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Produits de même père OU même mère de Agape?s Dark Side Of The Moon Spears

Agape?s 100 Proof Spears  
Agape?s 100 Proof Spears
Ch Little Ponds Armed And Dangerous x Agape's Oklahoma Sky
Ch Agape?s The Chosen One Spears   
Ch Agape?s The Chosen One Spears
Ch Little Ponds Armed And Dangerous x Ch, GCh Agape's Belle Of The Ball
Ch, GCh Agape?s Tuppence Aonghas Spears   
Ch, GCh Agape?s Tuppence Aonghas Spears
Ch, GCh Hug-o-bull Mr. Worldwide x Ch, GCh Agape's Belle Of The Ball
Ch Agape's Tequila Sunrise Spears   
Ch Agape's Tequila Sunrise Spears
Ch, GCh Hug-o-bull Mr. Worldwide x Ch, GCh Agape's Belle Of The Ball
Ch Brumar's Sureshot Once Is Not Enough   
Ch Brumar's Sureshot Once Is Not Enough
Ch Little Ponds Armed And Dangerous x Ch Brumars Sureshot You Only Live Once
Ch, GCh Jnj's Pure Seduction   
Ch, GCh Jnj's Pure Seduction
Ch Little Ponds Armed And Dangerous x Ch, GCh Jnj Victoria Our Goddess Of Victory
Sureshot?s Little Miss Saturday Night  
Sureshot?s Little Miss Saturday Night
Ch Little Ponds Armed And Dangerous x Ch Brumars Sureshot You Only Live Once