Crianvier Skunk Anansie
Pedigree a 7 générations généré par
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Ch Brampton The Governor
Ch Brampton The Governor
Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago
Ch Merengue Di Isella By Albusciago
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Milady
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Merriveen Maybe Lucky
Merriveen Quite Contrary
Merriveen Quite Contrary
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac
Ocobo New Edition
Ocobo New Edition
Merriveen Mary Mary
Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak
Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak
Merriveen Mint
Swalesboy Simply The Best
Swalesboy Simply The Best
Ch Athelstan Anglorum
Ch Athelstan Anglorum
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Swalesboy Popcorn Of Athelstan
Hiising Hot Diggetty
Bonifacio Delphine At Rowendale
Swalesboy West Morning Star
Swalesboy West Morning Star
Cockney Scallywag Of Samsted
Ch Boo's Beaded Moccosin
Samsted Marvelous Maxine
Swalesboy Travelin Style
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Living Legend
Bonifacio Delphine At Rowendale
Bronorn Done Deal
Bronorn Done Deal
Calibra Crusader At Brampton
Calibra Crusader At Brampton
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Brampton Sugar Girl
Hobtop Holly
Donnellas Bugsy Malone
Hobtop Charisma
Hobtop Charisma
Calibra Silk'n Lace
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Lifesaver Joey
Holbain Brindle Lady At Calibra
Bronorn Never Too Much
Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn
Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn
CH RU Bronorn Picasso At Ocobo
CH RU Bronorn Picasso At Ocobo
Ashcourt Blaze At Bronorn
Bullzaye Peggy Pride At Bronorn
Ocobo Destiny
Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo
Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo
Ocobo Pure Silk
Lady Siri At Bronorn
Aldridge Adam
Aldridge Adam
Ch Aldridge Avanti
Ch Aldridge Avanti
Aldridge Anatalie
Esse's Rapunzal
King Soloman Fire Ball
Esse's Briar Rose
Brampton Truly Scrumptious
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell
Isgraig Looby Lou
Isgraig Looby Lou
Ch Heathbull Call Me Madam
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Bronorn Renaissance Of Heathbull
Bronorn Renaissance Of Heathbull
Brampton Sugar Girl
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo
Ocobo Stars Sugar At Brampton
Ocobo Stars Sugar At Brampton
Ch Kingrock Star At Ocobo
Ch Kingrock Star At Ocobo
Ocobo Cockney Dream
Hobtop Holly
Donnellas Bugsy Malone
UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham
UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions
Jackath Gladius
Jackath Enchantress Of Wencar
Merriveen Son Of Satan
Merriveen Son Of Satan
Glenmyr Bronson Duchess
Hobtop Charisma
Hobtop Charisma
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo
Ch Chappark Little Madam
Ch Chappark Little Madam
Ocobo Toopy
Ocobo Toopy
Chappark Brandy Snap
Brampton Uptown Girl
Calibra Crusader At Brampton
Calibra Crusader At Brampton
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Brampton Sugar Girl
Hobtop Holly
Donnellas Bugsy Malone
Hobtop Charisma
Hobtop Charisma
Calibra Silk'n Lace
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Lifesaver Joey
Holbain Brindle Lady At Calibra
Kenyee Veneration
Homestay Josh Junior At Brampton
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Brampton Sugar Girl
Homestay Imrgard Gold
Wildax Little Nelson
Homestay Little Poppet
Rusty Goddess
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Brampton Sugar Girl
Kenar English Rose
Brampton Henley
Sophea Of Skelmersdale
Crianvier Tsunami
Crianvier Tsunami
Cherokee Benjamin
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dub Dell's Mighty Moe
Snuffy´s Diamond Kelly
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Todd´s Sister Hazel
CH Rich Bony Fingers
Terrys Brown Eye Sugar
Cherokee Falon
Ch Cherokee Famous Amos
Ch Cherokee Famous Amos
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Quintic Ambrose
Quintic Ambrose
Quintic Camilla Of Fredlynns
Cherokee Snow Princess
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Cherokee Irma
Cherokee Hannah
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Bounty's Compass Rose
Bounty's Compass Rose
Cherokee Little Lodestone
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Cherokee Turkey
Cherokee Tiara Too
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Ful Ton The Bandit
Ch Cherokee Harvest
Ch Cherokee Harvest
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady
Ch Dakota Arrogant Harriet
Ch Dakota Arrogant Harriet
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Bounty's Compass Rose
Bounty's Compass Rose
Hetherbull Arrogant Megan
Cameron Jake Kilrain
Hetherbull Arrogant Folly Ii
Cherokee Terrific Tiara
Cherokee Great Gatsby
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Cherokee Xanadu
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Peggy (loi)
Winsan Phenix Just Watch Me
Brampton Jay Junior
Brampton Jay Junior
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Ch Isgraig Red Baron
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell
Isgraig Looby Lou
Isgraig Looby Lou
Brampton Sugar Girl
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ocobo Stars Sugar At Brampton
Ocobo Stars Sugar At Brampton
Hobtop Holly
Donnellas Bugsy Malone
UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham
UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham
Jackath Enchantress Of Wencar
Hobtop Charisma
Hobtop Charisma
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Chappark Little Madam
Ch Chappark Little Madam
Ch Winsan Just One Look
Ch Winsan Just One Look
Am Ch Kelloe Local Hero
Am Ch Kelloe Local Hero
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Tugga Revenge
Tugga Revenge
Delanjoy Broadway Becky Of Tugga
Kelloe Hello
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe
Fallen Angel Of Kelloe
Ch Dumpling's Diamond Girl
Ch Birkshire's Daring Dumpling
Birkshire's Tedd E Bear
Birkshire's Little Lu-lu
Birkshire's Peaches N Cream
Ch Jaylous Lone Ranger
Birkshire's Special Edition
Smashercall Phenix Go Girl Go
Smashercal Jbrare Bigmacatac
Jowtrix Barney Rubble
Jowtrix Barney Rubble
Bullzaye Sandy Macnab
Bullzaye Sandy Macnab
Wencar Silver Sonlight
Wencar Silver Sonlight
Merriveen Jasmine
Merriveen Jasmine
Pattons Moll At Jowtrix
Holeyn Hell Of A Guy Bullzaye
Calthwaite Marshmallow
Smashercal J B Rare
Smasher Al Capp
Smasher Al Capp
Smasher Gem Gemoney
Smasher Clara Barton
J B Rare Shortbread
Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane
Jb Rare Smasher Frankie
Leons Carrieme Of Smashercal
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available