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Produits de Jaylous Cedric

Ch Barron's Lacey Jay   
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Elizabeth Gantt
Ch Beausefous Le Puff N Stuff   
Jaylous Cedric x Ch Beausefous Loujean
Blossom's Great Grand Sparkle  
Jaylous Cedric x Blossom's Bluntline Pearl
Bluntline´s Ginger of Jaylou  
Jaylous Cedric x Bluntline's Poppyseed
Carolina Luck Charm Daisy  
Jaylous Cedric x Carolina Luck Charm Matilda
Jaylous And Nan Mar's Major Dink  
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Ginger Of Myrtle B
Ch Jaylous Butkus Of Ric-A-She   
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Pumpkin
Jaylous Gem Of Grangeabull  
Jaylous Cedric x Bluntline´s Bright Beautiful
Jaylous Ginger Bread Girl  
Jaylous Cedric x Branham's Daisey Mae
Jaylous Grande Duke of Cool  
Jaylous Grande Duke of Cool
Jaylous Cedric x Chubby´ S Lighting Smith
Jaylous Hadie Lady of Ramar  
Jaylous Cedric x Chubby´ S Lighting Smith
Jaylous Howard Huge  
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Suzie Q
Ch Jaylous Melodie   
Ch Jaylous Melodie
Jaylous Cedric x Bluntline´s Bright Beautiful
Jaylous Naughty Maude  
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Gertie
Jaylous Orphan Annie  
Jaylous Cedric x Bluntline´s Bright Beautiful
Jaylous Queen Sheena  
Jaylous Cedric x Jaylous Brandy Lynn
Jaylous Red Robin  
Jaylous Cedric x Bluntline´s Bright Beautiful
Jaylous Sea Breeze  
Jaylous Cedric x Rayburn's Chubsey Wubbsey
Samantha Reynolds Osha  
Jaylous Cedric x Pool's Baby Snooks