White Pirate Tegi Szarik

Pedigree esteso a 7 generazioni generato da bulldogpedigree.com

Generazioni 1 Generazioni 2 Generazioni 3 Generazioni 4 Generazioni 5 Generazioni 6 Generazioni 7
Ch, Jr Ch Rashler Esdeka   
Ch, Jr Ch Rashler Esdeka
Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra  
Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra
Calibra Time Lord  
Calibra Time Lord
JW Trimbul True Grit   Calibra Classic Gold  
Calibra Classic Gold
Brampton Mr Douglas  
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Hobtop Holly  
Calibra Living Doll  
Calibra Living Doll
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Calibra Satinn Silk  
Calibra Satinn Silk
Trimbul Scherezade   Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride  
Petworth Passion Potter Of Britishpride
Dawnstar Lady Macbeth   Ch Diadem Gold Bullion   
Ch Diadem Gold Bullion
Dawnstar Fleur Sauvage  
Dawnstar Fleur Sauvage
Ch Calibra Golden Jubilee   
Ch Calibra Golden Jubilee
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten  
Wyecaple All In The Game With Hyten
Calibra Living Doll  
Calibra Living Doll
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Calibra Satinn Silk  
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Lifesaver Joey  
Holbain Brindle Lady At Calibra  
Mellowmood Deja Vu  
Mellowmood Deja Vu
Mellowmood Sock It To Em  
Mellowmood Sock It To Em
Mellowmood King Of Ska   Ch Gemelia Jensen   
Ch Gemelia Jensen
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
You Bring Me Joy At Gemelia  
You Bring Me Joy At Gemelia
Mellowmood Little Mermaid  
Mellowmood Little Mermaid
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood  
Mellowmood Too Hot  
Mellowmood Too Hot
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty   
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood  
Ch Mellowmood Iron Lady   
Ch Mellowmood Iron Lady
Mellowmood Original  
Mellowmood Original
Mellowmood Indahouse  
Mellowmood This Is Ska  
Mellowmood This Is Ska
Ch Gemelia Jensen   
Ch Gemelia Jensen
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Mystyle Shining Star  
Mystyle Shining Star
You Bring Me Joy At Gemelia  
You Bring Me Joy At Gemelia
Broadbull Del Boy  
Broadbull Magical Mango At Brambully  
Mellowmood Ska  
Mellowmood Ska
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty   
Ch Mellowmood Full Monty
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Nightranger Ice Ice Baby For Mellowmood  
Mellowmood Me Julie   Mellowmood Boyakasha For Melafella  
Mellowmood Boyakasha For Melafella
Sealaville Lovely Jubbley At Mellowmood  
Ch Gabana Esdeka   
Ch Gabana Esdeka
Ch Merriveen Touch Of Frost   
Ch Merriveen Touch Of Frost
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Kelloe Hello  
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe  
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe
Charlie Girl At Esclusham  
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Audstan Sigmund Snugglebutt At Aceeye  
Audstan Sigmund Snugglebutt At Aceeye
Hyten Hubble Bubble  
Merriveen Maybe Lucky   Merriveen Frozen Asset  
Merriveen Hi-daze  
Merriveen Quite Contrary  
Merriveen Quite Contrary
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Bewley Anzac   Carsvale Sonny At Bronorn  
Ocobo Temptation At Bewley  
Ocobo New Edition  
Ocobo New Edition
Ocobo Lladro  
Ocobo Lladro
Reflections Of Ocobo  
Reflections Of Ocobo
Merriveen Mary Mary   Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak   
Ch Coatesmar Gabriel Oak
Ch Kingrock Freezo   
Ch Kingrock Freezo
Coatesmar Sourdust  
Coatesmar Sourdust
Merriveen Mint   Merriveen Frozen Asset  
Merriveen Hi-daze  
Ch, Jr Ch Mi-yoshida Flo Esdeka   
Ch, Jr Ch Mi-yoshida Flo Esdeka
Ch, Jr Ch Macm Wonderful   
Ch, Jr Ch Macm Wonderful
Ch Macm Victory   
Ch Macm Victory
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Mervander Memory Bells  
Mervander Memory Bells
Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe   
Ch Newrock Sebastion Of Kelloe
Mervander Dancing Ship Of Dormelia  
Macm Kimberley  
Macm Kimberley
Ch, Int Ch Ayro's Cooper   
Ch, Int Ch Ayro's Cooper
Britishpride No Fear At Mystyle  
Britishpride No Fear At Mystyle
Alca's Prisma  
Ch. Macm Red Rose   
Ch. Macm Red Rose
Cherokee Elvin  
Cherokee Elvin
Br CH Macm Happy Ovation   
Br CH Macm Happy Ovation
Wioletta Kancelaria Lorda  
Wioletta Kancelaria Lorda
Oliver From Baskervil  
Oliver From Baskervil
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice
Ch Mervander Thundering Home   
Ch Mervander Thundering Home
SA Ch Mervander Galloon   
SA Ch Mervander Galloon
Erica (rkf)  
Erica (rkf)
Beautys Big Hunt  
Beautys Big Hunt
Nancy (rkf)  
Krishna Kancelaria Lorda  
Krishna Kancelaria Lorda
Cezar Herbu Chrul  
Cezar Herbu Chrul
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Bulberry   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Bulberry
Meliza Maly Kacper  
Jr Ch, Ch Corvette Kancelaria Lorda   
Jr Ch, Ch Corvette Kancelaria Lorda
Ch, Jr Ch Viscount Victor Bulldog Mi Ol Win   
Ch, Jr Ch Viscount Victor Bulldog Mi Ol Win
Ch Vivat Ekspressija Idillia   
Ch Vivat Ekspressija Idillia
Demetra Moore The Princess  
Demetra Moore The Princess
Bernard The Bear  
Bernard The Bear
Ch Sealaville Hes Dolton   
Ch Sealaville Hes Dolton
Fernando El Nino Sealaville  
Fernando El Nino Sealaville
Snowman Pringham   Top Man Pringham   Kenyee Cromwell  
Mossden Breeze  
Brampton Baby Annabel   Sealaville Mr Cracker Jack At Brampton  
Sealaville Mr Cracker Jack At Brampton
Rowendale Bewitched  
Dollys Dazzling Daydreamer Of Salutis   Marpethill Tommy Pringham   Pringham Mr Gee  
Kenmilltri Miss Molly At Marpethill  
Rouge Blossom At Sunset   Theoben Take Our Freedom  
Sady Law  
Sealaville Shes Paris  
Sealaville Shes Paris
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke   
Ch Sealaville Hes The Duke
Sealaville Cream Cracker  
Sealaville Cream Cracker
Brampton Mr Douglas  
Brampton Mr Douglas
Sealaville The Temptress  
Sealaville The Temptress
Berrybrook Be Graceful At Sealaville   Berrybrook Boot Boy  
Berrybrook Born Lucky  
Sealaville Shes Candice  
Sealaville Shes Candice
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle   
Ch Terlingfair Lord Argyil At Mystyle
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Terlingfair Lilylane  
Sealaville The Temptress  
Sealaville The Temptress
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton  
Mr Wee Cracker At Brampton
Sealaville Kinky Boots  
Ice Lolly Von Teufelhohle  
Ice Lolly Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo   Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought
Leighbeck Royal Roots  
Sebyan Nice On The Rocks   Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Mystyle Shining Star  
Mystyle Shining Star
Sabany Shakeira   Aldridge Albany  
Aldridge Albany
Sabany Nice On Ice  
Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle   
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  
Saintgeorges Stand Proud
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Saintgeorges Look At Me  
Saintgeorges Look At Me
Indyra Von Teufelhohle  
Indyra Von Teufelhohle
Ch Sir Frankie Of Lyerly   
Ch Sir Frankie Of Lyerly
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs
Lyerly's Leather N'lace  
Lyerly's Leather N'lace
Ch Betta Goldenbuld   
Ch Betta Goldenbuld
Ch, Jr Ch Prime Passion Bulldog Mi Ol Win   
Ch, Jr Ch Prime Passion Bulldog Mi Ol Win
Supra J. Anubisz  
Hope'n Glory Von Teufelhohle   Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Britishpride Dior  
Britishpride Dior
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok   
Ch Petworth Captain Pugwash Of Ringablok
Ringablok Sheena  
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo   Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought  
Belushi Rythm Dancer Of Fearnought
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues   
Eng Ch Belushi Rythm & Blues
Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul   
Eng Ch Belushi De La Soul
Leighbeck Royal Roots   Golden Reverie At Leighbeck  
Golden Reverie At Leighbeck
Leighbeck Santa S Cupid  
Leighbeck Santa S Cupid
Sebyan Nice On The Rocks   Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo   
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Mystyle Shining Star  
Mystyle Shining Star
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle  
Terlingfair Star Of Wonder Of Mystyle
Ocobo Angel Delight Of Mystyle  
Sabany Shakeira   Aldridge Albany  
Aldridge Albany
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Aldridge Apalena  
Sabany Nice On Ice   Belushi Wood Cutter Of Princebishop  
Belushi Wood Cutter Of Princebishop
Sabany Gin And Tonic  
Ch, Jr Ch Unbelievable Lady Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch Unbelievable Lady Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Jaminic Armageddon   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Jaminic Armageddon
Jaminic Specification  
Jaminic Specification
Wedgebury Leo  
Wedgebury Leo
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Wedgebury Eskimo Nell  
Jaminic Gold Impression  
Jaminic Gold Impression
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Sweet Noble Of Jaminic  
Jaminic Tailor Cut  
Jaminic Tailor Cut
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke   
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke
Ringablok Princess  
Ringablok Princess
Jaminic Golden Daze  
Jaminic Golden Daze
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder   
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder
Jaminic Gold Impression  
Jaminic Gold Impression
Ch Moonlight Von Teufelhohle   
Ch Moonlight Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Jr Ch Gandalf Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch Gandalf Von Teufelhohle
Ch Sir Frankie Of Lyerly   
Ch Sir Frankie Of Lyerly
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs
Lyerly's Leather N'lace  
Lyerly's Leather N'lace
Groz Kriger Today  
Groz Kriger Today
Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Hero   
Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Hero
Groz Kriger Kittle Cattle  
Groz Kriger Kittle Cattle
Remek Cintia   Elek-szive Kolumbusz   Derousheer Billy Bumble  
Derousheer Billy Bumble
Elek-szive Szi Szi  
Demon Tiger Fira   Csillaghegyi Farkasolo Belami  
Kuthenvezeri Elza