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Discendenti con immagini di Garner Be So Good

Ch Fatal Bazooka De La Plaine Du Chêne Saint Martin   
Ch Fatal Bazooka De La Plaine Du Chêne Saint Martin
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x Bullbumpkin's A Star Is Born
Feel A Good Of Fashion Bull's  
Feel A Good Of Fashion Bull's
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x Arlette Davidson Son Altesse Caninissime Of Fashion Bulls’s
Gaia Des Red Bullys Star  
Gaia Des Red Bullys Star
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x D'june Du Quarrylane Cottage
Int Ch, Ger Ch, VDH, Sw Ch Garner Edward Dust   
Int Ch, Ger Ch, VDH, Sw Ch Garner Edward Dust
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x Garner Cherry Dust
CH Moldavia , CH Bulgaria, CH Rumania, CH Georgia Garner Evolution Dust Be Hopi   
CH Moldavia , CH Bulgaria, CH Rumania, CH Georgia Garner Evolution Dust Be Hopi
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x Garner Cherry Dust
Guapo Des Red Bullys Star  
Guapo Des Red Bullys Star
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x D'june Du Quarrylane Cottage
Jaminic Inquisition  
Jaminic Inquisition
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x Jaminic All Gold
Jiruka' S Catwalk Criminal  
Jiruka' S Catwalk Criminal
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x The Hopi Pride And Joy
Jiruka' S Solitaire Madness  
Jiruka' S Solitaire Madness
Ch, Int Ch Garner Be So Good x The Hopi Pride And Joy