Bingo Belding

Pedigree a 7 générations généré par

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Micheal Mc Micheal   Cyrus Perkings   Jack London I I   Marvel London (uk-usa)  
Marvel London (uk-usa)
Old Catton Diamond   Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)    Union Guard  
Pressmore Hattie  
Sallie   Thornbury Cavalier  
Buttercup (uk)  
Deodora Diadem   Dick Penfold   Duke Of Cornwall  
Our Sarah  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Baron Penfold  
Bermondsey Queen  
Godlub Darkie   Moston Squire (uk-usa)   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Hazelmere Prince  
Isledon Bess  
Colney Hatch Bess   Hazelmere Prince  
Colney Hatch Floss  
Alimar Bess   Leone Doctor   Ch Woodcote Hermit (uk-usa)   
Ch Leone Hazelwyn (uk-usa)   
Ch Leone Hazelwyn (uk-usa)
Black Bess ( Rodney Kennels)   Rodney Dauphin  
Donna Ronto (uk-usa)  
Mayos Babby I I (usa)   Gentleman Tom   Melbourne Chief   Cinnamon (uk-usa)  
Cinnamon (uk-usa)
Crumpsall Baron  
Irish Molly  
Melbourne Dottie   Kilburn King (uk-usa)  
Kilburn King (uk-usa)
Lady Melbourne (uk-usa)  
Miladi Nell   Silver Athos (uk-usa)   Carthusian Albert  
Rose Of Denmark  
Miladi I I   Rejected I I  
Lady Bazzaza   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Hazelmere Prince   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress  
Isledon Bess   Corney Grain  
Baseldon Bess  
Maizie Penfold (uk-usa)   Romsey Refusal   Reminder  
Sheffield Daisy  
Civil Servant   Major Cyclops  
Major Cyclops
Fleet Lass  
Mayos Special   not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Puss Mc Michael   Ch Melbourne Kilmahew (uk-usa)   
Ch Melbourne Kilmahew (uk-usa)
Kilburn Regal  
Kilburn Regal
Carslake Rex  
Carslake Rex
Heywood Marquis   Lord Roundcroft   Crumpsall Banker (uk-usa)  
Lady Albertstone  
Ch Heywood Duchess   
Ch Heywood Duchess
Carthusian Cerberus  
Carthusian Cerberus
Heywood Queen  
Carslake Winnie   Parkholme Crib  
Parkholme Crib
John Campbell  
John Campbell
Carslake Pride   Dalston Trump Card (uk-usa)  
Charlotte (uk-usa)  
Willesden Magnet   Ch Kilburn Magnet Rockcliffe (uk-usa)   
Ch Kilburn Magnet Rockcliffe (uk-usa)
Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)   
Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)
Lady Dorothy (uk)  
Moston Duchess (uk-usa)   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Majors Daughter (uk 1900)  
Willesden Duchess   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Lady Laurel   Polam King   Ch Rollicking Randy   
Ch Rollicking Randy
Royal Stone  
Royal Stone
Buck Stone  
Buck Stone
Black Fury  
Strategy (uk)   Klondike  
Polam Queen   Ch Melampus   
Ch Melampus
Mobberley Menestrel  
Broadlea Belle  
Grosvenor Wonder   Stealaway  
Black Duchess  
Throstonian   Chester Marvel   Stranton General   not available
not available
Teesdale Duchess   not available
not available
Throston Kitty   Stranton Rebel   not available
not available
Lady Hannah   not available
not available
Miss Muggins I I (usa)   Mayos Duke   Marvel London (uk-usa)  
Marvel London (uk-usa)
Old Catton Diamond   Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)    Union Guard  
Pressmore Hattie  
Sallie   Thornbury Cavalier  
Buttercup (uk)  
Deodora Diadem   Dick Penfold   Duke Of Cornwall  
Our Sarah  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Baron Penfold  
Bermondsey Queen  
Melbank Muggins   Melbourne Prince (uk-usa)  
Melbourne Prince (uk-usa)
Kinsman   Athlete  
Stovey's Jess  
Pit Girl   Ch Pitland (uk-usa)   
Meerfield Dallies  
Dot Coronation   Rox I I   Prince Royal (uk-usa)  
Prince Royal (uk-usa)
Donna Nestor  
Sissy Coronation   Rodney Coronation (uk-usa)  
Rodney Coronation (uk-usa)
Eudora ( Carl Haggenjos)  
Mayos Babby I I (usa)   Gentleman Tom   Melbourne Chief   Cinnamon (uk-usa)  
Cinnamon (uk-usa)
Crumpsall Baron  
Irish Molly  
Melbourne Dottie   Kilburn King (uk-usa)  
Kilburn King (uk-usa)
Lady Melbourne (uk-usa)  
Miladi Nell   Silver Athos (uk-usa)   Carthusian Albert  
Rose Of Denmark  
Miladi I I   Rejected I I  
Lady Bazzaza   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Hazelmere Prince   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress  
Isledon Bess   Corney Grain  
Baseldon Bess  
Maizie Penfold (uk-usa)   Romsey Refusal   Reminder  
Sheffield Daisy  
Civil Servant   Major Cyclops  
Major Cyclops
Fleet Lass