Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Ch.Port. Asterix Bagesdog
Sp Por Mon Eur Int Ch Loli´s Dicky Dick Dikens Sp Por Mon Eur Int Ch Loli´s Dicky Dick Dikens |
Int Ch Extrems Ovation Of Osyth Int Ch Extrems Ovation Of Osyth |
Int Ch Sibley Jameson At Cidelott Int Ch Sibley Jameson At Cidelott |
Sibley Solo Ambassador |
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe |
Merriveen Happy Daze Merriveen Happy Daze |
Tyegarth Gabrielle |
Bertha Balabatisher |
Quintic Ambrose Quintic Ambrose |
Dewrie Try Again |
Sibley Edwardian Melody |
Sevenup Semprini Sevenup Semprini |
Quintic Ambrose Quintic Ambrose |
Sevenup Sara |
Sibley Schnuffle Surprise |
Banerjee Max Ply |
Dewrie Try Again |
Ch, Int Ch Extrems Jimjams Jezebel |
Ch, Int Ch Edgewick Fear Nowt |
Wencar Silver Sonlight Wencar Silver Sonlight |
Merriveen Son Of Satan Merriveen Son Of Satan |
Eng. Ch Jackath Silver Moonlight Of Wencar Eng. Ch Jackath Silver Moonlight Of Wencar |
Glenmyr Bronson Sonlight |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions |
Glenmyr Bronson Lady |
Int Ch Sunnyhill Birget |
Portfield Rock A Fella |
Broomwick Brigadiers Lad |
Portfield Old One Out |
Silver Star Of Sunny Hill |
not available |
not available |
Loli´s Annie Get Your Gun Loli´s Annie Get Your Gun |
Nor Swe Int Ch Sibley Dooza Dogge |
Quintic Ambrose Quintic Ambrose |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic |
Merriveen Happy Daze Merriveen Happy Daze |
Ambassadors Hatty Jakes |
Dewrie Try Again |
Dewrie Fascinator |
Ch Bryneatons Barbarian Ch Bryneatons Barbarian |
Dewrie Red Rose |
Dewrie Madonna |
Broomwick Brigadiers Lad |
Portfield Bella Donna |
Nor Swe Ch Jolly Bull No Nonsense Nor Swe Ch Jolly Bull No Nonsense |
Ch, Int Ch Edgewick Fear Nowt |
Wencar Silver Sonlight Wencar Silver Sonlight |
Merriveen Son Of Satan Merriveen Son Of Satan |
Eng. Ch Jackath Silver Moonlight Of Wencar Eng. Ch Jackath Silver Moonlight Of Wencar |
Glenmyr Bronson Sonlight |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions |
Glenmyr Bronson Lady |
Jolly Bull Inky Ivory |
Ch Baytor Lone Hunter |
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor |
Apache Of Baytor |
Ch Groggy-goggle |
Ch, Int Ch Dewrie Welsh Warrior |
Ch, Int Ch Portfield Maid |
Ch. E, Int., P. Champagne On Ice Of The Royal Club Ch. E, Int., P. Champagne On Ice Of The Royal Club |
Roseneath Regal Roseneath Regal |
CH Ladycele Naomhan Of Roseneath |
Ch Roseneath Fame Ch Roseneath Fame |
Roseneath Eustone Roseneath Eustone |
Lebo Dallas Lebo Dallas |
Ch. S.A. Rockcliffe Lady Sarah |
Roseneath Kahlua |
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee |
Roseneath Sovrani |
Mahlig Galaxy Of Roseneath |
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee |
Lebo Dallas Lebo Dallas |
Mapo Maharani |
Ch Mahlig Down |
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee |
not available |
CH Roseneath Portia |
Roseneath Eustone Roseneath Eustone |
Lebo Dallas Lebo Dallas |
Smasher Souvenir Smasher Souvenir |
Lebo Absolutely |
Ch. S.A. Rockcliffe Lady Sarah |
Ch. USA Brookhollow Mark Nassan |
Unique Of Thydeal |
Roseneath Kahlua |
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee |
Lebo Dallas Lebo Dallas |
Mapo Maharani |
Roseneath Sovrani |
not available |
not available |
Beefeater Bulls Happy Irish |
Elroston Colonial Boy Elroston Colonial Boy |
Ch Elroston Jungle Boy Ch Elroston Jungle Boy |
Saxondale Royal Comand |
Bergleigh Sir Charles |
Donallen Scarlet O' Hara |
Macbai Golden Girl |
Ch Wybong Just Hooper Ch Wybong Just Hooper |
Moorina Mighty Bess |
Nonparell Miss Emmy Lou Nonparell Miss Emmy Lou |
Ghezirah Bill Sykes Of Ocobo Ghezirah Bill Sykes Of Ocobo |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Sevenup Lady Blanche |
Ch Nonparell Lady Sarah |
Ch Wybong Just Hooper Ch Wybong Just Hooper |
Ch Vanham Lady Emma |
Annys Song De La Parure |
Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish |
Ch Ocobo British Passion Ch Ocobo British Passion |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Axters Plum Pudding Axters Plum Pudding |
Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss |
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas |
Blighty's Henrietta Blighty's Henrietta |
Beefeater Bulls Green Isle Lady |
Dough Boy Of The Regions Dough Boy Of The Regions |
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions |
Brumigum Lady Amelia |
Beefeater Bulls Etta Murphy |
Ch Ocobo British Passion Ch Ocobo British Passion |
Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss |
Helen Margareth Da Casa Da Tanny Helen Margareth Da Casa Da Tanny |
Big Banners Son |
Leydud Dare Devill |
Eltoro Box Car Charlie At Davscott |
Ocobo Royal Standard At Eltoro |
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic |
Ch Eng Weltor The Witch Ch Eng Weltor The Witch |
Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze |
Wencar Moon Maiden Of Weltor Wencar Moon Maiden Of Weltor |
Lady Grey Of Pencader |
Broomwick Blazing Glory |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions |
Broomwick Big Spender |
Ringablok Big Bess |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Ringablok Lairds Lass |
Leydud True Blue |
Leydud Admiral Gold |
Ch Aldridge Avanti Ch Aldridge Avanti |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene |
Paulindad Faithfull Miss |
Gwenstan Action Earl Of Leydud |
Bess Be Mine |
Leydud Sallys Gal |
Ch Aldridge Avanti Ch Aldridge Avanti |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene |
Outdoors Sally Of Victorville |
Outdoors Philip |
Outdoors Charlotte |
Sweet Girl Of Banners |
Rascpall Fulbert |
Bowcrest Patton Bowcrest Patton |
Eng. Ch Harada Ben Pepperdine Eng. Ch Harada Ben Pepperdine |
Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind |
Outdoors Lesa |
Bowcrest Georgina |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough |
Threethorne Honey Flake Threethorne Honey Flake |
Rascpall Clarissa |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough |
Ch Aldridge Adventuress Ch Aldridge Adventuress |
Merriveen Desdemona |
Ch Allomdom Dilkusha Crusader Ch Allomdom Dilkusha Crusader |
Brandywell Lucky Lass |
Goragold Of Apposyte |
Ch Aldridge Avanti Ch Aldridge Avanti |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough |
Ch Aldridge Adventuress Ch Aldridge Adventuress |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Aldridge Ardent Miss Aldridge Ardent Miss |
Phanjo Mama |
Kenjoy British Major Beta |
Ch Churinga He's A Jimmy Of Mellea |
Fearghas Domino Of Kenjoy |
Misty Lady Jane |
Winston Marcus Charles |
Mereside Lady |
Arlette Van Het Slaghek Arlette Van Het Slaghek |
Romakome Admiral O`toole Romakome Admiral O`toole |
Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole |
Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid |
Ch Kanturk Kount Kassius |
Ch Wybong Prince Consort |
Wybong I'm Happy Buggins |
Soraya Bright Blaze |
Ch Wybong Just Hooper Ch Wybong Just Hooper |
Ch Jevancer Jessica |
Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby |
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Latitude Of The Seven Seas |
Blighty's Henrietta Blighty's Henrietta |
Joymuir Martini |
Blighty's Lady Jane |
Sandean Go For Gold |
Sandean Sweet William Sandean Sweet William |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Sandean Miss World |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Alival Golden Expectations Of Sandean |
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Outdoors Sunshine Outdoors Sunshine |
Dibdab Virgo |
Gwenstan Lord Duke Of Outdoors Gwenstan Lord Duke Of Outdoors |
Outdoors Jubilee |
Surprice Van Het Slaghek Surprice Van Het Slaghek |
Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish |
Ch Ocobo British Passion Ch Ocobo British Passion |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Axters Plum Pudding Axters Plum Pudding |
Bowcrest Patton Bowcrest Patton |
Firmgrip Fidget |
Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss |
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Latitude Of The Seven Seas |
Blighty's Henrietta Blighty's Henrietta |
Joymuir Martini |
Blighty's Lady Jane |
Sophie Van Het Slaghek |
Dough Boy Of The Regions Dough Boy Of The Regions |
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions |
Ch Waggy Of The Regions Ch Waggy Of The Regions |
Outdoors Harvest |
Brumigum Lady Amelia |
Soldier Boy Of The Regions Soldier Boy Of The Regions |
Brumigum Jemima Puddle Dog |
Isabella Van Cruisbrouck |
Paljas Von Cruisbrouck |
Portfield Superb |
Cora Havamal Athos |
Kindly Von Cruisbrouck |
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas |
Milady Von Cruisbrouck |