Ambrose Peggy

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Nome: Ambrose Peggy
Paese di residenza:   USA
Affisso del cane: W. H. Norman
Affisso del proprietario: George Ambrose
Sesso: Femmina
Data di nascita: 12 August 1920
E-mail del proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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to bulldogpedigree

Informazioni Aggiuntive

red brindle, white

Strumenti generali

Strumenti di analisi del pedigree

Mackabulli (uk-usa)   Kalabat   Penfold London (now Khartoum)uk-usa   Old Catton Diamond  
Kitty Penfold (uk)  
Marie Penfold   Dick Penfold  
Baroness Penfold  
Baroness Penfold
Nanmap Netta   Stamboul   Magnetite (uk-usa)  
Princess Diatstone  
Lady Datham   Rival Stone  
Rival Stone
Grafton Princess  
Queen Brownstone   Buck Goldstone   Billy The Verger (uk-usa)   Dick Stone  
Dick Stone
Filbert (uk-usa)  
Belfast Betty   Belfast Tip (can-usa)  
Belfast Beauty  
Brays Beauty   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 3