U-turns U R Number Fourty

Pedigree esteso a 7 generazioni generato da bulldogpedigree.com

Generazioni 1 Generazioni 2 Generazioni 3 Generazioni 4 Generazioni 5 Generazioni 6 Generazioni 7
A Wu-bee's Best Buddy  
A Wu-bee's Best Buddy
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Jack Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Jack Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Ch Big Bull's Jolly Joker   
Ch Big Bull's Jolly Joker
Ch, Jr Ch Jabberwocky´s Brentano   
Ch, Jr Ch Jabberwocky´s Brentano
Ch. Int, Swe, Nor, Dan Jaminic Ice Gold Of Mystyle   
Ch. Int, Swe, Nor, Dan Jaminic Ice Gold Of Mystyle
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle
Jaminic Gold Impression  
Jaminic Gold Impression
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Sweet Noble Of Jaminic  
Xzibit Redberry Mystyle  
Xzibit Redberry Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Perfek Harmony For Xzibit   Peak Bordeaux  
Full Of Bounce  
Bomberland Pearl  
Bomberland Pearl
Int.Ch. Bomberland Edition Limited   
Int.Ch. Bomberland Edition Limited
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Merriveen Quite Contrary  
Merriveen Quite Contrary
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten  
Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten
La-akebono From Bomberland   Cocky Rocky  
Cocky Rocky
Pringham Bobby Dazzler  
Party Time  
Akuce Uk Testardo   Winston Of The Churchills Bulls  
Golden Bull Bessi  
Ch Danela Mar'ss Is Kibuciu   
Ch Danela Mar'ss Is Kibuciu
Mavlas Mar'ss Diamond Vaido Bull  
Mavlas Mar'ss Diamond Vaido Bull
Multi Ch Thundering Eartquakee Kinibox   
Multi Ch Thundering Eartquakee Kinibox
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke   
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke
Bantonloch Barney Magroo  
Bantonloch Barney Magroo
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple  
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple
Int Ch, Multi Ch Our First Choice Kinibox   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Our First Choice Kinibox
Jr Ch Big Ben Van De Bleyenhoek   
Jr Ch Big Ben Van De Bleyenhoek
Dynamite Girl Van De Bleyenhoek  
Dynamite Girl Van De Bleyenhoek
Mavlas Mar'ss Karmen  
Mavlas Mar'ss Karmen
Int Ch, Multi Ch Wild Wild West To Wyecaple   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Wild Wild West To Wyecaple
Bantonloch Barney Magroo  
Bantonloch Barney Magroo
Stage Fright  
Stage Fright
Mavlas Porky Fedora  
Mavlas Porky Fedora
Du Mandarin De Pekin General Lee  
Du Mandarin De Pekin General Lee
Pretty Frog Benjupa  
Pretty Frog Benjupa
Gera Karys  
Gera Karys
LT CH, BY CH Briutas Staigmena   
LT CH, BY CH Briutas Staigmena
LT JCH, LT CH Lobster Vikont Šil? Tauras   
LT JCH, LT CH Lobster Vikont Šil? Tauras
Vikont Ser Piter Nika  
Vikont Ser Piter Nika
Aleli Gold Snou  
Armana V?jo G?sis   Barrister Charles Barkley  
Barrister Charles Barkley
Otta-tanga Saul?s Palydos  
Eva-rozita   Timotey Shastal  
Timotey Shastal
Cherokee Ulysses Grant  
Cherokee Ulysses Grant
Ayza South Night  
Richchi (iz Sosvezdiya Buldoga)   Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Tsitseron Ot Tsefeia
Second Lesh Nikita  
Second Lesh Nikita
Arpege Queen Ida   Petit Poéte Don Nicolaj   Multi Champion Two Rivers Darwin   
Multi Champion Two Rivers Darwin
Multi Ch. Tenderfoot Bulls Dantes Prayer   
Multi Ch. Tenderfoot Bulls Dantes Prayer
Lynmans Rocket Man  
Lynmans Rocket Man
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Iceglint Illusion Of Lynmans  
Ch. Tenderfoot Bulls Bright Smile   
Ch. Tenderfoot Bulls Bright Smile
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean   
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean
Fr Ch Tenderfoot Bulls Ardent Eyes   
Fr Ch Tenderfoot Bulls Ardent Eyes
Ch. Two Rivers Back For Good   
Ch. Two Rivers Back For Good
Hyten Harem Scarem In Kofyn  
Hyten Harem Scarem In Kofyn
Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten  
Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten
Hyten Hubble Bubble  
Fr Ch Tenderfoot Bulls Ardent Eyes   
Fr Ch Tenderfoot Bulls Ardent Eyes
Ch. Yeoman Of Signals Seven Seas   
Ch. Yeoman Of Signals Seven Seas
Stoneacre Sweet Revenge  
Petit Poéte Cute Emma   Smileys Julius Cæsar   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Arpege Honey Suckle Rose   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Arpege Judy Garland  
Arpege Judy Garland
Nosuch Bulldogues Regality Of Daisy  
Nosuch Bulldogues Regality Of Daisy
DKCH, KLBCH Beefeater Bulls Jemieson´s Hero   
DKCH, KLBCH Beefeater Bulls Jemieson´s Hero
World Ch Roseneath Quest   
World Ch Roseneath Quest
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee   
Roseneath Mercedes  
Annys Song De La Parure   Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish   
Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish
Beefeater Bulls Green Isle Lady  
Charming Bulldog´s Daisy Hill   DKCH Dangerous Rock´n Roll   
DKCH Dangerous Rock´n Roll
Loli's Champagne Charlie  
NOCH Streetwalker´s Good Vibration   
Belle Masquer Of The Royal Club   World Ch Roseneath Quest   
World Ch Roseneath Quest
Beefeater Bulls Hester O´malley  
Arpege Hula Hop  
Arpege Hula Hop
Mad House Clint Eastwood  
Mad House Clint Eastwood
World Ch Bak´s Josva The Great   
World Ch Bak´s Josva The Great
Cidelott S Body And Soul  
Bak´s Gizmo  
Bak´s Gizmo
DKCH Mad House Amazing Beauty   
DKCH Mad House Amazing Beauty
DKCH Dangerous Rock´n Roll   
DKCH Dangerous Rock´n Roll
Smileys Royal Amalia  
Arpege Fanny Hill  
Arpege Fanny Hill
Rottwas Alec  
Rottwas Alec
Ch Simply The Best Van De Bleyenhoek   
Ch Simply The Best Van De Bleyenhoek
Kentee Pheobe  
Arpege Diva  
Arpege Diva
Kelloe Whatsitsname  
Kelloe Whatsitsname
Arpege Cirkeline  
Arpege Cirkeline
U-turns U R Number Twenty-two   Int Ch, Multi Ch Earl   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Earl
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter   Pembstar Prince  
Lynmans Josephine  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Lynmans Double Top  
Lynmans Florence  
Hyten Miss Hollywood   Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten  
Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver   
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver
Hyten Hurdy Gurdy At Lawrencetown  
Bugailion Boomerang Of Hyten   Aldridge Alaunt  
Aldridge Alaunt
Olakin Cleopatra  
Beclever Van Het Slaghek   Multi Ch Slaghek Night And Day   
Multi Ch Slaghek Night And Day
Conspicuous Tyr Rune Of Honour  
Conspicuous Tyr Rune Of Honour
Conspicuous John Balliol  
Conspicuous John Balliol
Kofyn Kasts The Runes  
Kofyn Kasts The Runes
Violetta Van Het Slaghek   Ch Adelbert Van Ayrshire Home   
Ch Adelbert Van Ayrshire Home
Fleur Van Het Slaghek  
Fleur Van Het Slaghek   Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek   
Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek
Multi Ch Sacramento Van Het Slaghek   
Multi Ch Sacramento Van Het Slaghek
Juliette De L´amabilite  
Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek   
Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek
Romakome Admiral O`toole  
Romakome Admiral O`toole
Surprice Van Het Slaghek  
Surprice Van Het Slaghek
Desire From Bulls Happiness  
Desire From Bulls Happiness
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke   
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke
Bantonloch Barney Magroo  
Bantonloch Barney Magroo
Quintic Tempest  
Quintic Tempest
Quintic Sir Madoc  
Setsquare Golden Chance Of Quintic  
Setsquare Golden Chance Of Quintic
Coldstream Stormoney At Bantonloch  
Coldstream Stormoney At Bantonloch
Ocobo Stormaway  
Esse's Little Toro At Coldstream  
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple  
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Esse Bitter Sweet   Aldridge Aquarius  
Aldridge Aquarius
Passionnate Princess Of Esse  
Paige V.d. Flying Bulldog  
Paige V.d. Flying Bulldog
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Hyten Miss Hollywood   Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten  
Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten
Bugailion Boomerang Of Hyten  
Chelsea   Ch, Multi Ch Xenbull Van Ammbern   
Ch, Multi Ch Xenbull Van Ammbern
Man Of Ice From Tymaro  
Man Of Ice From Tymaro
Somebody Van Ammbern  
Somebody Van Ammbern
Fleur   King Charly Of The Wolfswood  
Jean Van De Heyhut  
U-turns U R Number Four  
U-turns U R Number Four
Ch Iceglint I´m Canute   
Ch Iceglint I´m Canute
Lynmans Stagestruck  
Lynmans Stagestruck
Lynmans Sandow  
Lynmans Sandow
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid   
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid
Lynmans Justina  
Lynmans Tamsin   Lynmans Rocket Man  
Lynmans Rocket Man
Maury´s Matilda Of Lynmans  
Lynmans Scarlet O Hara   Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid   
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid
Lynmans Justina  
Lynmans Play Dixie For Me   Lynmans Rocket Man  
Lynmans Rocket Man
Lynmans Living Doll  
Iceglint I´m Maisie  
Iceglint I´m Maisie
Lynmans Sandow  
Lynmans Sandow
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid   
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid
Lynmans Justina  
Lynmans Tamsin   Lynmans Rocket Man  
Lynmans Rocket Man
Maury´s Matilda Of Lynmans  
Biddle I´m Roxanne Iceglint   Iceglint I´m Spike  
Iceglint I´m Spike
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Iceglint I´m Primrose  
Biddle Closer To The Truth   Aldridge Acadamy Award  
Aldridge Acadamy Award
Brinscall Dora  
Brinscall Dora
Untouch A Bull Appeal  
Untouch A Bull Appeal
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Hyten Miss Hollywood   Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten  
Lawrencetown Ghost Spirit Of Hyten
Bugailion Boomerang Of Hyten  
Beclever Van Het Slaghek   Multi Ch Slaghek Night And Day   
Multi Ch Slaghek Night And Day
Conspicuous Tyr Rune Of Honour  
Conspicuous Tyr Rune Of Honour
Violetta Van Het Slaghek  
Fleur Van Het Slaghek   Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek   
Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek
Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek   
Ch Amalia Van Het Slaghek
La Boes Houseboat Bulls   Giovanni Houseboat Bulls   Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega   
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega
Nobozz Phoebes Girl  
Nobozz Phoebes Girl
Macho Xaverius   Int.Ch. Multi Ch. Isgraig Bendigo Boy   
Int.Ch. Multi Ch. Isgraig Bendigo Boy
Claudia Schiffer Xaverius  
Ch Anniston Houseboat Bulls   
Ch Anniston Houseboat Bulls
Conspicuous John Balliol  
Conspicuous John Balliol
Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Bagheera Van Het Slaghek   
Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Bagheera Van Het Slaghek
Conspicous Clever Clogs  
Graceful Ginger Windelloan   Rotschild Van Trod  
Rotschild Van Trod
Dimka Louise Windelloan  
Dimka Louise Windelloan