

Irish Gentleman (usa) の兄弟及び姉妹

All Over  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Hasseler Peggy
Burra Walla  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Shimmy
Chip Of The Old Block (usa)  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Lindsay Patsey
Chota Rundi  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Shimmy
Hasseler Ruffina  
Rough Neck I I (usa 1918) x Hasseler Peggy
Lady Dorothy (usa)  
Rough Neck I I (usa 1918) x Hasseler Peggy
Lady Tootsie (usa 1923)  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Lindsay Patsey
Marty Buck  
Blue Star Sinful Sam x Hasseler Peggy
Prune Face  
Hasseler Brantford Challenger x Irish Lass (usa 484912)
Rough Neck I I I  
Rough Neck I I (usa 1918) x Hasseler Peggy
Shimmie Sam  
Blue Star Sinful Sam x Hasseler Peggy
Vanity (usa 1920)  
Rough Neck I I (usa 1918) x Hasseler Peggy