
Pedigree a 7 générations généré par

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Luvipride Jackpot  
Luvipride Jackpot
Luvipride Day Just  
Luvipride Day Just
Britishpride Elvis  
Britishpride Elvis
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Setsquare Blue Print  
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Dewrie Celtic Princess  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo   
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo   
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo
Belire Skip N Hop  
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Dewrie Celtic Princess  
Britishpride Philosophy  
Britishpride Philosophy
Mr Fezzywig  
Mr Fezzywig
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz   
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz
Eng. Ch Carsvale Tuffin Muffin Of Ottenley   
Eng. Ch Carsvale Tuffin Muffin Of Ottenley
Petworth Regal Pride  
Desire A Bull Daisy   Tymaro Trip  
Tymaro Trip
Mystical Bubble  
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake   
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky   
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge   
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride  
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance   
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Charlie Girl At Esclusham  
Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar  
Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar
Toby Of Jackath   Eng. Ch Jackath Solo   
Eng. Ch Jackath Solo
Bullyzaye Claire Romaine  
Edgewick Snow Lady   Ocobo Toopy  
Ocobo Toopy
Brandspark Miss Jenny  
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi   
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi
Wildax Tom Foolery  
Wildax Tom Foolery
Ch Cabinteely Scalawag   
Ch Cabinteely Scalawag
Cabinteely Rascal  
Cabinteely Rascal
Cabinteely Shady Lady  
Eng. Ch. Wildax Fancy Nancy   
Eng. Ch. Wildax Fancy Nancy
Aldridge Adam  
Aldridge Adam
Ch Bronorn Byrony Rose Of Wildax   
Ch Bronorn Byrony Rose Of Wildax
Sweetness   Ch. It, Int. y Ger. Vdh Curbo Spencer   
Ch. It, Int. y Ger. Vdh Curbo Spencer
Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo   
Ch Shebador Our Floyd At Ocobo
Lady Sanchelle At Curbo  
O´toole Bulla   Ch Bittersweet (1997)   
Ch Bittersweet (1997)
Handsome Du Quarrylane Cottage  
Pridemi Gipsy Girl   Britishpride Teddy Bear  
Britishpride Teddy Bear
Ch Britishpride Valentino   
Ch Britishpride Valentino
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo   
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Britishpride Summer Breeze At Koramia  
Britishpride Summer Breeze At Koramia
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge   
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge
Aldridge Adam  
Aldridge Adam
Sidehouse Survival  
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride  
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride
Freecloud Of Outdoors  
Outdoors Jilly  
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake   
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo   
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky   
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge   
Ch Stoneacre Red Revenge
Aldridge Adam  
Aldridge Adam
Sidehouse Survival  
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride  
Outdoors Repeat Of Britishpride
Freecloud Of Outdoors  
Outdoors Jilly  
Mad About Dotty   Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Setsquare Blue Print  
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Dewrie Celtic Princess  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo   
Ch Storming Passion At Ocobo
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo   
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo
Belire Skip N Hop  
Petworth Polly Perkins  
Petworth Polly Perkins
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Dewrie Celtic Princess  
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Klastrom-hegyi Cili   Alex Emin Bad   Ch, Int Ch Romakome Gwyn Gwynedd   
Ch, Int Ch Romakome Gwyn Gwynedd
Romakome Admiral O`toole  
Romakome Admiral O`toole
Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole   
Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole
Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid   
Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid
Ch Kanturk Kount Kassius   
Soraya Bright Blaze  
Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby   
Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas   
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas
Blighty's Henrietta  
Blighty's Henrietta
Sandean Go For Gold   Sandean Sweet William  
Sandean Sweet William
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Sandean Miss World  
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean   Ch Outdoors Jubilant   
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Dibdab Virgo  
Romakome Bright Little Flag  
Romakome Bright Little Flag
Beefeater Bulls Enniskillen-hero  
Beefeater Bulls Enniskillen-hero
Ch Ocobo British Passion   
Ch Ocobo British Passion
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Axters Plum Pudding  
Axters Plum Pudding
Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss  
Beefeater Bulls Blarny Kiss
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas   
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas
Blighty's Henrietta  
Blighty's Henrietta
Sandean Fly The Flag   Sandean Sweet William  
Sandean Sweet William
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Sandean Miss World  
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean   Ch Outdoors Jubilant   
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Dibdab Virgo  
Woodoo Z Cerne Cesty   Ch Emjack Royal Scot   
Ch Emjack Royal Scot
Kevlar Terrance Tandy   Merriveen Jacobs Lad  
Merriveen Jacobs Lad
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe   
Ch Tyegarth Jacob Of Kelloe
Merriveen Britvic Orange  
Belire She Minces   Ocobo Lladro  
Ocobo Lladro
Belire Evil Lynn  
Bow Bells Of Emjack   Ch Coolhand Luke   
Ch Coolhand Luke
Ch Aldridge Avanti   
Ch Aldridge Avanti
Bishops Rubella Of Coolhand  
Aronbills Red Rose   Aldridge Alaunt  
Aldridge Alaunt
Ellen's Fair Lady  
Rebeka Z Cerne Cesty   Ch. Int, Cz. White Castle Lincoln    Ch Curly Kail Side's Bonny    Caesar Casa Canis  
Curly Kail Side's Angie  
White Castle Fifty-fifty   CH Joymuir Ricardo   
CH Joymuir Ricardo
White Castle April Love  
White Castle Calypso Chana   Ghezirah Uriah Heep  
Ghezirah Uriah Heep
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Sevenup Lady Blanche  
White Castle Nightingale   Ch Curly Kail Side's Bonny   
Joymuir Temara  
Moloss Grande Bull   Fine Beauty Youn   Ch Happy Fine Torry   
Ch Happy Fine Torry
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Wheatpark Rum Punch   Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor  
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Kavimic Coppers Girl Of Wheatpark  
Coopell Intreped Lady   Master Crofty Of Clyburrow  
Marenacass Dawn  
Betfill Piggy  
Betfill Piggy
Filipp   Tabus X Fingal  
Betta Z Klonowca   Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)   
Hawkshope Holly  
Agi Mak Wey   Caligula Vislava  
Caligula Vislava
Churchil Of The Edroywin House   Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour   
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
Pickwick Union Jack  
Diva Vam Yoke-height-wood  
Polly Mac Kenzi   Bob Mac Kenzi   Filipp  
Betta Z Klonowca  
Merivin Putty   Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly  
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly
Kapospula Hegymenti Alica   Amor Duha At Korona   Ch Ocobo Royal Flame   
Ch Ocobo Royal Flame
Ocobo Truly Royal  
Ocobo Truly Royal
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo   
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo
Happy Go Lucky At Ocobo  
Daisy Of Ocobo   Ch Hawkshope Fidelity At Ocobo   
Ch Hawkshope Fidelity At Ocobo
Pharoah's Treasure  
Artemis Z Mythu Cs   Churchil Of The Edroywin House   Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour   
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
Pickwick Union Jack  
Diva Vam Yoke-height-wood  
Ivanhoe   Toy V. Audreys Farm   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Duffie   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available