Jr Ch Bearbull Sidra

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Nome: Bearbull Sidra
Paese di residenza:   Hungary
Affisso del cane:
Affisso del proprietario:
Sesso: Femmina
Data di nascita: 10/08/2023
Titoli: Jr Ch
E-mail del proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.125
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to bulldogpedigree

Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Champion medal
  • Gold Pedigree Rosette. 19 campioni nel pedigree (prime 4 generazioni)

Strumenti generali

Strumenti di analisi del pedigree

Linebreeding nelle prime 6 generazioni
3 - 2 ......... Bearbull Crystal  
Bearbull Crystal
4 - 3 ......... The Devil Looks Like Luna  
The Devil Looks Like Luna
5 - 4 ......... Kiss To You Von Teufelhohle  
6 - 5 ......... Xtraordinary Von Teufelhohle  
Xtraordinary Von Teufelhohle
6,6 - 6,5 ......... Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor   
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor
6 - 5 ......... Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch I Will Be Famous Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch I Will Be Famous Von Teufelhohle
5,5 - 4 ......... The Devil Looks Like Real Clone  
The Devil Looks Like Real Clone
6,6 - 5 ......... Lemon Fresa Frambuesa  
- 6,6,6 ......... Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
6,6 - 5 ......... Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle
4 - 3 ......... Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian
5 - 4 ......... Ch Pretty Bull Léda   
Ch Pretty Bull Léda
6 - 5 ......... Hilary Von Teufelhohle  
Hilary Von Teufelhohle
6 - 5 ......... Sotakal Leon  
Sotakal Leon
5 - 4 ......... Ch La Chata Show Me   
Ch La Chata Show Me
6 - 5 ......... Ali De Gladiadores De Arena  
Ali De Gladiadores De Arena
6 - 5 ......... Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
3 - 2 ......... Jr Ch Kupakos Daren   
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren
4 - 3 ......... Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte
5 - 4 ......... Ch, Jr Ch Quantanamera Of To Love Till Craziness   
Ch, Jr Ch Quantanamera Of To Love Till Craziness
6 - 5 ......... Katjusha Of To Love Till Craziness  
6 - 5 ......... Ch Sotakal Kimi   
Ch Sotakal Kimi
5 - 4 ......... Ch, Jr Ch Erossino Of To Love Till Craziness   
Ch, Jr Ch Erossino Of To Love Till Craziness
6 - 5 ......... Ch, Int Ch Aphorizma Of To Love Till Craziness   
Ch, Int Ch Aphorizma Of To Love Till Craziness
4 - 3 ......... Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless   
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless
5 - 4 ......... Seabright Silver Smile  
Seabright Silver Smile
6 - 5 ......... Vegelin Van Claerbergen Doris-day  
- 6,6 ......... Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go
6 - 5 ......... Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction
5 - 4 ......... LUJCH Douglas V.t Patdana Home   
LUJCH Douglas V.t Patdana Home
6 - 5 ......... Burundi V.t Patdana Home  
Burundi V.t Patdana Home
6 - 5 ......... Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle   
Ch, BOY Terlingfair Country Boy From Mystyle

a,b-c,d: i valori prima di “-“ sono i linebreeding nel ramo paterno, i valori dopo nel ramo materno.
2,3-5,6 ....... NOME
Il cane “NOME” è una volta in 2nd generazione nel ramo paterno, una volta in 3th generazione nel ramo paterno, una volta in 5th generazione nel ramo materno e una volta in 6th generazione nel ramo materno.

4,4-5,6 ....... NOME
Il cane “NOME” è due volte in 4th generazione nel ramo paterno, una volta in 5th generazione nel ramo materno e una volta in 6th generazione nel ramo materno.

Jr Ch Bearbull Marcus   
Jr Ch Bearbull Marcus
Bearbull Marcus
Ch, Jr Ch Bearbull Igloo   
Ch, Jr Ch Bearbull Igloo
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren   
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless   
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte
Bearbull Crystal  
Bearbull Crystal
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian
The Devil Looks Like Luna  
The Devil Looks Like Luna
Bearbull Hope  
Bearbull Hope
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Massimo My Gal-bull   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Massimo My Gal-bull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mikantribe Gibson   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mikantribe Gibson
Jr Ch Lisett Griin Grey   
Jr Ch Lisett Griin Grey
The Devil Looks Like Holy Joy  
The Devil Looks Like Holy Joy
Angelical Glamour Napoleon  
Angelical Glamour Napoleon
The Devil Looks Like Zee Zee  
The Devil Looks Like Zee Zee
Ch, Jr Ch Bearbull Iridessa   
Ch, Jr Ch Bearbull Iridessa
Bearbull Iridessa
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren   
Jr Ch Kupakos Daren
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless   
Multi Ch Jabberwocky's Cloudless
LUJCH Douglas V.t Patdana Home   
LUJCH Douglas V.t Patdana Home
Seabright Silver Smile  
Seabright Silver Smile
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Kupakos Bella Di Notte
Ch, Jr Ch Erossino Of To Love Till Craziness   
Ch, Jr Ch Erossino Of To Love Till Craziness
Ch, Jr Ch Quantanamera Of To Love Till Craziness   
Ch, Jr Ch Quantanamera Of To Love Till Craziness
Bearbull Crystal  
Bearbull Crystal
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Sotakal Gillian
Ch La Chata Show Me   
Ch La Chata Show Me
Ch Pretty Bull Léda   
Ch Pretty Bull Léda
The Devil Looks Like Luna  
The Devil Looks Like Luna
The Devil Looks Like Real Clone  
The Devil Looks Like Real Clone
Kiss To You Von Teufelhohle  
Visits: 241