Generazioni 1 |
Generazioni 2 |
Generazioni 3 |
Generazioni 4 |
Generazioni 5 |
Generazioni 6 |
Generazioni 7 |
Ch Macbai Sir Roderick  Ch Macbai Sir Roderick
Ch Gripsy Little Fella  |
Croxley Little Man  |
Dromeside Arrogance  |
Ch Battle Hero  Ch Battle Hero  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Jane Squire  |
Cockney Squire  |
Suther Peggy  |
Dromeside Destiny  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Buckchase Lady Mischief  |
Mischievous Michael  |
Buckchase Beauty  |
Ch Brem  |
Ch Rex Croxley  |
Ch Brigadier General  Ch Brigadier General  |
Bozo Black Fury  |
Ch Enchantress (au)  |
Ch Miss Bridget Croxley  |
Ch Moray Tone  Ch Moray Tone  |
Croxley Girl  |
Tahiti Girl  |
Ch Taurus (au)  Ch Taurus (au)  |
Pathan (au)  |
Gay Lassie  |
Georgy (au)  |
not available |
not available |
Gripsy Chimes  |
Soville Barrystar  |
Ch Grenville Bashington  Ch Grenville Bashington  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Grenville Sugar And Spice  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Grenville Alexandra  |
Roseville Brightflare  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Roseville Bouquet  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Roseville Baroda  |
Ch Croxley Janette  |
Epsom Impregnable  |
Ch Netherdene Rival  Ch Netherdene Rival  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Molly O´ Mine (1946)  |
Wads Or Not  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Cilgwyn Dahlia  |
Dromeside Leading Lady  |
Ch Battle Hero  Ch Battle Hero  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Jane Squire  |
Dromeside Destiny  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Buckchase Lady Mischief  |
Macbai Heather  |
Ch Buckchase Superb  |
Ch Allithorne Truant  Ch Allithorne Truant  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Ch Novo Nero  Ch Novo Nero  |
Hopeful Maid  |
Yeolden Susan  |
Ch Detford Dragon  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Lynton Meg  |
Allithorne Kitty  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Meddlesome Marta  |
Josephine Of Buckchase  |
The White Knight  |
Ch Sir Victor  Ch Sir Victor  |
Manresa Drummer Boy  |
Prancing Princess  |
Watamug  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Happy Holiday  |
Barnacle Bill  |
Buckchase Defiance  |
Babs Of Buckchase  |
Queenie Daw  |
Bosworth Bunjie  |
Oakwood's Julie  |
Barbary Prudence  |
Soville Barrystar  |
Ch Grenville Bashington  Ch Grenville Bashington  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Grenville Sugar And Spice  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
Grenville Alexandra  |
Roseville Brightflare  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Roseville Bouquet  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Roseville Baroda  |
Macbai Mary Reid  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Faithful Gal O'mine  |
Ch Soraya Democrat  Ch Soraya Democrat  |
Ch Melvick Resolution  Ch Melvick Resolution  |
Ch Wise Guy Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Mount View Susie  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Gang-on  Gang-on  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Victoria Of Nevertire  |
Ch Ernlea British Admiral  Ch Ernlea British Admiral  |
Berwyn Son O' Lady  Berwyn Son O' Lady  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Lady Belle  |
Ernlea Deanna  |
Ernlea Golden Prince  |
Ernlea Claudette  |
Rosewater Blonde Beauty  |
Ch Silver Prince  |
Ernlea Silver King  |
Gay Lassie  |
Dawn Queen  |
Valdene Dawn Light  |
Some Charm  |
Ch Kama Queenie  |
Ch Buckchase Superb  |
Ch Allithorne Truant  Ch Allithorne Truant  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Yeolden Susan  |
Ch Detford Dragon  |
Allithorne Kitty  |
Josephine Of Buckchase  |
The White Knight  |
Ch Sir Victor  Ch Sir Victor  |
Watamug  |
Happy Holiday  |
Barnacle Bill  |
Queenie Daw  |
Ronkanna Lady Gay  |
British Oak Peter Pan  |
Toydom Seftwick Snowman  Toydom Seftwick Snowman  |
Cross Sword Majestic  |
Seftwick Wendy  |
Wendy Of British Oak  Wendy Of British Oak  |
Ch Ernlea Revival  Ch Ernlea Revival  |
Maythorpe Silver Rose  Maythorpe Silver Rose  |
Lochaber Breeze  |
Lochaber Samson  |
Toydom Seftwick Snowman  Toydom Seftwick Snowman  |
Seftwick Tangerine  |
Seftwick Tangerine  |
Golden Boy  |
Seftwick Dainty  |
Ch Bevadore Rani  |
Ch Buckchase Superb  |
Ch Allithorne Truant  Ch Allithorne Truant  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Ch Novo Nero  Ch Novo Nero  |
Hopeful Maid  |
Yeolden Susan  |
Ch Detford Dragon  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Lynton Meg  |
Allithorne Kitty  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Meddlesome Marta  |
Josephine Of Buckchase  |
The White Knight  |
Ch Sir Victor  Ch Sir Victor  |
Manresa Drummer Boy  |
Prancing Princess  |
Watamug  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Happy Holiday  |
Barnacle Bill  |
Buckchase Defiance  |
Babs Of Buckchase  |
Queenie Daw  |
Bosworth Bunjie  |
Oakwood's Julie  |
Goolwa Lass  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
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not available |
not available |
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not available |
not available |
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not available |