Résultats de la recherche
Produits de même père OU même mère de Wilson's Harry Rex
Dutchess Miss Daisy Mae

Ch K-sand´s Bodacious Bully Boy x Jan's Queen Lizzy
Ch K-sand´s Preacher Man

Ch K-sand´s Bodacious Bully Boy x K-sand´s God's Little Promise
Ch K-sand´s Pudgy Chubz Bell

Ch K-sand´s Bodacious Bully Boy x K-sand´s God's Little Promise
M&k's Harley Easy Rider

Majo's Macho Man x Wilson's Po Boys Lil Harley
Samantha Kay II

CH Aguirre's The Royal Treatment x Wilson's Po Boys Lil Harley
Seabee's Golden Thunder Bolt

Ch K-sand´s Bodacious Bully Boy x Seabee's Mona Lisa
Wilson's Dandy Aisling

Scruffy x Wilson's Po Boys Lil Harley
Wilson's Lil Pretty Face

CH Aguirre's The Royal Treatment x Wilson's Po Boys Lil Harley
Wilson's Mini Raisin

Ch K-sand´s Bodacious Bully Boy x Wilson's Po Boys Lil Harley