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Brothers of Kilbowie Winnie

Cottagefield Equinox (scot-usa)  
Ch Nizam Of Woodhouse x Ch Cottagefield Ermine
Crewe So Re Echo (uk-usa)  
Crewe So White Man x Crewe So Elegance
Crewe So White Queen  
Crewe So White Man x Moonshine Molly
Ch Diomed (1926)   
Ch Diomed (1926)
Crewe So White Man x Snow White Girlie
Hefty Mascot  
Crewe So White Man x Daisy Duchess
Crewe So White Man x Newington Celeste
Newington Beauty  
Crewe So White Man x St Chadds Pride
Scottish Warrior  
Ch Nizam Of Woodhouse x Ch Cottagefield Ermine
Wendy Bee  
Crewe So White Man x Sarah Gamp (uk 1926)