Stairway Padme Amidala

Pedigree a 7 générations généré par

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Golden Bull Quaker  
Golden Bull Quaker
Ch Empires Sir Yogi   
Ch Empires Sir Yogi
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus   
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Millcoats Thelma  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man  
Kambi Mae Disco  
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Cherokee Falon   Ch Cherokee Famous Amos   
Ch Cherokee Famous Amos
Cherokee Hannah  
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire   
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Little Ponds Silver Queen   Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Little Ponds Shirley Marfa   
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Amber Of Mouser   
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Amber Of Mouser
Ch Mousers Apollo Louie   
Ch Mousers Apollo Louie
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Kong's Kat Butler  
Ch Mousers Cinnamon Crunch    Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley April
Ch Mousers Honey Bun   
Ch Mousers Honey Bun
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Mousers Heather   Ch Glendars Dylan   
Ch Glendars Dylan
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Beauties Repeat   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation   
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation
Mousers Natalie Of Empire   Empires Maximus  
Empires Maximus
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire   
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Karla ( Nava)  
Karla ( Nava)
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Brick   
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Kokies Brick
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Ch Millcoats Geronimo   
Ch Millcoats Geronimo
Flippins My Bonnie  
Flippins My Bonnie
Kong's Kat Butler   Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Kong's Katie Scarlett B  
Ch Violet's Silver Fox Of Exact   
Ch Violet's Silver Fox Of Exact
Ch Little Ponds Gold Label   
Ch Little Ponds Gold Label
Ch Little Ponds Rebel   
Ch Little Ponds Rebel
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence   
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence
Little Ponds Big Run Candy  
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise   
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon   
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon
Jacquay's Violet Rose  
Jacquay's Violet Rose
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Scarlets Little Tammy Fay   Loch Lomond Osage Oscar  
Scarlets Peaches N Cream  
Whitney ( Nava)  
Whitney ( Nava)
Rojas's Obsession Standing Ovation   Ch Rojas's The Return   
Ch Rojas's The Return
Ch Glendars Dylan   
Ch Glendars Dylan
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty
Rojas's Salma  
Rojas's Salma
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal   
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal
Little Ponds Kate  
Lesabulldogs Valentina   Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank   
Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank
Ch Adamant Show And Tell   
Ch Adamant Show And Tell
Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue   
Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Leticia Vom Marbach  
Leticia Vom Marbach
Gregorio Del Soler  
Gregorio Del Soler
Pepita Vom Marbach  
Atenea ( Gutierrez)   Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Rhinestone Cowboy   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Rhinestone Cowboy
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend   
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor   
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice
Maru ( Jaime )   Coraje ( Barba )   Ch Showtime Prophet   
Candy ( Barba )  
Grecamasita ( Jaime)   not available
not available
Golden Bull Nina   Jr Ch Titan Xochicale   
Jr Ch Titan Xochicale
Mesut ( Fernandez )  
Mesut ( Fernandez )
Ch, Int Ch Sundance Kid ( Rocha )   
Ch, Int Ch Sundance Kid ( Rocha )
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )  
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )   
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )
Britanny ( Morales )  
Britanny ( Morales )
Int Ch Picachu ( Hernandez )   
Ch Flor ( Hernandez )   
Ch Flor ( Hernandez )
Rocso Lola Rocha De La Parra  
Rocso Lola Rocha De La Parra
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle  
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Terlingfair Angora  
Rochsat Mosaic Roqueñí   Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Sammy Barba  
Suri ( Hernandez )   Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Beauties Repeat   
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )   
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa  
Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa
Tormenta ( Mendoza )   Mex Gran Mex C Rica Int Ch Siegfried Jelly Bean Arenas Olvera    not available
not available
Natasha(patiño Perdomo)   not available
not available
Dori Flores/parades  
Dori Flores/parades
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Beauties Repeat   
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )   
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa  
Cm. Int Cocolita De La Rosa
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )   
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake   
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake
Ch Vincents Bo Didley   
Ch Vincents Bo Didley
Riley S Little Pot O Honey  
Ch M I Jeans ( Calderon )    Ch Cherokee Pecos Pete   
Ch Sweet Emily ( Calderon )   
Milca Fernandez   Ch, Int Ch Sundance Kid ( Rocha )   
Ch, Int Ch Sundance Kid ( Rocha )
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )  
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )
Britanny ( Morales )  
Britanny ( Morales )
Rocso Lola Rocha De La Parra  
Rocso Lola Rocha De La Parra
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle  
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle
Rochsat Mosaic Roqueñí  
Suri ( Hernandez )   Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )   
Ch Alegra Cocola ( Hernandez )
Tormenta ( Mendoza )   Mex Gran Mex C Rica Int Ch Siegfried Jelly Bean Arenas Olvera   
Natasha(patiño Perdomo)  
Golden Bull Isadora   Ch Tmar's Golden Tubs   
Ch Tmar's Golden Tubs
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o   
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )   
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Fiona ( Villanueva )   Ch Adamant Warlock   
Ch Adamant Warlock
Jenyfer ( Villanueva )  
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me   
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Golden Carmel Coach   
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes   
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Vivi    Ch Cherokee Hi-tech Hetherbull   
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Stella   
Ch Trimbull Tmar Double Trouble   
Ch Trimbull Tmar Double Trouble
Ch Tmar's Double Stuff   
Ch Tmar's Double Stuff
Ch Hetherbull Kastlerock Norm   
Ch Hetherbull Kastlerock Norm
Glyndebourne Gentle Warrior  
Glyndebourne Gentle Warrior
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Bandit   
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Bandit
Poboy's Dixie Rose  
Poboy's Dixie Rose
Ch Poboy's Hoss   
Ch Poboy's Hoss
Poboy's Holly  
Trimbull Well Hidden   Dingmans Flashback   Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch. Ddt's Little Bit Of Puck   
Ch Trimbull Make No Mistake   
Ch Trimbull Make No Mistake
Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton  
Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton
USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear   
USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear
Golden Bull Hyper  
Golden Bull Hyper
Show-me Ralph's Red By Design  
Show-me Ralph's Red By Design
Ch Only Ralph Lauren   
Ch Only Ralph Lauren
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Ch Edward's Hollyhock   
Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Edward's Chunk Of Nugget  
Edward's Amaryllis  
Show-me Lourdes Of The Rings   Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Hillbullyz Maj League Madonna  
Hillbullyz Maj League Madonna
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Am Ch Major League Majic Moment   
Am Ch Major League Majic Moment
Lemonvom Marmol Mariposa  
Lemonvom Marmol Mariposa
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor   
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure   
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Alice Baby De Golucan  
Alice Baby De Golucan
Ch, Int Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher   
Ch, Int Ch Crusheds Ice Crusher
Anuka De Maragui  
Jin - Szui Inci  
Jin - Szui Inci
Waterworld Artur  
Waterworld Artur
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Iron Knob   
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Iron Knob
Ch Fenyes Hold Babilon   
Azygos Bulldog Diana   Ajax Bullops  
Azygos Bulldog Anna