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Discendenti di Persabull Luisito Rey

All Star Strickes Back Aka "ginebra"  
All Star Strickes Back Aka "ginebra"
Persabull Luisito Rey x Sunray's Charlotte
All Star Strikes Back  
Persabull Luisito Rey x Sunray's Charlotte
All Star Tom Ford  
Persabull Luisito Rey x Sunray's Charlotte
Aurabull Syebel At Persabull  
Aurabull Syebel At Persabull
Persabull Luisito Rey x Aurabull Donatella
Ayro's Chelsea At Otoga Bulldogs  
Ayro's Chelsea At Otoga Bulldogs
Persabull Luisito Rey x Ayro's Troya
Ayro's Ova  
Ayro's Ova
Persabull Luisito Rey x Ayro's Troya
Furrysons Helena  
Persabull Luisito Rey x Furrysons Skye
Furrysons Homero  
Persabull Luisito Rey x Furrysons Skye
Kings Jg Persabull Grace  
Kings Jg Persabull Grace
Persabull Luisito Rey x Molli Velaru
Ch Otg's Give Me The Power   
Ch Otg's Give Me The Power
Persabull Luisito Rey x Lady In Black Dress The Puppys House
Persabull Dibu Martinez  
Persabull Dibu Martinez
Persabull Luisito Rey x Wiwis Persabull Dakota
Persabull Luisito Rey x Pompeya