Ch Topbrass Gunsnrose Firecracker

Pedigree a 7 générations généré par

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Ch Slaterpryce N Ace's Christian Louboutin   
Ch Slaterpryce N Ace's Christian Louboutin
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework   
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal   
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal
Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow
Silverspoon's Born Into The Lace   Silverspoon's The Full Monty  
Silverspoon's The Full Monty
Myte Mugshot Tlc  
Ch K's Note-a-bul Joyeux Noel   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Joyeux Noel
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hummer   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hummer
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time   
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time
K's Note-a-bul Aint Ms Behavn  
K's Note-a-bul Aint Ms Behavn
K's Note-a-bul Ethyl Merman  
K's Note-a-bul Ethyl Merman
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow
Ch K's Note-a-bul Cecelia   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Cecelia
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition  
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hooked On A Feeling   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hooked On A Feeling
Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason   
Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason
Ch K's Note-a-bul Amazin Grace   
K's Note-a-bul Vanilla Ice   Ch K's Note-a-bul Tin Soldier   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Tin Soldier
K's Note-a-bul Keepin The Faith  
Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan   Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe   
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie   
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Todd´s Sister Hazel  
Ch Beauties Repeat    Ch Beauties Fuzz Buster    Ch Buster Beauty   
Ch Buster Beauty
Ch Beauties Miss Vivian   
Ch Beauties Miss Vivian    Ch Sundance Matador   
Ch Sittinbulls Little Squaw   
Ch Glendars Beauty Pageant   
Ch Glendars Beauty Pageant
Ch Graybulls Charm N Vallee Boy   
Ch Graybulls Charm N Vallee Boy
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Graybulls Third Times A Charm  
Graybulls Third Times A Charm
Ch Graybulls Awesome Cup O'gold   
Ch Graybulls Awesome Cup O'gold
Graybulls Sassy Snickers  
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation   
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation
Ch Glendars Radar Ii   
Ch Glendars Radar Ii
Beauties Just A Doll  
Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star   
Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George   
Ch, GCh Little Ponds George
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal   
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal
Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow
Silverspoon's Born Into The Lace   Silverspoon's The Full Monty  
Silverspoon's The Full Monty
Myte Mugshot Tlc  
Ch K's Note-a-bul Joyeux Noel   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Joyeux Noel
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hummer   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Hummer
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time   
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time
K's Note-a-bul Aint Ms Behavn  
K's Note-a-bul Aint Ms Behavn
K's Note-a-bul Ethyl Merman  
K's Note-a-bul Ethyl Merman
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Betya By Goli Wow
Ch Little Ponds Dolly   
Ch Little Ponds Dolly
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise   
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon   
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon
Ch. Shrink A Bull Snow Drift   
Ch. Helfyre's I'll Show You   
Ch Mousers Willow    Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Ch Millcoats Geronimo   
Ch Millcoats Geronimo
Flippins My Bonnie  
Flippins My Bonnie
Kong's Kat Butler   Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Kong's Katie Scarlett B  
Ch Mousers Cinnamon Crunch    Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April
Warmvalley Buddy Boy  
Ch Helfyre's One Hot Number   
Ch Helfyre's One Hot Number
Ch Mousers Honey Bun   
Ch Mousers Honey Bun
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice   
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Little Ponds Silver Queen  
Ch Topbrass Priscilla Of Babylon   
Ch Topbrass Priscilla Of Babylon
Ch Bredt's Royal Ginger Of Kiow   
Ch Bredt's Royal Ginger Of Kiow
Ch Little Ponds Bredt's Bulkhead   
Ch Little Ponds Bredt's Bulkhead
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal   
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal
Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice   
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Unionmac Rave Review   
Silverspoon's Born Into The Lace   Silverspoon's The Full Monty  
Silverspoon's The Full Monty
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Silverspoon's Ashley Aiken  
Myte Mugshot Tlc   Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Tlc's Rushelle   
Ch Little Ponds In A Minute    Ch Little Ponds Rebel   
Ch Little Ponds Rebel
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April
Little Ponds Big Run Candy   Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Little Ponds Amulet  
Little Ponds Amulet
Ch Mousers Appaloosa   
Ch Mousers Appaloosa
Ch Mousers Buster Boy   
Ch Mousers Buster Boy
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Cherokee Mousers Constance  
Cherokee Mousers Constance
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Ch Empires Bredts Empress Bella   
Ch Empires Bredts Empress Bella
Ch Little Ponds Thomas    Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice   
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow  
Adamant Staypuft Marshmallow
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Unionmac Rave Review   
Ch Little Ponds Foxfyre    Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April
Little Ponds Big Run Candy   Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Little Ponds Amulet  
Little Ponds Amulet
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire   
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Little Ponds Silver Queen   Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Little Ponds Shirley Marfa   
Ch Bredt's N Full Of Bulls Rosebud    Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat   
Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat
Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper   
Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend   
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block   
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection   
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor   
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Ch Imperious Risky Business   
Ch Imperious Risky Business
Imperious Polka Dot Rose  
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise  
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise
Ch Notorious Red Mercedes   
Ch Notorious Red Mercedes
Ch Chimera Dowat's The Bandit   
Ch Chimera Dowat's The Bandit
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Roscoe's Sunshine Specialty   
Annie Fanny Of Bertha Butt  
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection   
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Mytoys Playing Possum  
Mytoys Playing Possum
Ch Rocket City's Yt Almond Bark   
Ch Rocket City's Yt Almond Bark
Flippins Jahidi   Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Classybull Naja Thunderbolt  
Ch Rocket City's Mini M-n-m   
Ch Rocket City's Mini M-n-m
Rocket City's Rudy T  
Rocket City's Rudy T
Dk's Rocket City's Carmel  
Dk's Rocket City's Carmel
Ch Top Notch Imperious Bredts Babe   
Ch Top Notch Imperious Bredts Babe
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Rhinestone Cowboy   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Rhinestone Cowboy
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend   
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block   
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection   
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor   
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Ch Imperious Risky Business   
Ch Imperious Risky Business
Imperious Polka Dot Rose  
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise  
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise
Top Notch Imperious Maxim Grace   Ch Wise Imperious Maximum Risk   
Ch Wise Imperious Maximum Risk
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Ch Imperious Risky Business   
Ch Imperious Risky Business
Imperious Polka Dot Rose  
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise  
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise
Brandy's Baby Blues   Ch Hammond's Sir Bob   
Ch Hammond's Sir Bob
Ch Hammond's Buckingham   
Hammond's Abby Suzanne  
Snow's Brandy   J And S Sir Winston  
Hollywood Snow