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Fratelli di Bulldacious In Every Way
Ch Bulldacious Savour The Flavour

Ch Gatsby Icon The One And Only At Qbec x Ch, GCh Bulldacious Izn't She Foxy
Bulldacious Twix Up My Sleeve

Ch Bulldacious Outside The Box x Ch, GCh Bulldacious Izn't She Foxy
Cherokee Legend Zebulon

Ch, Int Ch Bulldacious Qbecbulldogs Epoch x Ch, GCh Jacib's Storytime
Fraserbull's Gambler At Rakaro

Ch, Int Ch Bulldacious Qbecbulldogs Epoch x Rakaro I Will Rock You At Fr

Ch, Int Ch Bulldacious Qbecbulldogs Epoch x Rakaro I Will Rock You At Fr