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Produits de même père OU même mère de Lil' Boy's Rock N Roll

Addicted 2 Font A Noses Only Sugar  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Addicted 2 All My Heart Desires
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U   
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Tenured's Barat St. Of Bulldog Univ
Beulahland's Blessing  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Supple's Grace
Ch Bubby's Happy Hour   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Mcdermott's My Little Lily
Ch Bully Hills Only Ohh Lala   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Cherokee Only Blackeyed Susan  
Cherokee Only Blackeyed Susan
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Cherokee Only Oprah
E-Town's Fancy Pants On Fire  
E-Town's Fancy Pants On Fire
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Lil' Boy's P'nut Butter Cookie
Hillbullyz Maj League Madonna  
Hillbullyz Maj League Madonna
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Am Ch Major League Majic Moment
Ch Hurricane Tank Ii   
Ch Hurricane Tank Ii
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Hurricane Suzuki
Kennedy's Boom Boom Cannon  
Kennedy's Boom Boom Cannon
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Collins Roly Poly
Kong's Kat Butler  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Kong's Katie Scarlett B
Lil' Boy's Brewster Of Westbury  
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Lil' Boy's Daysy Mae   
Ch Lil' Boy's Daysy Mae
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Lil' Boy's Hugs And Kisses   
Ch Lil' Boy's Preacher Man x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Lil' Boy's Lucy Lou  
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Lil' Boy's Magnet Sushi   
Ch Lil' Boy's Magnet Sushi
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Lil' Boy's Old Time Religion   
Ch Lil' Boy's Old Time Religion
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Lil' Boy's P'nut Butter Cookie  
Lil' Boy's P'nut Butter Cookie
Ch Little Ponds Osage Ollie x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Lil' Boy's Queen Bea  
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Lil' Boy's Rocky Mountain Roxy  
Ch Only Red Hot Chilli Pepper x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Lil' Boy's Silver Lining  
Lil' Boy's Silver Lining
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank   
Ch Little Ponds Spike The Tank
Ch Adamant Show And Tell x Ch Little Ponds Sochabull Sue
Ch Luvamugs Splitting Aces   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Glendars Charismatic
Ch Major League Kit Kat   
Ch Major League Kit Kat
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Am Ch Major League Majic Moment
Mousers Lily Girl  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Mousers Lucky Lucinda
Mousers Magnificent Maggie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Mousers Lady Macbeth
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond  
Mousers Penny Of Little Pond
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Little Ponds Silver Queen
Nc-style's " Veni, Vidi, Vici "  
Nc-style's " Veni, Vidi, Vici "
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ultimate Cantata
Ch Nc-style's Hostess With The Mostess   
Ch Nc-style's Hostess With The Mostess
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ultimate Cantata
Nc-style's Lily  
Nc-style's Lily
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ultimate Cantata
Nc-style's Only Gemstone  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ultimate Cantata
Nc-style's Zeba  
Nc-style's Zeba
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ultimate Cantata
Ch, GCh Only Asher   
Ch, GCh Only Asher
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Only Crystal Of Napa Vallee
Ch, GCh Only Bill Bailey   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Only White Star Champagne
Ch Only Chateau De Merlot   
Ch Only Chateau De Merlot
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Only Leisure Suit Larry  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Lil' Boy's P'nut Butter Cookie
Ch Only Ralph Lauren   
Ch Only Ralph Lauren
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Ch River Regions Rump Shaker   
Ch River Regions Rump Shaker
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Ch Napikwan River Regions Mattie Souix
Scott's Jillian  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Scott's Treasure Island
Wascos Roly Poly Kessie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill x Wascos Beautiful Doll