Risultati della ricerca
Fratelli di Jungle Bulldog Predador
Fortland Bulldogs Miss Daisy

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Ch Von Yarbin Floppsy Bull
Ch Fortland Bulldos Melrose

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Ch Von Yarbin Floppsy Bull
Jungle Bulldog Jennifer Lopes

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Javary To Infinity And Beyond
Jungle chanel by floratta

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Floratta's Jezebel Preaty Girl
Jungle Cochise Barbo Family

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Ch Aloha Barbo Family
Ch Jungle White Moutain Barbo Family

Ch Apache ( Hernandez / Diaz ) x Ch Aloha Barbo Family