
Résultats de la recherche

Produits de même père OU même mère de Dakota Don Marthir

Anita Garibaldi di Riacho Negro  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Multi Ch Nubia Malfoy De Br La Bonne Vie
Ch Avalons Hillbully Big Rig   
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Avalons Princess Leia
Ch, Multi Ch Barrister Exact Classic Mortimer   
Ch, Multi Ch Barrister Exact Classic Mortimer
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Small People Yunona
Barrister Olivia's Take On O-live You  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Small People Yunona
Ch, GCh Considine Exact Classic Cooper   
Ch, GCh Considine Exact Classic Cooper
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Exact Lee The Dog I Wanted
D´ Toledo Grumpyface " Comiskey "  
D´ Toledo Grumpyface " Comiskey "
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x D´ Toledo Tiffany Vii
D´ Toledo Grumpyface Wrigley  
D´ Toledo Grumpyface Wrigley
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x D´ Toledo Tiffany Vii
D´ Toledo My Little Yellow Cow Coralyne  
D´ Toledo My Little Yellow Cow Coralyne
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x D´ Toledo Tiffany Vii
Ch Empires Invictus Quincey   
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Empires Royal Amazing Grace
Ch Exact Classic Black Bart   
Ch Exact Classic Black Bart
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Exact Classic Cee Cee  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Exact Classic Gladiator Echo
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Hot Lips   
Ch, GCh Exact Classic Hot Lips
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Ch Exact Classic Lone Ranger   
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Exact Classic Monalisa  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Exact Classic Paramount's Matilda  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Springfield Lilly
Exact Classic Shooting Star  
Exact Classic Shooting Star
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Exact Classic Sophie Renee  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Leese's Crystal White Sugar
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Exact Classic Sugar Ray
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Ch Exact Classic Venti White Mocha   
Ch Exact Classic Venti White Mocha
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Cherokee Jamaris Vivian
Ch Exact Classic Vito   
Ch Exact Classic Vito
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Cherokee Exact Classic Mango
Macm Genebra  
Macm Genebra
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Macm Paris
Macm Gibson  
Macm Gibson
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Int Ch, Multi Ch Macm Najah
Major League August Moon Cgc  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Major League Guadalupe  
Major League Guadalupe
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Ch Major League My Heart Attack   
Ch Major League My Heart Attack
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Major League Summer Catch  
Major League Summer Catch
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Major League Sunray's Genie  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Malybull Bob Simon  
Malybull Bob Simon
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Jr Ch Malybull Constantine
Malybull Chivas  
Malybull Chivas
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Major League Of Malybull Cindy
Malybull Danny  
Malybull Danny
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Malybull Carmella
Malybull Dodd Cooper  
Malybull Dodd Cooper
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Jr Ch Malybull Constantine
Malybull Donna  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Jr Ch Malybull Constantine
Malybull Duda  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Jr Ch Malybull Constantine
Malybull Johnny  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Major League Of Malybull Cindy
Malybull Opera  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Jr Ch Malybull Constantine
Malybull Sarah  
Malybull Sarah
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Mallybull Carmella
Malybull Supernova  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch Mallybull Carmella
Meins Pretty Boy Floyd  
Meins Pretty Boy Floyd
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Tuckerbulls Lady Duchess
Summit´s Lucky Lady  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Phenix's Party Girl
Ch, Jr Ch Tucky Malybull Floriobull Cafu   
Ch, Jr Ch Tucky Malybull Floriobull Cafu
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Multi Ch Tucky Malybull John John   
Multi Ch Tucky Malybull John John
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Tucky Malybull Latino  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Tucky Malybull Oscar  
Tucky Malybull Oscar
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Tucky Malybull Riacho Negro Bacco  
Tucky Malybull Riacho Negro Bacco
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Ch Tucky Malybull Shamu   
Ch Tucky Malybull Shamu
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy
Tucky Malybull Venus  
Ch, Int Ch Cherokee Legend Floyd x Ch, GCh Chefs Confidence Is Sexy