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Produits de même père OU même mère de Sonofabull Hank Esdeka

Baika Esdeka  
Baika Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Ch Balboa Esdeka   
Ch Balboa Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Bamabador Eldorado  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Bamabador Eldorado Ita  
Bamabador Eldorado Ita
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Ch Bamabador Emerson   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty   
Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Eve Ece   
Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Eve Ece
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Ch Bamabador Evita Peron   
Ch Bamabador Evita Peron
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Del Papiol Ladgerda
Ch Bamabador Faith   
Ch Bamabador Faith
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Bamabador Abby The Showgirl
Ch Bamabador Fedor   
Ch Bamabador Fedor
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Bamabador Abby The Showgirl
Ch Bamabador Flagship Junior   
Ch Bamabador Flagship Junior
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Bamabador Abby The Showgirl
Ch, GCh Bamabador Frida   
Ch, GCh Bamabador Frida
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Bamabador Abby The Showgirl
Berg Esdeka  
Berg Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Black-Treasure Debora  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Black- Treasure Ky
Ch, Jr Ch Black-Treasure Dogs Darius   
Ch, Jr Ch Black-Treasure Dogs Darius
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Black-treausure Icy
Black-Treasure Dogs Debora  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Black-treausure Icy
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Born and Raised From The Backcorner   
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Born and Raised From The Backcorner
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Pink Pussycat From The Backcorner
Bulgaree Esdeka  
Bulgaree Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Guarana Esdeka
Ch Culture Of Bulls Entire Me   
Ch Culture Of Bulls Entire Me
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Janna Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Culture of Bulls Express Yourself  
Culture of Bulls Express Yourself
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Janna Jolly Joker Is Kibuciu
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garner Handsome Dream   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Garner Handsome Dream
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch France Garner Cruela Dream
Garner Hell Dream  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch France Garner Cruela Dream
Garner Honey Dream  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch France Garner Cruela Dream
Gentility Bulls Addicted To Love  
Gentility Bulls Addicted To Love
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Big Bull's Kind Of Magic
Ch, Jr Ch Gentility Bulls Advertising Space   
Ch, Jr Ch Gentility Bulls Advertising Space
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Big Bull's Kind Of Magic
Gentility Bulls All in One  
Gentility Bulls All in One
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Big Bull's Kind Of Magic
Goldwing Bully Mystic Rider  
Goldwing Bully Mystic Rider
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Leeloo Pop Des Croqu'n Bulls
Hart of Stone du Loch Victoria's bulls  
Hart of Stone du Loch Victoria's bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Divine Ultimate Du Loch Victoria's Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch High 'n Mighty Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch High 'n Mighty Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Unbelievable Lady Von Teufelhohle
Jr Ch Honey Cake Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch Honey Cake Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Unbelievable Lady Von Teufelhohle
Hope'n Glory Von Teufelhohle  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Unbelievable Lady Von Teufelhohle
I Won't Give Up From Backcorner  
I Won't Give Up From Backcorner
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Lemonvom El Porompompero
I'm the one von Teufelhohle  
I'm the one von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Ice Lolly Von Teufelhohle  
Ice Lolly Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Iggy Pop Von Teufelhohle at Cherishabull  
Iggy Pop Von Teufelhohle at Cherishabull
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Impressiv Bull Kameron  
Impressiv Bull Kameron
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull It's Musti
Impressive Bull Kameron  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull It's Musti
Impressive Bull Knowingme  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mystyle Rose Red Ocobo
Impressive Bull Kranberry  
Impressive Bull Kranberry
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull It's Bunny
Impressive Bull Kwinston  
Impressive Bull Kwinston
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mystyle Rose Red Ocobo
Impressive Bull Kylie  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull It's Bunny
Impressive Bull Lady McBeth  
Impressive Bull Lady McBeth
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Snoop Doggy Dog Sue
Impressive Bull Lady Wilson  
Impressive Bull Lady Wilson
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull It's Bunny
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lester   
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lester
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull Jayluna
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lia Valby   
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lia Valby
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mystyle Rose Red Ocobo
Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lillyrose   
Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lillyrose
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mystyle Rose Red Ocobo
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lionsoul   
Ch, Jr Ch Impressive Bull Lionsoul
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Julia Van Het Slaghek
Impressive Bull Lord Baersk  
Impressive Bull Lord Baersk
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Gina Di Villa Eden
Jr Ch Impressive Bull Luca Memory   
Jr Ch Impressive Bull Luca Memory
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Julia Van Het Slaghek
Impressive Bull Lucy  
Impressive Bull Lucy
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull Jewelred
Impressive bull Milady  
Impressive bull Milady
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Clarabella Di Villa Eden
Impressive Bull Miranda  
Impressive Bull Miranda
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Gina Di Villa Eden
Impulse Von Teufelhole Of Strongbull  
Impulse Von Teufelhole Of Strongbull
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
ImpulseVon Teufelhohle at Strongbull  
ImpulseVon Teufelhohle at Strongbull
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Incy Wincy Von Teufelhohle  
Incy Wincy Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Insomnia Von Teufelhohle   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Insomnia Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch Sugababe Von Teufelhohle
Jäger Bomb Tan'rei Bulls  
Jäger Bomb Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Clarabella Di Villa Eden
Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls   
Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Clarabella Di Villa Eden
Lancome Wilson Is Kibuciu  
Lancome Wilson Is Kibuciu
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Santal Is Kibuciu
Ch, Jr Ch Landon Wilson Is Kibuciu   
Ch, Jr Ch Landon Wilson Is Kibuciu
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Santal Is Kibuciu
Ch Laurel Wilson Is Kibuciu   
Ch Laurel Wilson Is Kibuciu
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Santal Is Kibuciu
Ch Laurel Wilson Is Kibuciu   
Ch Laurel Wilson Is Kibuciu
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Santal Is Kibuciu
Lazy Boris  
Lazy Boris
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Hope Of The Tivoli Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Hope Of The Tivoli Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mystyle Rose Red Ocobo
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Hope Of The Tivoli Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Hope Of The Tivoli Bulls
Lucky Oswald  
Lucky Oswald
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Hope Of The Tivoli Bulls
Michael Jackson De La Maison D'izzie  
Michael Jackson De La Maison D'izzie
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Lady Gaga De La Maison D'izzie
Mick Jagger de la maison d'Izzie  
Mick Jagger de la maison d'Izzie
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Lady Gaga De La Maison D'izzie
Mya De La Maison D'izzie  
Mya De La Maison D'izzie
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Lady Gaga De La Maison D'izzie
Mystyle Cosmopolitan  
Mystyle Cosmopolitan
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x GB Ch. Hilbull Sheeza Sunbeam Mystyle
Mystyle Manhatten at Rosenrubies  
Mystyle Manhatten at Rosenrubies
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x GB Ch. Hilbull Sheeza Sunbeam Mystyle
Ch, Jr Ch Nensy Wilson Kiddy Win's   
Ch, Jr Ch Nensy Wilson Kiddy Win's
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pervaya Ledy Kiddy Win's
Jr Ch New Flame Kiddy Win's   
Jr Ch New Flame Kiddy Win's
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pervaya Ledy Kiddy Win's
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Next King Kiddy Win's   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Next King Kiddy Win's
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pervaya Ledy Kiddy Win's
Nobilis Babyliss Bismarckia Du Loch Victoria's Bulls  
Nobilis Babyliss Bismarckia Du Loch Victoria's Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Britishrose Poker Face
Norman Bull Kiddy Win's  
Norman Bull Kiddy Win's
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Pervaya Ledy Kiddy Win's
Ouini Land Van Mechelaar  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Indra Land Van Mechelaar
Pepper De La Maison D'izzie  
Pepper De La Maison D'izzie
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x New Bb8 De La Maison D'izzie
Pepsi Max Tan'rei Bulls  
Pepsi Max Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Little Scarlett Tan'rei Bulls
Picasso Adorable Bulls  
Picasso Adorable Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Making History From Bulls Heaven
Pogo No Sen Tan'rei Bulls  
Pogo No Sen Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Little Scarlett Tan'rei Bulls
Precious King Of Tan'rei Bulls  
Precious King Of Tan'rei Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Little Scarlett Tan'rei Bulls
Pretty Little Angel Adorable Bulls  
Pretty Little Angel Adorable Bulls
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Making History From Bulls Heaven
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Punker Babynoubull   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Punker Babynoubull
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Mamba-moon Bull Des Chandelaines
Respect-a-Bull Redkick  
Respect-a-Bull Redkick
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Int Ch Respect-a-bull Just Be Unique
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Respect-a-bull Redkick   
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Respect-a-bull Redkick
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch, Int Ch Respect-a-bull Just Be Unique
Rosesnrubies Billie Jean At Midlandbulls  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Maplevale Viva La Diva
Simplydoor She Take Over  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Idra
Sonofabull Banksy  
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull Bigby  
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull Birdy  
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull BIZON Esdeka  
Sonofabull BIZON Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull Bjork  
Sonofabull Bjork
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull Bonifacio  
Sonofabull Bonifacio
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull Bowie  
Sonofabull Bowie
Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicions Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Jr Ch Sonofabull COHANA Esdeka   
Jr Ch Sonofabull COHANA Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull CYPRESS Esdeka  
Sonofabull CYPRESS Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Jr Ch Sonofabull Deebua Esdeka   
Jr Ch Sonofabull Deebua Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Sonofabull SLOW-MO Esdeka  
Sonofabull SLOW-MO Esdeka
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Ch Caboodle Esdeka
Ch, Jr Ch Too Good To Lose From The Backcorner   
Ch, Jr Ch Too Good To Lose From The Backcorner
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Lemonvom El Porompompero
True Figther From The Backcorners  
True Figther From The Backcorners
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Pink Pussycat From The Backcorner
Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love   
Ch, Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Platonic Love
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jr Ch Unbreak-a-bull Lovely Girl
Unbreak A Bull Qalamity Jane  
Unbreak A Bull Qalamity Jane
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Treasurabull Simply Red
Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Ranger Of Space   
Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Ranger Of Space
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jackarhys Lovely Rita
Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Rising Star   
Jr Ch Unbreak A Bull Rising Star
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Grace Kelly Dei Nagana Bulls
Unbreak-A-Bull Kayenne  
Unbreak-A-Bull Kayenne
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull Jlo
Unbreak-A-Bull Koko chanel  
Unbreak-A-Bull Koko chanel
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Impressive Bull Jlo
Unbreak-a-bull Only You  
Unbreak-a-bull Only You
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jr Ch Unbreak-a-bull Lovely Girl
Unbreak-A-Bull Platonic Love  
Unbreak-A-Bull Platonic Love
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jr Ch Unbreak-a-bull Lovely Girl
Unbreak-a-bull Prada  
Unbreak-a-bull Prada
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jr Ch Unbreak-a-bull Lovely Girl
Unbreak-a-bull Q'clark Kent  
Unbreak-a-bull Q'clark Kent
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Treasurabull Simply Red
Unbreak-a-bull Qalamity Jane  
Unbreak-a-bull Qalamity Jane
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Treasurabull Simply Red
Unbreak-a-bull Qinshasa  
Unbreak-a-bull Qinshasa
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Treasurabull Simply Red
Unbreak-a-bull Rose Bonbon  
Unbreak-a-bull Rose Bonbon
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Jr Ch Unbreak-a-bull Lovely Girl
Ch Vagabond Von Teufelhohle   
Ch Vagabond Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Diamond Von Teufelhohle
Vanilla Von Teufelhohle  
Vanilla Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Diamond Von Teufelhohle
Videler's Prince From Key West  
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Big Bull's Key West
Jr Ch Viva La Diva Von Teufelhohle   
Jr Ch Viva La Diva Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Sebyan Wilson Ocobo x Diamond Von Teufelhohle