
Résultats de la recherche

Produits de même père OU même mère de Piklepuss´s Lil General

Dk's Belle Starr Of Majestic  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Ruby Red
Ch Dk's Diamond Rose   
Ch Dk's Diamond Rose
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Diamond Lil
Dk's Duchess Of Soho  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Diamond Lil
Dk's Huggie Bear  
Dk's Huggie Bear
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Shelby
Dk's Inferno  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Phantom Of The Oprie
Dk's Little Rhody  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x unknown
Dk's Maggie Mae  
Dk's Maggie Mae
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Phantom Of The Oprie
Dk's Way Too Cool  
Dk's Way Too Cool
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Phantom Of The Oprie
Geremia's Dixieland Jazz  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Geremia's Lady In Red
Goomba Hot Shot Dude Willow  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Goomba My Lil Willow
IB Cool Too  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Gunner's Lady B
Kimbull's Cool Dude's Grand Family  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Ch Marco's Just To Cool
Kimbull's Just Chilled Too Cool  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Ch Marco's Just To Cool
La-nan-dor's Lyn The Luv Bug  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x La-nan-dor's Ms. Roberts
Mountainview`s Mimi  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Sam Nguyen
Saltforks Reba of Rocket City  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Dk's Rocket City's Carmel
Smasher Scutterbotch  
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Ch Smasher Sequoia Minnewanka
Ch Smashercal Hunkin Dunkin   
Ch Dk's Cool Dude x Rumbos Sparklgem Smashercal