Resultado de la consulta

Hermanos de Greiner Hall Brutus (de padre o madre)

Achates Country Bumpkin  
Achates Country Bumpkin
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Lady Of Shiloh
Dralion Heavenly Halo  
Dralion Heavenly Halo
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Zoe
Dralion Sir Ziggy Stardust  
Dralion Sir Ziggy Stardust
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Zoe
Dralion´s Chloe of Devincourt  
Dralion´s Chloe of Devincourt
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Zoe
JCH HUN Glacier Princess   
JCH HUN Glacier Princess
Greiner Hall Neo x CH Glamour Girl Brullemail For Mastif Hill
Greiner Hall Lady of Shiloh  
Greiner Hall Lady of Shiloh
Greiner Hall Nicholas x Greiner Hall Eleanor
Greiner Hall Stonewall  
Greiner Hall Stonewall
Greiner Hall Nicholas x Greiner Hall Eleanor
Julrees Dralions Speed Demon  
Julrees Dralions Speed Demon
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Eden Bagh Achates
Knights Windmere Faerie  
Knights Windmere Faerie
Greiner Hall Neo x Greiner Hall Zoe
CH Sherwood's Anticipatience   
CH Sherwood's Anticipatience
Greiner Hall Neo x CH Chagrin Olivia
Sherwood's Front Paige News  
Sherwood's Front Paige News
Greiner Hall Neo x CH Chagrin Olivia