Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Tony Brus Bullls Yoiker
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hulk Hogan Tony Brus Bulls  |
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls  Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls  |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Merriveen Quite Contrary  Merriveen Quite Contrary  |
Swalesboy Simply The Best  Swalesboy Simply The Best  |
Ch Athelstan Anglorum  Ch Athelstan Anglorum  |
Swalesboy West Morning Star  Swalesboy West Morning Star  |
Katiuska At La Chata  Katiuska At La Chata  |
La Chata Kaiser  La Chata Kaiser  |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste  Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste  |
La Chata Boot White  La Chata Boot White  |
Shasha The Queen  Shasha The Queen  |
Budas De Oro Bulky  Budas De Oro Bulky  |
La Chata Ilusion Bitch  La Chata Ilusion Bitch  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Jacaranda  Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Jacaranda  |
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego  HJCH Sotakal Don-diego  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica  Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica  |
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox  Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox  |
Golden Bull Illussion  Golden Bull Illussion  |
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy  Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston  |
Sotakal Ginette  |
La Chata After All  La Chata After All  |
Sotakal Giovanni  Sotakal Giovanni  |
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus  Ch Groz Kriger Uranus  |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi  Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi  |
La Chata Yavanseis  La Chata Yavanseis  |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  |
Atxa D´alfinach  |
Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls  Anais De Lucaipa Tony Brus Bulls  |
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego  HJCH Sotakal Don-diego  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica  Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica  |
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox  Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox  |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  |
Alba De Bravobox  |
Golden Bull Illussion  Golden Bull Illussion  |
Ch. Merriveen Take That  Ch. Merriveen Take That  |
Golden Bull Unicum  Golden Bull Unicum  |
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy  Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle  Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle  |
Sotakal Ginette  |
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus  Ch Groz Kriger Uranus  |
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi  Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi  |
Bon Ecuyer Geox At De Lucaipa  Bon Ecuyer Geox At De Lucaipa  |
Bullyoyo Horse Power  Bullyoyo Horse Power  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay  Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay  |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  |
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  |
Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa  Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa  |
Ch Sotakal Kimi  Ch Sotakal Kimi  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra  |
Greta Del Boqueron  Greta Del Boqueron  |
La Chata Ironman  La Chata Ironman  |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  |
Gilda De Can Plus  Gilda De Can Plus  |
Imperio Del Boqueron  Imperio Del Boqueron  |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  |
Kingdome Can Beyonce  Kingdome Can Beyonce  |
Ch, Jr Ch Tony Brus Bulls Besha  Ch, Jr Ch Tony Brus Bulls Besha  |
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lanzabulls Mister President  Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lanzabulls Mister President  |
Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7  Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7  |
Merriveen Thats Good  Merriveen Thats Good  |
Merriveen Match Of The Day Bomberland  Merriveen Match Of The Day Bomberland  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  |
Merriveen Touch Of Alice  Merriveen Touch Of Alice  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Merriveen Quite Contrary  Merriveen Quite Contrary  |
Tumbatoros Esponjita  Tumbatoros Esponjita  |
Dare Devil D´magamurc  Dare Devil D´magamurc  |
Merriveen Good Knight  Merriveen Good Knight  |
La Chata Y Ahora Que  |
Negrita At Tumbatoros  Negrita At Tumbatoros  |
Dover At Tumbatoros  Dover At Tumbatoros  |
Canela  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Princess Dakota De Lanzabulls  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Princess Dakota De Lanzabulls  |
Buck And Sons Trebbiano  Buck And Sons Trebbiano  |
Ch Buck And Sons Caballero  Ch Buck And Sons Caballero  |
Buck And Sons Inps  Buck And Sons Inps  |
Buck And Sons Isidora Ti Rincuora  Buck And Sons Isidora Ti Rincuora  |
Buck And Sons Evita Peron  Buck And Sons Evita Peron  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Silverstar  |
Arwen X  Arwen X  |
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  |
Budas De Oro Bulky  Budas De Oro Bulky  |
Coca Babys  Coca Babys  |
Golucan Small Sigh  Golucan Small Sigh  |
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  |
Alice Baby De Golucan  Alice Baby De Golucan  |
Cup Cake Majesu Bulls  Cup Cake Majesu Bulls  |
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Simpsonbulls Athor  Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Simpsonbulls Athor  |
Int ch Showtime Mc Laren Of Lyerly  Int ch Showtime Mc Laren Of Lyerly  |
Ch Adamant Warlock  Ch Adamant Warlock  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  |
Ch Lyerly's Mercedes Benz  Ch Lyerly's Mercedes Benz  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Lyerly's Leather N'lace  Lyerly's Leather N'lace  |
Simpsonbulls Made To Order  Simpsonbulls Made To Order  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Simpsonbulls Quarterback  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Simpsonbulls Quarterback  |
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  |
Ch Simpsonbulls Ms Congeniality  Ch Simpsonbulls Ms Congeniality  |
Simpsonbulls Showtime Pepita  Simpsonbulls Showtime Pepita  |
Ch.PER Nutracanis Showtime Alliance  Ch.PER Nutracanis Showtime Alliance  |
Ch, GCh Nutracanis Showtime Forgetme Not  |
Ch Alena Majesu Bulls  Ch Alena Majesu Bulls  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Novak  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Novak  |
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  |
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  |
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  |
Rojas's Queen Latifa  Rojas's Queen Latifa  |
Ch Rojas's The Return  Ch Rojas's The Return  |
Rojas's Pretty Mystery  Rojas's Pretty Mystery  |
Helena Alik Misquiyacu  Helena Alik Misquiyacu  |
Ursus De Los Molosos De La Arena  |
Willowbrook Tko  |
Peredda De Los Molosos De La Arena  |
Dragma Alik Misquiyacu  |
Per.Ch. Grand Per.Ch. Simpsonbulls Clay  Per.Ch. Grand Per.Ch. Simpsonbulls Clay  |
Ethel Jorvat's Bulls  |
Gema Tony Brus Bulls  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh La Chata Intence (chimo) At Tony Brus Bulls  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh La Chata Intence (chimo) At Tony Brus Bulls  |
Meljane World War  Meljane World War  |
Ch Del Papiol World Wide Meljane  Ch Del Papiol World Wide Meljane  |
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William  Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King  Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Ocobo Candy King  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo  |
Meljane Bulldogs Miracle Sophie  Meljane Bulldogs Miracle Sophie  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
CH Spain Bildaw Faith  CH Spain Bildaw Faith  |
World Ch, Uk Ch, Int Ch, Sp Ch, Por Ch Del Papiol Miss Davilota  World Ch, Uk Ch, Int Ch, Sp Ch, Por Ch Del Papiol Miss Davilota  |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Bildaw Lady Em  Bildaw Lady Em  |
Prada From The Bulls Compagnie  Prada From The Bulls Compagnie  |
Ch. Britishpride Entrepreneur  Ch. Britishpride Entrepreneur  |
Gemacon Tigerlily At Nobozz  Gemacon Tigerlily At Nobozz  |
Ocobo Meljane´s Choice  Ocobo Meljane´s Choice  |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Bildaw Lady Em  Bildaw Lady Em  |
Ch Britishpride Valentino  Ch Britishpride Valentino  |
Tuffntrusty Pollyanna At Bildaw  |
Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo  |
Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Terlingfair Angora  |
Jabulani Van 't Patdana Home  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Benson Van 't Patdana Home  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Benson Van 't Patdana Home  |
Rosenheath African Legacy  |
La Chata Everyday  |
Sp Ch La Chata El Tigre  Sp Ch La Chata El Tigre  |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready  |
Swalesboy Simply The Best  Swalesboy Simply The Best  |
Katiuska At La Chata  Katiuska At La Chata  |
La Chata Kaiser  La Chata Kaiser  |
Shasha The Queen  Shasha The Queen  |
La Chata Jolly Girl  |
Ch Sotakal Kimi  Ch Sotakal Kimi  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle  Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle  |
La Chata Yavanseis  La Chata Yavanseis  |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  |
Atxa D´alfinach  |
La Chata Best Madam  La Chata Best Madam  |
Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7  Multi Ch Tumbatoros Cr7  |
Merriveen Thats Good  Merriveen Thats Good  |
Merriveen Match Of The Day Bomberland  Merriveen Match Of The Day Bomberland  |
Merriveen Touch Of Alice  Merriveen Touch Of Alice  |
Tumbatoros Esponjita  Tumbatoros Esponjita  |
Dare Devil D´magamurc  Dare Devil D´magamurc  |
Negrita At Tumbatoros  Negrita At Tumbatoros  |
La Chata Insert Top Head  La Chata Insert Top Head  |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  |
La Chata Kaiser  La Chata Kaiser  |
Shasha The Queen  Shasha The Queen  |
Gilda De Can Plus  Gilda De Can Plus  |
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  |
Lola  |
Ch Jasmin Del Boquerón At Tony Brus Bulls  Ch Jasmin Del Boquerón At Tony Brus Bulls  |
Ch Vendetta De Boquerón Unstopabull  Ch Vendetta De Boquerón Unstopabull  |
Multi Ch Beginsbulls White Diamond  Multi Ch Beginsbulls White Diamond  |
Britanish Del Sur Lucky Luke  Britanish Del Sur Lucky Luke  |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  |
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen  |
Katiuska At La Chata  Katiuska At La Chata  |
Home Pilar Only Eres Una Goonie  Home Pilar Only Eres Una Goonie  |
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  |
Dalila De Totaussells  Dalila De Totaussells  |
Beginsbulls Red Rose  Beginsbulls Red Rose  |
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  Little One Of Qseventhheaven  |
Jaminic Nostra  Jaminic Nostra  |
Jaminic Specification  Jaminic Specification  |
Jaminic British Clasic For Bulltannia  Jaminic British Clasic For Bulltannia  |
Bon Ecuyer Diference  Bon Ecuyer Diference  |
Bullyoyo Horse Power  Bullyoyo Horse Power  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay  Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay  |
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata  |
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  |
Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa  Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa  |
Ch Sotakal Kimi  Ch Sotakal Kimi  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra  |
Bon Ecuyer Acora  Bon Ecuyer Acora  |
La Chata Ironman  La Chata Ironman  |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  |
Gilda De Can Plus  Gilda De Can Plus  |
Edition Of Luxe Tatoo Of A Girl  |
Hiising Triple Xxx  Hiising Triple Xxx  |
Edition Of Luxe White Hope  |
Deyanira Del Boquerón  Deyanira Del Boquerón  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine  |
Ch Helmlake Marlon  Ch Helmlake Marlon  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond  Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond  |
CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint  CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint  |
Helmlake Secret Lives  |
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  |
Boos Girl At Helmlake  |
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet  Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet  |
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  |
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White  |
Edition Of Luxe Springer  Edition Of Luxe Springer  |
Edition Of Luxe Lollipop  |
Ch The Hopis Bullet  Ch The Hopis Bullet  |
Edition Of Luxe It Show Time  |
Hermosa Del Boqueron  Hermosa Del Boqueron  |
La Chata Ironman  La Chata Ironman  |
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull  |
La Chata Kaiser  La Chata Kaiser  |
Shasha The Queen  Shasha The Queen  |
Gilda De Can Plus  Gilda De Can Plus  |
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull  |
Lola  |
Isabel Del Boqueron  Isabel Del Boqueron  |
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Bildaw Lady Em  Bildaw Lady Em  |
Kingdome Can Beyonce  Kingdome Can Beyonce  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond  |
Merriveen Rough Cut  Merriveen Rough Cut  |