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Father and mother brothers of British Legend Amira

Ch British Legend Aberdorf   
Ch British Legend Aberdorf
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory
Jr Ch British Legend Adrian   
Jr Ch British Legend Adrian
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Albert   
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Albert
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Alexander   
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Alexander
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Alisha   
Ch, Jr Ch British Legend Alisha
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory
Jr Ch British Legend Aria   
Jr Ch British Legend Aria
Mightypride Big Lou x Jr Ch Buldenezh Emira Royal Victory