Generazioni 1 |
Generazioni 2 |
Generazioni 3 |
Generazioni 4 |
Generazioni 5 |
Generazioni 6 |
Generazioni 7 |
Mollrue Rock On Teddy Baby At Spittalhall
Bonifacio Prestigieux At Kezia  Bonifacio Prestigieux At Kezia  |
Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar  Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar  |
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  |
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence  Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence  |
Merriveen Milady  |
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  |
Merriveen Maybe Lucky  |
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  |
Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten  Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Hyten Miss Hollywood  |
Terlingfair Angora  |
Bullhill Dexter  |
Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn  Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn  |
CH RU Bronorn Picasso At Ocobo  CH RU Bronorn Picasso At Ocobo  |
Ocobo Destiny  |
Briaroak Uh Victoria Violet  |
Montgomery Of Briaroak  |
Rosellas Melody  |
Terlingfair Bunty  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Bewley Anzac  |
Ocobo New Edition  Ocobo New Edition  |
Terlingfair Lady Jane  Terlingfair Lady Jane  |
Ch Lianca Liason  Ch Lianca Liason  |
Brodawel Tanzy  |
Bonifacio Milady  Bonifacio Milady  |
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Lynmans Lamplighter  |
Pembstar Prince  |
Lynmans Josephine  |
Lynmans Madam Cyn  Lynmans Madam Cyn  |
Lynmans Double Top  |
Lynmans Florence  |
Anne's Treasure To Iceglint  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  |
Ch Iceglint Ivy  Ch Iceglint Ivy  |
Pembstar Sally  |
Pembstar Duke  Pembstar Duke  |
Ringablok Honeybun Of Pembstar  |
Bonifacio Souci  Bonifacio Souci  |
Isgraig Red Storm  Isgraig Red Storm  |
Sunniryl Saracen  Sunniryl Saracen  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
The Rose Of Aldene  |
Isgraig Bella Vega  Isgraig Bella Vega  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Isgraig Blodyn Tatw  |
Bonifacio Reve  |
Ch Ocobo Just Do It  Ch Ocobo Just Do It  |
Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn  Ch Ocobo User Friendly Bronorn  |
Bronorn Al-essa  |
Bonifacio La Mure  |
Muffin Man At Ocobo  Muffin Man At Ocobo  |
Bonifacio Rosalia At Esclusham  |
Shuckstun Molly At Mollrue  |
Shuckstuns Little Romeo  |
Mellowmood Original  Mellowmood Original  |
Iceglint I´m Spike  Iceglint I´m Spike  |
Lynmans Lasting Peace  Lynmans Lasting Peace  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Lynmans Justina  |
Iceglint I´m Primrose  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Iceglint I´m Priscilla Anne  |
Mellowmood Miss Vespretta Douglass  Mellowmood Miss Vespretta Douglass  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Fearnought Amazin Grace At Mellowmood  Fearnought Amazin Grace At Mellowmood  |
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  |
Wyecaple Englands Rose At Fearnought  |
Cherry Bordeaux At Shuckstun  |
Peak Bordeaux  |
Sutus Relentless Jaytee  Sutus Relentless Jaytee  |
Sutus Lamplighter  Sutus Lamplighter  |
Saxon's Cherries Jubilee At Sutus  Saxon's Cherries Jubilee At Sutus  |
Briaroak Kathy's Klown  |
Montgomery Of Briaroak  |
Strong Arms Lady Luck  |
Full Of Bounce  |
Grizzly King  Grizzly King  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Lily The Lionheart  |
Reearda Reconnaissance  |
Sunniryl Saracen  Sunniryl Saracen  |
Sunniryl Stolen Moment  |
Shuckstuns Mayfair  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully  |
Bewley Anzac  |
Ocobo New Edition  Ocobo New Edition  |
Britishpride Dior  Britishpride Dior  |
Britishpride Power'n Glory  Britishpride Power'n Glory  |
Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky  Ch Britishpride Hanky Panky  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok  |
Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  Setsquare Surrey Oak Of Quintic  |
Petworth Polly Perkins  Petworth Polly Perkins  |
Ringablok Sheena  |
Justans Roly Poly Of Ringablok  |
Glyndee Sun Beam  |
Shuckstuns Bubbalitious  |
Ch Outdoors Sinbad  Ch Outdoors Sinbad  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  |
Ch Iceglint Ivy  Ch Iceglint Ivy  |
Outdoors E-type  |
Outdoors Revival  Outdoors Revival  |
Bonifacio Nanette At Outdoors  |
Kenmillone Lady Of The Night At Shuckstun  |
Merriveen Rough N Tough At Berrybrook  Merriveen Rough N Tough At Berrybrook  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Merriveen Quite Contrary  Merriveen Quite Contrary  |
Ruby Two Shoes Of Whispers  |
Bronorn Coriolanus Of Ocobo  |
Vita's Red Ruby  |
Bishopspark Ice Dancer  |
Merseyside Magic At Bishopspark  Merseyside Magic At Bishopspark  |
Big Brother Of Brampton  Big Brother Of Brampton  |
Sealaville Nut Cracker At Brampton  Sealaville Nut Cracker At Brampton  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Ch Heathbull Major Minor  Ch Heathbull Major Minor  |
Brampton Sugar Girl  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Donnellas Bugsy Malone  |
Hobtop Charisma  Hobtop Charisma  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  |
Super Sinbad  |
Out Of The Red At Codax  |
Sealaville Kinky Boots  |
Rowendale Money Talks  Rowendale Money Talks  |
Reveab I'm Fanny  |
Brampton Glowing Ruby  |
Calibra Crusader At Brampton  Calibra Crusader At Brampton  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Calibra Silk'n Lace  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Calibra Satinn Silk  Calibra Satinn Silk  |
Kenyee Veneration  |
Homestay Josh Junior At Brampton  |
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua  Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua  |
Homestay Imrgard Gold  |
Rusty Goddess  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Kenar English Rose  |
Brampton Miss Sandy  |
Big Daddy Of Brampton  Big Daddy Of Brampton  |
Sealaville Mr Cracker Jack At Brampton  Sealaville Mr Cracker Jack At Brampton  |
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  |
Super Sinbad  |
Out Of The Red At Codax  |
Sealaville Razzle Tazzle Gypsy  |
Rowendale Fancy Man  Rowendale Fancy Man  |
Kenvee Grandy  |
Ashkings Sugar Plum  |
Kofyn Kawtcha Lookin  Kofyn Kawtcha Lookin  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch Macracken Golden Rain In Kofyn  Ch Macracken Golden Rain In Kofyn  |
Jiltrain's Lady Hamilton At Ashkings  |
Aldridge Asquith At Fernwood  Aldridge Asquith At Fernwood  |
Bennoveh British Standard From Jiltrain  |
Rowendale Treacle Tart  |
Ch Rowendale Rum Truffle With Bollglade  Ch Rowendale Rum Truffle With Bollglade  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Rowendale Goldie Locks  Rowendale Goldie Locks  |
Ch, Int Ch Erindan Super Boy Of Hobtop  Ch, Int Ch Erindan Super Boy Of Hobtop  |
Shy Matilda At Rowendale  Shy Matilda At Rowendale  |
Little Red Riding Hood At Rowendale  |
Rowendale Fancy Man  Rowendale Fancy Man  |
Hobtop Sentinel  Hobtop Sentinel  |
Shy Matilda At Rowendale  Shy Matilda At Rowendale  |
Hillplace Nancy  |
Midline Nobleman At Belire  Midline Nobleman At Belire  |
Hillplace Mollie  |
Que Miss Penny At Bishopspark  |
Moorbennhall Picture That  |
Ardenrun Aramis At Newrock  Ardenrun Aramis At Newrock  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Kelloe Allum Chine  |
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  |
Ardenrun Jemima Puddle Duck  |
Ardenrun Farmer Giles  Ardenrun Farmer Giles  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Ardenrun Margot  |
Vantolsa Suzy At Ardenrun  |
Ch Cabinteely Scalawag  Ch Cabinteely Scalawag  |
Bindi Of Aposyte  |
Sweet Bessie Moorbennhall  |
Berrybrook Bowler  |
Berrybrook Blown Up A Storm  Berrybrook Blown Up A Storm  |
Ch Bowlaine Fine Harvest  Ch Bowlaine Fine Harvest  |
Berrybrook Born To Boogie  Berrybrook Born To Boogie  |
Berrybrook Bit S Pieces  |
Bowlaine Free Spirit  Bowlaine Free Spirit  |
Berrybrook Bootlaces  Berrybrook Bootlaces  |
Sophie Silver Lady  |
Laveraigh Loveable Lad  |
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  |
Bullwinkle Am-a-delight  |
Georgie Emm  |
Berrybrook Biffrendly  |
Rohene Wishful Thinking  |
Featherstone Firebolt Moorbennhall  |
Ardenrun Aramis At Newrock  Ardenrun Aramis At Newrock  |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe  |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Kelloe Allum Chine  |
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz  |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  |
Ardenrun Jemima Puddle Duck  |
Ardenrun Farmer Giles  Ardenrun Farmer Giles  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Ardenrun Margot  |
Vantolsa Suzy At Ardenrun  |
Ch Cabinteely Scalawag  Ch Cabinteely Scalawag  |
Bindi Of Aposyte  |
Carrie Ann  |
Laveraigh Loveable Lad  |
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  |
Ch Aldridge Avanti  Ch Aldridge Avanti  |
Willesmere Naughty But Nice  |
Bullwinkle Am-a-delight  |
Aldridge Adam  Aldridge Adam  |
Rohene Luscious Lil At Dundalk  |
Georgie Emm  |
Berrybrook Biffrendly  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Berrybrook Backchat  |
Rohene Wishful Thinking  |
Dewrie Celtic Star  |
Rohene Blodwen  |