Belfast Tip (can-usa)

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Rolling Stone  
Rolling Stone
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)   
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels   Wadsley Jack   Lambkin   Julius Caesar Aka Caesar  
Dutch Oven  
Nance ( Hibbett's)   Bean  
Nancy (1880)  
Vol   Gracious   Royal George ( St George)  
Royal George ( St George)
Bronte (1877)  
Volante   Duke (billy Shaw)  
Lucy Loo   Don Salano  
Don Salano
Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Hebe (1878)  
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)
Maritana (1881)  
Maritana (1881)
Dodo (uk 1894)   Sir Robert (uk 1890)   Bruce I I  
Rena   Monk ( Mugeridge's)  
Eclair's Nell  
Lady Capena   Stockwell   Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Sahib   Sepoy  
Juno (1875)  
Hebe (1878)   Punch (1871)  
Chloe (1875)  
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)
Nell ( Bartlett)  
Maritana (1881)  
Maritana (1881)
Gipsy Queen (1880)  
Miss Tottie   Outsider  
Bedgebury Lion (uk-usa)  
Bedgebury Lion (uk-usa)
The Alderman  
Lady Ida (uk 1887)   Young Monarch  
Young Monarch
Mabel Of Elmstone  
Derby Tottie   Reeves Crib  
Reeves Crib
Tiger ( Young Tiger)  
Reeves Mab  
Plot (uk)   not available
not available
Maple Queen (scot-can)   Hasdrubal   Pentemenon   Boaz  
Stockwell   Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
Eng Ch Blackberry   
Eng Ch Blackberry
Eng Ch Forceps   
Eng Ch Forceps
Modes   Lord Nelson I I I   Fair Prince  
Daisy ( Wisbeys)  
Dora I I   Ch His Lordship   
Ch His Lordship
Oonah (1888)  
Chrysarobin   Khalifa   Don Perseus   Don Salano  
Don Salano
Andromeda (1890)  
Queen Of Sheba (1891)   Ch His Lordship   
Ch His Lordship
Exodus (uk)  
Exodus (uk)
Doodles   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Fancy Fanny   Malabar   Azon   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Carthusian Chance   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Nell Gwynne   Master Of Ballantrae   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Cora (1896)   Sapolio (late Fistiana)   Slavin I I  
Miss Fairy  
Diabla   not available
not available
Tremail Free Stone   Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)   
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels   Wadsley Jack   Lambkin   Julius Caesar Aka Caesar  
Dutch Oven  
Nance ( Hibbett's)   Bean  
Nancy (1880)  
Vol   Gracious   Royal George ( St George)  
Royal George ( St George)
Bronte (1877)  
Volante   Duke (billy Shaw)  
Lucy Loo   Don Salano  
Don Salano
Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Hebe (1878)  
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)
Maritana (1881)  
Maritana (1881)
Dodo (uk 1894)   Sir Robert (uk 1890)   Bruce I I  
Rena   Monk ( Mugeridge's)  
Eclair's Nell  
Lady Capena   Stockwell   Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Sahib   Sepoy  
Juno (1875)  
Hebe (1878)   Punch (1871)  
Chloe (1875)  
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)
Nell ( Bartlett)  
Maritana (1881)  
Maritana (1881)
Gipsy Queen (1880)  
Miss Tottie   Outsider  
Bedgebury Lion (uk-usa)  
Bedgebury Lion (uk-usa)
The Alderman  
Lady Ida (uk 1887)   Young Monarch  
Young Monarch
Mabel Of Elmstone  
Derby Tottie   Reeves Crib  
Reeves Crib
Tiger ( Young Tiger)  
Reeves Mab  
Plot (uk)   not available
not available
Madam Chaddy I I   Ivel Rustic (uk-usa)  
Ivel Rustic (uk-usa)
General Roberts   Ch Harper (uk-usa)   
Ch Harper (uk-usa)
British Monarch  
British Monarch
Monarch (1878)  
Judy ( Webb's)   Adrastus  
Mary (1880)  
Charmion (uk-usa)   Buga Boo ( Cribber)   Bendor  
Una I I I  
Young Rocket   Pincher  
Ivel Nana   Aston Lion   Lion Seeker   Eng Ch Forceps   
Eng Ch Forceps
Game Hen  
Guildford Helen (uk 1888)   Young Gambler  
The Friskey Matron   Muggridges Boss   Oswego (uk-usa)  
Oswego (uk-usa)
Marmalade   Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
not available
Madam Chaddy   Sir Toby (uk-can 1894)   Stilleto (late Oftish)   Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Hebe (1878)  
Ruling Passion  
Ruling Passion
Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)  
Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)
Susan ( Tom Ball)  
Flower Girl (1893)   Bristol   not available
not available
Flossie (uk)   Eng Ch Forceps   
Eng Ch Forceps
Juno I I (usa-can 1893)  
Juno I I (usa-can 1893)
Rustic Sovereign (uk-usa)   CH Rustic King   
CH Rustic King
Grizzle   CH Rustic King   
CH Rustic King
Rock Rose (uk-usa)   Rabagas (uk-usa)   Byron I I (1880)  
Rose Marie (uk)  
Roseleaf I I   Rustic Turk  
Rustic Maid