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Produits de Cherokee Legend Ursula

Heralds Of The King Kong  
Heralds Of The King Kong
Ch Cherokee Legend Winslow x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Heralds Of The King Yorãn  
Heralds Of The King Yorãn
Ch Cherokee Legend Winslow x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Iron Classic Baruck  
Ch Follies Kennel Bradley Brix Cooper x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Iron Classic F. Stole Me Ursula  
Ch Follies Kennel Bradley Brix Cooper x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Iron Classic She Is Maniac Jenny Myers  
Iron Classic She Is Maniac Jenny Myers
Ch Follies Kennel Bradley Brix Cooper x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Newrocker Iron Classic Cowboy  
Jr Ch Newrocker Topbulldogs Muslix x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Newrocker Iron Classic Eleonora  
Jr Ch Newrocker Topbulldogs Muslix x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula
Newrocker Iron Classic Heaven  
Jr Ch Newrocker Topbulldogs Muslix x Ch Cherokee Legend Ursula