Résultats de la recherche
Produits de même père OU même mère de Adrian Baby Face Dornon
Bull-lane's Solid Rock Cassie

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Bull-lane's Badger's Lil Brandy
Country Bulls Solid Rock Aggie

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Ch Country Bulls Remembering Daisy
Ch Jeannes Rockin Rosebud

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Jj's Sunbonnet Sue
Ch, Int Ch Millcoats Roly Bullyx Bullpen

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Amazing Grace
Ch. Renegade´s San Son of a Outlaw

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Thunder Pig Alice
Schwinns Solid Rock Sammi

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Jaybees Against All Odds Audi
Solid Rock Magical Pebbles

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Solid Rock Luvabull Gloria
Solid Rock Outlaw Cain

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Solid Rock Rosys Julia
Ch. Solid Rock Outlaw Walter

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Little Ponds Red Robin
Solid Rock Precious Jewel

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Solid Rock Rosys Julia
Taggarts Custom Made To Order

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Taggarts Diva Hot Stuff Baby
Taggarts Whole Lotta Pizzazz

Ch Solid Rock Outlaw Samson x Taggarts Diva Hot Stuff Baby