Bayside Bikini

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Name: Bayside Bikini
Residence country:   USA
Dog prefix: Bayside
Owner prefix:
Gender: Female
Date of birth:
Owner email:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Bronze Pedigree Rosette. 5 champions in pedigree (first 4 generations)
  • Silver Brood Bitch Rosette. 2 champion progeny. Show

General tools

Pedigree analysis tools

Linebreeding in first 6 generations
6 - 4 ......... Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
6 - 5 ......... Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful

a,b-c,d: values before "-" are linebreeding in father's branch, values after in mother's branch.
2,3-5,6 ....... NAME
Dog "NAME" is once in 2nd generation in father's branch, once in 3th generation in father's branch, once in 5th generation in mothers's branch and once in 6th generation in mothers's branch

4,4-5,6 ....... NAME
Dog "NAME" is twice in 4th generation in father's branch, once in 5th generation in mothers's branch and once in 6th generation in mothers's branch

Bayside Battlewagon   Ch Pandoras Foreless    Ch Kippax Fearnought   
Ch Kippax Fearnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Kippax Anne  
Pandoras Miss Pilgrim   not available
not available
Woodside Christy Lu   Pilgrims Sovereign   not available
not available
O'mah's Sweetie Pie   not available
not available
Bayside Leona   Pilgrims Leo   Am CH Dour Dispatch    Morningside Mecca  
Dour Distinct  
Pilgrims Princess Pat   not available
not available
Bayside Little Sheba   Ch Parkholme Melampus   
Ch Parkholme Melampus
Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Hallfarm Pride  
Bridget Of Geribar   not available
not available
Visits: 12277