Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
King ArturŽs Love Me Tender  King ArturŽs Love Me Tender  |
Ch Red Boy Van De Bleyenhoek  Ch Red Boy Van De Bleyenhoek  |
Ch, Int Ch Greatshot Buckmaster  Ch, Int Ch Greatshot Buckmaster  |
Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze  Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze  |
Merriveen Happy Daze  Merriveen Happy Daze  |
Merriveen Son Of Satan  Merriveen Son Of Satan  |
Merriveen Daisy Chain  |
Ch Merriveen Pepsi Cola  Ch Merriveen Pepsi Cola  |
Wedgebury Warlord  Wedgebury Warlord  |
Madame Victoria Of Merriveen  |
Greatshot Kenzo Camaleon  |
Ch Aldridge Avanti  Ch Aldridge Avanti  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Charnier Sweet Sensation  |
Bullpug Bullseye  |
Kenstaff Sue Jean  |
Pebbles Van De Bleyenhoek  Pebbles Van De Bleyenhoek  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Duke Of Kent Of The Water Region  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Duke Of Kent Of The Water Region  |
Ghezirah Uriah Heep  Ghezirah Uriah Heep  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Sevenup Lady Blanche  |
Eliza Of The Woodhillroad  |
Ocobo British Oak  |
Barrel Of The Woodhillroad  |
Ch Madonna Van De Bleyenhoek  Ch Madonna Van De Bleyenhoek  |
Hol Ch Seabright Silver Soldier  Hol Ch Seabright Silver Soldier  |
UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham  UK Hol Ch. Wencar Minks Baby Sham  |
Int Ch Bunny Babe Of The Woodhill Road  Int Ch Bunny Babe Of The Woodhill Road  |
Peggy Van De Bleyenhoek  |
Brutus Van De Bleyenhoek  |
Pom Of The Fire Place  |
Luv-a-bull Who's That Girl  |
Luv-a-bull Mr Magoo  Luv-a-bull Mr Magoo  |
Ch Packapunch Our Boy Max  Ch Packapunch Our Boy Max  |
Ch Kingrock Freezo  Ch Kingrock Freezo  |
Merriveen Happy Daze  Merriveen Happy Daze  |
Kingrock My Nora Tee  Kingrock My Nora Tee  |
Katie Faithfull At Packapunch  |
Bowcrest Patton  Bowcrest Patton  |
Sally Toffee Apple  |
Janeils Billy Jean Of Luvabull  |
Ch Annadic Psalm  Ch Annadic Psalm  |
Dough Boy Of The Regions  Dough Boy Of The Regions  |
Annadic Moonglow  |
Thatchway Jacky  |
Eng. Ch Jackath Solo  Eng. Ch Jackath Solo  |
Ecton Bronte Of Thachway  |
Tugga Annabel Of Luvabull  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Brandywell Rockafellow  |
Ellesmere Autocrat  Ellesmere Autocrat  |
Eng CH Brandywell Shenandoah  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant  Ch Outdoors Jubilant  |
Aldridge Ardent Miss  Aldridge Ardent Miss  |
Kaluki Sugarpuss Of Tugga  |
Eng. Ch Stockbull Big Ben  Eng. Ch Stockbull Big Ben  |
Bowcrest Patton  Bowcrest Patton  |
Candy Of Fulham  |
Noelean Kulooky  |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant  Ch Outdoors Jubilant  |
Noelean Kishka Lady  |
Ushuaia  Ushuaia  |
Rotschild Van Trod  Rotschild Van Trod  |
Aldridge Aragant Lad  Aldridge Aragant Lad  |
Aldridge Alaunt  Aldridge Alaunt  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  |
Ch Aldridge Adventuress  Ch Aldridge Adventuress  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant  Ch Outdoors Jubilant  |
Aldridge Ardent Miss  Aldridge Ardent Miss  |
Aldridge Anatalie  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Brandywell Rockafellow  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Altiyna Of Aldridge  |
Ch Aldridge Avanti  Ch Aldridge Avanti  |
Calendacot Maggie  |
New Beatch Van Trod  |
Ch Bewley Beach Boy At Ocobo  Ch Bewley Beach Boy At Ocobo  |
Ch Annadic Psalm  Ch Annadic Psalm  |
Dough Boy Of The Regions  Dough Boy Of The Regions  |
Annadic Moonglow  |
Bella Donna Of Maudee  |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian  Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian  |
Ocobo Chesterpeice  |
Georgie Girl After Tacha  Georgie Girl After Tacha  |
Mariseni Amos  Mariseni Amos  |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  |
Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha  |
Ch Delaila  |
Brumigum George's Boy  Brumigum George's Boy  |
Cindy  |
Peny  |
Ch Bewley Beach Boy At Ocobo  Ch Bewley Beach Boy At Ocobo  |
Ch Annadic Psalm  Ch Annadic Psalm  |
Dough Boy Of The Regions  Dough Boy Of The Regions  |
Twickerwick Brumel Of The Regions  |
Brumigum Lady Amelia  |
Annadic Moonglow  |
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions  |
Annadic Anthem  |
Bella Donna Of Maudee  |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian  Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian  |
Merriveen Son Of Satan  Merriveen Son Of Satan  |
Kingrock My Nora Tee  Kingrock My Nora Tee  |
Ocobo Chesterpeice  |
Canewdon Mr. Prize Guy Of Allomdom  Canewdon Mr. Prize Guy Of Allomdom  |
Everlasting Lover  |
Jirkam Van Trod  |
Irish Coffee After Tacha  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Grumpy ( Van Trod)  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Onde De Choc De L'allauga  Onde De Choc De L'allauga  |
Ch Leon  Ch Leon  |
Humeur De Chien Des Quatre Jeudis  |
Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  |
Jaylous Major Attraction  |
Jaylous Major Major  |
Jaylous Masquerader  |
Jaylous Red Robin  |
Ch Barron's Lacey Jay  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Elizabeth Gantt  |
Jaylous Ginger Bread Girl  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Beelzebub  |
Pool's Queen Victoria  |
Branham's Daisey Mae  |
Sherry's Bully  |
Samantha Reynolds Osha  |
Fidji Des Quatre Jeudis  |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean  Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Brandywell Rockafellow  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Capps LŽetoile De Bonifacio  Capps LŽetoile De Bonifacio  |
Sandean Sweet William  Sandean Sweet William  |
Capps Mary Rose  |
Belle Of Hatfield  |
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic  Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic  |
Sandean Dawn Run  |
Sandean Sweet William  Sandean Sweet William  |
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean  |
Hyena Des Quatre Jeudis  |
Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  |
Jaylous Major Attraction  |
Jaylous Major Major  |
Jaylous Masquerader  |
Jaylous Red Robin  |
Ch Barron's Lacey Jay  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Elizabeth Gantt  |
Jaylous Ginger Bread Girl  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Beelzebub  |
Pool's Queen Victoria  |
Branham's Daisey Mae  |
Sherry's Bully  |
Samantha Reynolds Osha  |
Cartoon Du Quarrylane Cottage  |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky  Ch Sandean Dead Lucky  |
Sandean Sweet William  Sandean Sweet William  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Sandean Miss World  |
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean  |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant  Ch Outdoors Jubilant  |
Dibdab Virgo  |
Agathe Des Bulls Du Barnum  |
Ch Ocobo British Passion  Ch Ocobo British Passion  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Axters Plum Pudding  Axters Plum Pudding  |
Ch Gloriosa After Tacha  Ch Gloriosa After Tacha  |
Mariseni Amos  Mariseni Amos  |
Ch Delaila  |
No Comment Du Quarrylane Cottage  No Comment Du Quarrylane Cottage  |
Bonny Z Cerne Cesty  Bonny Z Cerne Cesty  |
Ocobo Z Cerne Cesty  |
Ch. Int, Cz. White Castle Lincoln  |
Ch Curly Kail Side's Bonny  |
Caesar Casa Canis  |
Curly Kail Side's Angie  |
White Castle Fifty-fifty  |
CH Joymuir Ricardo  CH Joymuir Ricardo  |
White Castle April Love  |
Elza Z Cerne Cesty  |
Ch Gagman Greewy Jubilee  Ch Gagman Greewy Jubilee  |
Ch Merriveen Oliver Twist  Ch Merriveen Oliver Twist  |
Ch Merriveen Sweet Moon  |
Ch Baronka Z Cerne Cesty  |
Conny Vislava  |
White Castle Vying Quincy  |
Wigga Z Cerne Cesty  |
Ch Emjack Royal Scot  Ch Emjack Royal Scot  |
Kevlar Terrance Tandy  |
Merriveen Jacobs Lad  Merriveen Jacobs Lad  |
Belire She Minces  |
Bow Bells Of Emjack  |
Ch Coolhand Luke  Ch Coolhand Luke  |
Aronbills Red Rose  |
Rebeka Z Cerne Cesty  |
Ch. Int, Cz. White Castle Lincoln  |
Ch Curly Kail Side's Bonny  |
White Castle Fifty-fifty  |
White Castle Calypso Chana  |
Ghezirah Uriah Heep  Ghezirah Uriah Heep  |
White Castle Nightingale  |
Itsy Bitsy Du Quarrylane Cottage  Itsy Bitsy Du Quarrylane Cottage  |
Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus  |
Jaylous Major Attraction  |
Jaylous Major Major  |
Jaylous Masquerader  |
Jaylous Red Robin  |
Ch Barron's Lacey Jay  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Elizabeth Gantt  |
Jaylous Ginger Bread Girl  |
Jaylous Cedric  |
Jaylous Beelzebub  |
Pool's Queen Victoria  |
Branham's Daisey Mae  |
Sherry's Bully  |
Samantha Reynolds Osha  |
God Bless You Du Quarrylane Cottage  |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean  Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Brandywell Rockafellow  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Capps LŽetoile De Bonifacio  Capps LŽetoile De Bonifacio  |
Sandean Sweet William  Sandean Sweet William  |
Capps Mary Rose  |
Eliza Doolittle Du Quarrylane Cottage  |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky  Ch Sandean Dead Lucky  |
Sandean Sweet William  Sandean Sweet William  |
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean  |
Archibulls Belcanto  Archibulls Belcanto  |
Ch, Int Ch Jaylous Beau Jangles  Ch, Int Ch Jaylous Beau Jangles  |
Ch Beefeater Bulls Emerald Lady  Ch Beefeater Bulls Emerald Lady  |