Las Pedrizasbull Anat

Pedigree a 7 générations généré par

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Jr Ch Garcel Bull Eliseo   
Jr Ch Garcel Bull Eliseo
Ch Vendetta De Boquerón Unstopabull   
Ch Vendetta De Boquerón Unstopabull
Multi Ch Beginsbulls White Diamond   
Multi Ch Beginsbulls White Diamond
Britanish Del Sur Lucky Luke  
Britanish Del Sur Lucky Luke
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata   
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Swalesboy Simply The Best  
Swalesboy Simply The Best
Katiuska At La Chata  
Katiuska At La Chata
La Chata Kaiser  
La Chata Kaiser
Shasha The Queen  
Shasha The Queen
Home Pilar Only Eres Una Goonie  
Home Pilar Only Eres Una Goonie
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure   
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Dalila De Totaussells  
Dalila De Totaussells
Quickstep De Best Bulldog Girona  
White Beauty  
Beginsbulls Red Rose  
Beginsbulls Red Rose
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure   
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance   
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi   
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi
Jaminic Nostra  
Jaminic Nostra
Jaminic Specification  
Jaminic Specification
Wedgebury Leo  
Wedgebury Leo
Jaminic Gold Impression  
Jaminic Gold Impression
Jaminic British Clasic For Bulltannia  
Jaminic British Clasic For Bulltannia
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Jaminic Golden Daze  
Jaminic Golden Daze
Bon Ecuyer Diference  
Bon Ecuyer Diference
Bullyoyo Horse Power  
Bullyoyo Horse Power
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Unstopabull Dee Jay
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata   
Ch, Int Ch Bullyoyo Lobezno At La Chata
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Katiuska At La Chata  
Katiuska At La Chata
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull  
Hadabull Fair Maiden To Unstopabull
Groz Kriger Ismael  
Groz Kriger Ismael
Red Blossum Of Hadabull  
Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa   
Ch Spa Bullyoyo Ottawa
Ch Sotakal Kimi   
Ch Sotakal Kimi
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Bullyoyo Ginebra
Ocobo Maximus  
Ocobo Maximus
Bullyoyo Cool Cofee  
Bullyoyo Cool Cofee
Bon Ecuyer Acora  
Bon Ecuyer Acora
La Chata Ironman  
La Chata Ironman
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull   
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull
La Chata Kaiser  
La Chata Kaiser
Shasha The Queen  
Shasha The Queen
Gilda De Can Plus  
Gilda De Can Plus
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull   
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull
Edition Of Luxe Tatoo Of A Girl   Hiising Triple Xxx  
Hiising Triple Xxx
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Hiising Hii Water  
Edition Of Luxe White Hope   Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Edition Of Luxe True Honor  
Perfect Scream Darling At Garcelbull  
Perfect Scream Darling At Garcelbull
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego   
HJCH Sotakal Don-diego
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica   
Ch, Jr Ch Golden Bull Tango At Montaña Mistica
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox   
Ch. Esp Davos De Bravobox
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull   
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull
La Chata Kaiser  
La Chata Kaiser
Shasha The Queen  
Shasha The Queen
Alba De Bravobox   Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White   
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White
Tublatanka Z Uvalaku  
Golden Bull Illussion  
Golden Bull Illussion
Ch. Merriveen Take That   
Ch. Merriveen Take That
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
Golden Bull Unicum  
Golden Bull Unicum
Ch Newrock Rasputin   
Ch Newrock Rasputin
Golden Bull Mary  
Golden Bull Mary
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy   
Ro Ch Kessend-kerri Peggy
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Sotakal Aston
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Swalesboy Simply The Best  
Swalesboy Simply The Best
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle
Ch Alex Emin Sad   
Cobadu Bella  
Sotakal Ginette   Ch Groz Kriger Uranus   
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Ch April Full Moon Kwai   
Ch April Full Moon Kwai
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi   
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr   
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr
Ch. Hu Groz Kriger Lola April Full Moon   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Sotakal Amina   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Sotakal Amina
Ch Sotakal Kimi   
Ch Sotakal Kimi
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Shalad My Girl Lollipop   Blossdunmere Lanista At Shalad  
Timmys Tilty At Shalad  
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle
Ch Alex Emin Sad    Ch, Int Ch Romakome Gwyn Gwynedd   
Ch, Int Ch Romakome Gwyn Gwynedd
Woodoo Z Cerne Cesty  
Cobadu Bella   Meniscus Urban Cookie  
Kingrock Talk Of The Town  
HCH. Sotakal Renne   
HCH. Sotakal Renne
Sotakal Mozes  
Sotakal Mozes
Ch Calibra Kryptonite   
Ch Calibra Kryptonite
Calibra Classic Gold  
Calibra Classic Gold
Ch Calibra Golden Jubilee   
Ch Calibra Golden Jubilee
HJrCh. HCH. Sotakal Aliz   
HJrCh. HCH. Sotakal Aliz
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch, Multi Ch Aphrodite Von Teufelhohle
Sotakal Marry  
Sotakal Marry
Ch Medbull Next Edition   
Ch Medbull Next Edition
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Valleybulls Face The Class With Medbull  
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi   
Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Roxi
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr   
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr
Ch. Hu Groz Kriger Lola April Full Moon   
Las Pedrizasbull Captus   Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1   
Ch Slaughterman's Xan 1
Jr Ch Big Maple V- Strom   
Jr Ch Big Maple V- Strom
Ch, World Ch Britanic Major Sharpe Ocobo   
Ch, World Ch Britanic Major Sharpe Ocobo
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo   Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought
Leighbeck Royal Roots  
Britanic Cruzin Carley  
Britanic Cruzin Carley
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Mystyle Shining Star  
Mystyle Shining Star
Baby Banshee   Terlingfair His Nibbs Mystyle  
Fancy Flora Bronorn  
Lion Road Giorgia  
Lion Road Giorgia
Lion Road Tuono   Golden Bull X- Tream   Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Golden Bull Ice Cream   
Ch Golden Bull Ice Cream
Colombia Di Isella   Sealaville Nut Cracker At Brampton  
Sealaville Nut Cracker At Brampton
Bronorn Done Deal  
Bronorn Done Deal
Alexia   Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago   
Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Bronorn Done Deal  
Bronorn Done Deal
Ade   Berrybrook Bacchaus  
Berrybrook Bacchaus
Slaughterman's Paulina   Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull   
Ch Anton Lesca De Islandbull
Budas De Oro Bulky  
Budas De Oro Bulky
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red   
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever   
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever
Coca Babys  
Coca Babys
Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust  
Kelloe Crushed Silver Dust
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Kratos Cool Sundae At Kelloe  
Crusheds Crown Jewell  
Crusheds Crown Jewell
Woferlow Well Beloved  
Woferlow Well Beloved
Helmlake First Choice  
Helmlake First Choice
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden   
Ch Por. Didone Di Villa Eden
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Merriveen Maybe Lucky  
Monil Di Villa Eden   Ch Italia Kelloe Geordie    Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ocobo Lazy Daisy For Kelloe  
Isotta Dei Prati Verdi   Ocobo Occamist  
Victoria (i)  
Realstud Mujerona  
Realstud Mujerona
Ch Origin Moresmas   
Ch Origin Moresmas
Ch, GCh E. Clive's Bloomin Skirt Chaser   
Ch, GCh E. Clive's Bloomin Skirt Chaser
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Lord Maximus Of Birkshire  
Emeralds Duchess Of Kent  
Lormikes Bloomin Windflower   Ch, GCh Graybulls Martin Miller   
Ch, GCh Graybulls Martin Miller
Ch Little Ponds Gold Label   
Ch Little Ponds Gold Label
Ch Zasa Graybulls Tara   
Ch Lormikes Loveabull Shalimar    Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Graybulls Icee Red Hot   
Ch Origin Honey Ryder   
Ch Origin Honey Ryder
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o   
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )   
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Fiona ( Villanueva )  
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me   
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Vivi   
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Cherokee Ultimate Emma   Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Cherokee Isabel Ii   
Ch Cherokee Isabel Ii
Realstud Apache  
Realstud Apache
Ch Laura's Red Power   
Ch Laura's Red Power
Ch Mackbull Don Juan    Int Ch Merriveen Take Five   
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
Medbull Lucky Girl   Wovoka Stalking Wolves  
Wovoka Stalking Wolves
Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl   
Eng Ch Medbull Barbie Girl
Las Margy’s Jacqui Frazie   Ch Slaghek William   
Ch Slaghek William
Belheddon Tilson  
Belheddon Tilson
Land Of Freedoms By Out At Slaghek  
Las Margy's Abril   Ch Mariobull Red Baron   
Ch Mariobull Red Baron
Malandra Del Mirador  
Del Che Nara  
Del Che Nara
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Shalad My Girl Lollipop   Blossdunmere Lanista At Shalad  
Timmys Tilty At Shalad  
Del Che Carrusa   Aclivis Capiroche  
Aclivis Capiroche
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Rembombory Brown Sugar  
Rembombory Wite-rubi   Ch Esp. Rembombory The Rolling Stones Lives   
Ch Esp. Rembombory The Rolling Stones Lives
Vachart Rita