez ) |
Ch Exact Classic Comet Ch Exact Classic Comet |
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach |
Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun |
Ch Millcoats Titus Ch Millcoats Titus |
Ch Blackeyed Susan Of Bullrun |
Millcoats Dawnstar |
Ch Dunebrae Prime Time Ch Dunebrae Prime Time |
Ch Millcoats Ziggy Ch Millcoats Ziggy |
Exact Classic Shooting Star Exact Classic Shooting Star |
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock |
Cherokee Ultimate Jasmine |
Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian |
Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche |
Cherokee Red Wing |
Audrey ( Garcia ) |
Enzo ( Hernandez ) |
Ch Adamant Warlock Ch Adamant Warlock |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy |
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow |
Marion ( Hernandez ) |
not available |
not available |
Eva ( Hernandez ) |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) |
Ch Beauties Amos Ch Beauties Amos |
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) |
Rosy ( Hernandez ) |
Jackson ( Hernandez ) |
Denis ( Hernandez / Hernandez ) |
Arana Daniela ( Martinez ) Arana Daniela ( Martinez ) |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo ) Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo ) |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) |
Ch Beauties Amos Ch Beauties Amos |
Ch Millcoats Titus Ch Millcoats Titus |
Ch Beauties Repeat |
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) |
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation |
Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa |
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon ) Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon ) |
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake |
Ch Vincents Bo Didley Ch Vincents Bo Didley |
Riley S Little Pot O Honey |
Ch M I Jeans ( Calderon ) |
Ch Cherokee Pecos Pete |
Ch Sweet Emily ( Calderon ) |
Audrey ( Garcia ) |
Enzo ( Hernandez ) |
Ch Adamant Warlock Ch Adamant Warlock |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy |
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow |
Marion ( Hernandez ) |
not available |
not available |
Eva ( Hernandez ) |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez ) |
Ch Beauties Amos Ch Beauties Amos |
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez ) |
Rosy ( Hernandez ) |
Jackson ( Hernandez ) |
Denis ( Hernandez / Hernandez ) |
Ch, Jr Ch Everglow Catalina At Tony Brus Ch, Jr Ch Everglow Catalina At Tony Brus |
Lc Gold Cocolos Aston Martin Lc Gold Cocolos Aston Martin |
Valleybulls Evoque At Bullyoyo Of Capricho Valleybulls Evoque At Bullyoyo Of Capricho |
Ch Bullyoyo Sweet Dreams Ch Bullyoyo Sweet Dreams |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Katiuska At La Chata Katiuska At La Chata |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra |
Ocobo Maximus Ocobo Maximus |
Bullyoyo Cool Cofee Bullyoyo Cool Cofee |
La Chata Zathura La Chata Zathura |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle |
Bildaw Lady Em Bildaw Lady Em |
Isis De Canplus Isis De Canplus |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Ch Por Amelia De Can Plus Ch Por Amelia De Can Plus |
Orieta Bulls Aranza Orieta Bulls Aranza |
Ch, Multi Ch Cedar Lane's Ole Pharao Ch, Multi Ch Cedar Lane's Ole Pharao |
Ch Cedar Lane Major League's Rbi Ch Cedar Lane Major League's Rbi |
Ch Newcomb's Valiant Jerry Ch Newcomb's Valiant Jerry |
Major League Annie Ann |
Cedar Lane's Bell On Wheels |
Ch Cedar Lane's Starbuck Ch Cedar Lane's Starbuck |
4 Francis Good Golly Ms Molly |
Priscila ( Barragan ) |
Ch Joselito ( Villanueva ) Ch Joselito ( Villanueva ) |
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse |
Ch Pisis ( Villanueva ) Ch Pisis ( Villanueva ) |
Sabrina Beach ( Barragan ) |
Boss ( Apud ) |
Dona ( Barragan ) |
Cocoa Living Rock Bull Cocoa Living Rock Bull |
Jr Ch Meljane Bulldogs Bugsy Jr Ch Meljane Bulldogs Bugsy |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke |
Ringablok Princess Ringablok Princess |
Bildaw Lady Em Bildaw Lady Em |
Ch Britishpride Valentino Ch Britishpride Valentino |
Tuffntrusty Pollyanna At Bildaw |
Meljane Bulldogs Marie Meljane Bulldogs Marie |
Ch E. Golden Storm Mystyle Ch E. Golden Storm Mystyle |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle |
Ocobo All Smiles |
Meljane Bulldogs Carmella Meljane Bulldogs Carmella |
Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo |
Esp, Europa CH Meljane Bulldogs Geraldine Esp, Europa CH Meljane Bulldogs Geraldine |
Big Boss Bull Virginia Big Boss Bull Virginia |
Sotakal Oleg Sotakal Oleg |
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor |
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure |
Alice Baby De Golucan Alice Baby De Golucan |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Alexandra Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Alexandra |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle |
Big Boss Bull Evy Big Boss Bull Evy |
Bomberland Legalist Bomberland Legalist |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready |
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull |
Big Boss Bull Absinth Big Boss Bull Absinth |
Golden Bull Ice Berg |
Mc Gregor Carmen |