Generazioni 1 |
Generazioni 2 |
Generazioni 3 |
Generazioni 4 |
Generazioni 5 |
Generazioni 6 |
Generazioni 7 |
Ch Isgraig Iago  Ch Isgraig Iago
Isgraig Indefatigable  |
Sealaville Hes Aston  Sealaville Hes Aston  |
Ch, GCh Sealaville Hes Ashley  Ch, GCh Sealaville Hes Ashley  |
Fernando El Nino Sealaville  Fernando El Nino Sealaville  |
Snowman Pringham  |
Top Man Pringham  |
Brampton Baby Annabel  |
Dollys Dazzling Daydreamer Of Salutis  |
Marpethill Tommy Pringham  |
Rouge Blossom At Sunset  |
Sealaville Shes Paris  Sealaville Shes Paris  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Ch Sealaville Shes Porcha  Ch Sealaville Shes Porcha  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Sealaville Shes Abi  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Sealaville Shes Gorgeous  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Sealaville Shes Roxanne At Isgraig  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  Ch Sealaville Hes The Rebel  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Berrybrook Boot Boy  |
Berrybrook Born Lucky  |
Sealaville Shes Candice  Sealaville Shes Candice  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Terlingfair Lilylane  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  |
Sealaville Kinky Boots  |
Sealaville Shes Abi  |
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke  |
Sealaville Cream Cracker  Sealaville Cream Cracker  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville  |
Berrybrook Boot Boy  |
Berrybrook Born Lucky  |
Sealaville Shes Gorgeous  |
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Terlingfair Lilylane  |
Sealaville The Temptress  Sealaville The Temptress  |
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  |
Sealaville Kinky Boots  |
Isgraig Liberty Bell  |
Ch Malcoms Little Viking At Isgraig  Ch Malcoms Little Viking At Isgraig  |
Ch. Malcom's Double Dot  Ch. Malcom's Double Dot  |
Ch.Norw. Sentence Sunset Boulevard  |
Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  |
Ch Smooth Operator Of The Royal Club  Ch Smooth Operator Of The Royal Club  |
Champion Streetwalker´s Simply The Best  |
Extremes Sensation To Sentence  |
Wullf Island  |
Peccant Pink Panties  |
Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  |
Roseneath Regal  Roseneath Regal  |
CH Ladycele Naomhan Of Roseneath  |
CH Roseneath Portia  |
Ch Sir Archie Number One Nelly  |
GBCH SUCH NUCH NV-93. Tretun Sam Wella At Kingrock  GBCH SUCH NUCH NV-93. Tretun Sam Wella At Kingrock  |
Sir Archie Kolette  |
Malcom´s Glittering Iceflower  Malcom´s Glittering Iceflower  |
Ch Deboneur Spencer Of Roseneath  |
Eltoro Santoro  |
SA CH Sezer Flasher Of Anscha  |
Conradheim Callula Of Eltoro  |
Deboneur Sabrina  |
Roseneath Hallmark  |
Deboneur Sabrelee  |
Ch.Swe. Ch.Nor. SW-01 Malcom Duplex Rosa Villosa  Ch.Swe. Ch.Nor. SW-01 Malcom Duplex Rosa Villosa  |
Ch.Norw. Sentence Sunset Boulevard  |
Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  |
Extremes Sensation To Sentence  |
Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  |
Roseneath Regal  Roseneath Regal  |
Ch Sir Archie Number One Nelly  |
Sunniryl Red Fergie  |
Bullwick Batonburg  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  |
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  |
Lynmans Alice  |
Ch Iceglint Ivy  Ch Iceglint Ivy  |
Petworth General George  |
Setsquare Snowmaid  |
Sunniryl Stateside At Bullwick  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Isgraig Looby Lou  Isgraig Looby Lou  |
The Rose Of Aldene  |
Ch Annadic Psalm  Ch Annadic Psalm  |
Sunniryl Betty Boop  |
Rohene Sitting Pretty For Kanchee  |
Isgraig Red Storm  Isgraig Red Storm  |
Sunniryl Saracen  Sunniryl Saracen  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
The Rose Of Aldene  |
Isgraig Bella Vega  Isgraig Bella Vega  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Isgraig Blodyn Tatw  |
Rohene Miss Chief  |
Celticrose Snowman Of Dewrie  |
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver  |
Dewrie Bronwen  |
Rohene Hustle Bustle  |
Dewrie Polar Boy  |
Rohene Mildly Welsh  |
Ch Hogwart's Cupcake Beats Muffin  Ch Hogwart's Cupcake Beats Muffin  |
Ch, BOY Malcom's Mr Muffin  Ch, BOY Malcom's Mr Muffin  |
SECH Iceglint I´m Ike Heavybulls  |
Iceglint I´m Spike  Iceglint I´m Spike  |
Lynmans Lasting Peace  Lynmans Lasting Peace  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  |
Ch Iceglint Ivy  Ch Iceglint Ivy  |
Lynmans Justina  |
Tymaro Trip  Tymaro Trip  |
Lynmans Tildamorrow  |
Iceglint I´m Primrose  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  Ch Eng Lynmans Adonis  |
Ch Iceglint Ivy  Ch Iceglint Ivy  |
Iceglint I´m Priscilla Anne  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Anne's Treasure To Iceglint  |
Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint  Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint  |
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Lynmans Lamplighter  |
Lynmans Madam Cyn  Lynmans Madam Cyn  |
Anne's Treasure To Iceglint  |
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid  |
Pembstar Sally  |
Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich  Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich  |
Belheddon Tilson  Belheddon Tilson  |
Kingrock Pugilist  Kingrock Pugilist  |
The River Dancer  |
Swalesboy Ribbons´n Bows  |
Ch Athelstan Anglorum  Ch Athelstan Anglorum  |
Swalesboy West Morning Star  Swalesboy West Morning Star  |
Ch. Malcom´s Iceflower  Ch. Malcom´s Iceflower  |
Ch.Swed. Ch.Nor. Roseneath African Bullion  Ch.Swed. Ch.Nor. Roseneath African Bullion  |
Roseneath Bronson  |
Roseneath Sabre  Roseneath Sabre  |
SA Ch Roseneath Jubilee  |
Roseneath Mercedes  |
Marlken Sheeva Diana Of Roseneath  |
Ch Roseneath Devlin  Ch Roseneath Devlin  |
Ch Roseneath Agatha  |
Deboneur Sasha Of Roseneath  |
Roseneath Riley Of Deboneur  |
Captain Beefeater De La Parure  |
Roseneath Sabrina  |
Lerohan Miss Karina Of Deboneur  |
Roseneath Yves  |
Wilrene Roxanne Of Lerohan  |
Malcom´s Glittering Iceflower  Malcom´s Glittering Iceflower  |
Ch Deboneur Spencer Of Roseneath  |
Eltoro Santoro  |
SA CH Sezer Flasher Of Anscha  |
Conradheim Callula Of Eltoro  |
Deboneur Sabrina  |
Roseneath Hallmark  |
Deboneur Sabrelee  |
Ch.Swe. Ch.Nor. SW-01 Malcom Duplex Rosa Villosa  Ch.Swe. Ch.Nor. SW-01 Malcom Duplex Rosa Villosa  |
Ch.Norw. Sentence Sunset Boulevard  |
Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  Ch. Streetwalker´s Tequila Sunrise  |
Extremes Sensation To Sentence  |
Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  Ch Sir Archie Rosamunda At Malcoms  |
Roseneath Regal  Roseneath Regal  |
Ch Sir Archie Number One Nelly  |
Ch Mowens Lily Luna To Hogwart  Ch Mowens Lily Luna To Hogwart  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James  Int Ch, Multi Ch Tres Llunes Mr James  |
Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  Intr.Ch. Ch. Brampton Mr Wilson  |
Brampton Red Frazer  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Ch Heathbull Major Minor  Ch Heathbull Major Minor  |
Brampton Sugar Girl  |
Brampton Tessa  |
Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua  Ch. BOY'93. Brampton Red Joshua  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Brampton Red Sensation  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Brampton Uptown Girl  |
Calibra Crusader At Brampton  Calibra Crusader At Brampton  |
Kenyee Veneration  |
Brampton Angel  Brampton Angel  |
Calibra Crusader At Brampton  Calibra Crusader At Brampton  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Calibra Silk'n Lace  |
Lynmans Living Legend  Lynmans Living Legend  |
Calibra Satinn Silk  Calibra Satinn Silk  |
Tomybenchel Messie Jessie At Brampton  |
Brampton Mr Douglas  Brampton Mr Douglas  |
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  Brampton Yossa´s Lad  |
Hobtop Holly  |
Beaudiddley Rollickin Ruby For Tomybenchel  |
Beaudiddley Super Sidney  |
Beaudiddley Droopy Drawers  |
Ch Mowens Guess Who  Ch Mowens Guess Who  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond  Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond  |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice  |
Ch Mervander Thundering Home  Ch Mervander Thundering Home  |
Mervander Our Buster  Mervander Our Buster  |
Henlet Adorable Miss Of Mervander  |
SA Ch Mervander Galloon  SA Ch Mervander Galloon  |
SA Ch Sezermervander Blazing Brave  SA Ch Sezermervander Blazing Brave  |
Hadasha Of Sezermervander  Hadasha Of Sezermervander  |
Mervander Belle Capri  Mervander Belle Capri  |
Mervander Man Of War  Mervander Man Of War  |
Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe  |
Henlet Beyva Of Mervander  |
Thaikou Macushla Of Mervander  |
Ch. Sezermervander The Gladiator Of Mervander  |
Mervander Blushing Star  |
Mowens Cream´n Cookies  Mowens Cream´n Cookies  |
Bullway Finnish Flash  Bullway Finnish Flash  |
Aldridge Apalation  Aldridge Apalation  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Crufts 1991 Eng Ch. Aldridge Avita  Crufts 1991 Eng Ch. Aldridge Avita  |
Bullway Bloody Mary  |
Aldridge Andiamo  Aldridge Andiamo  |
FI CH Country Clover  |
Black Hope Rag Doll  Black Hope Rag Doll  |
Ch, Int Ch Young Count Kingrock  Ch, Int Ch Young Count Kingrock  |
Eng Ch Kingrock Canis Pugnax  Eng Ch Kingrock Canis Pugnax  |
Prairie Rose  |
Black Hope Little-lisa  Black Hope Little-lisa  |
Ch, Int Ch Tretun Bustersam Of Kingrock  Ch, Int Ch Tretun Bustersam Of Kingrock  |
Kingrock Tiger Lily  Kingrock Tiger Lily  |