Fantine (uk) の兄弟及び姉妹
AnnettaStockwell x Elizabeth (uk 1895)
Artful Stockbroker
Stockwell x Merit Only
Balaclava (1895)
Stockwell x Eng Ch Blackberry
Barney Barnato
Stockwell x Eng Ch Blackberry
Eng Ch Baron Sedgemere
Stockwell x Eng Ch Blackberry
Baron Stockwell (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Battledora ( Fred W. Taylor)
Stockwell x Eng Ch Blackberry
Stockwell x Nancy Grafton
Stockwell x Eng Ch Blackberry
Bordesly Green Maggie
Stockwell x Garrison Queen
Bridge Honeycomb (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Lady ( Richards)
Bridge Hurricane (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Lady Taylor
Brown Loaf
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Chilwell Crib
Stockwell x Lady Attenboro
Cock O' Of The North (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Ben Machree
Stockwell x Gay Lucy
Countess (1895)
Stockwell x Miss Grundy
Crib I I (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Rose ( Evans)
Dartmouth Ben (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Winsome Green Mab
Derby Lottie
Stockwell x Derby Dolly
Stockwell x Dextrine
Don Fernando
Stockwell x Dextrine
Duchess Of Stockwell
Stockwell x Springfield Duchess
Duke Of Beaufort (uk)
Stockwell x Springfield Duchess
Empress (1898)
Stockwell x Nell ( Stanley)
Enfield Topsy
Stockwell x Nailsworth Beauty
Enfield Vixen
Stockwell x Enfield Plot
Erastus J
Stockwell x Miss Tottie
Fazeley King
Stockwell x Lady ( Richards)
Stockwell x Humble
Garrison Queen
Stockwell x Reeves Pilot
Graveney Robert
Stockwell x Miss Quilp
Grey Brother
Stockwell x Dinah Doe
Stockwell x Kattie Connor
Heavenly Pleasure
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Stockwell x Lorna (uk 1898)
Stockwell x unknown
Holly (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Nancy Grafton
Ch Housewife (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Chatelaine
Ivel Dacoit
Stockwell x Ivel Babe
King Penempeh
Stockwell x Mrs Quilp
Lacetown Crib
Stockwell x Lacetown Maud
Lacetown Pearl
Stockwell x Lacetown Maud
Laddie (1893)
Stockwell x Duchine
Lady Bebe (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Lady Otterburn
Lady Capena
Stockwell x Miss Tottie
Lady Dagmar
Stockwell x Bridget (uk)
Lady Lena (1896)
Stockwell x Garrisons Alice
Lady Monck
Stockwell x Miss Quilp
Ladywood Judy
Stockwell x Lady Lena (uk)
Loafer (late Pressmoor Force )
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Lord Belhaven
Stockwell x Springfield Duchess
Lord Guy
Stockwell x Duchine
Majors Boy
Stockwell x Irish Ivy
Margaret Stockwell
Stockwell x Lacetown Maud
Meg ( T. Roe)
Stockwell x Nell ( T. Roe)
Minnie G (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Lady Winnie I I
Stockwell x Holy Terror I I
Nora (1896)
Stockwell x Lady Ethel
O' Neills Mag
Stockwell x Garrison Queen
Orry Lass
Stockwell x Baroness (usa 1889)
Peter Stockwell
Stockwell x Princess May
Poulton Cherry (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Mrs Quilp
Pressmore Force (late Loafer)
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Prince Ormolu
Stockwell x Mrs.quilp
Prince Stockwel (uk)
Stockwell x Garrison Queen
Queen Norah
Stockwell x Lady Ethel
Stockwell x Miss Tottie
Rodney Borax (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Dextrine
Rodney His Lordship (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Stockwell x Portswood Queen
Stockwell x First Adventure
Squire Stockwell
Stockwell x Jude (1900)
Stockwell x Kissing Crust
Stockwell Pride
Stockwell x Garrison Jenny
Strawberry Girl
Stockwell x Miss Tottie
Temple Charlie
Stockwell x Temple Belle
Temple Nancy
Stockwell x Temple Belle
Tettenhill Bell
Stockwell x Derby Dolly
Thornhill Nina
Stockwell x Clyde Bully
Toby Twinkle
Stockwell x Lady Ethel
Trilby (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Our Beauty
Stockwell x Orry Queen
Walsall Jack (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Lady ( Adams)
Waterloo Gipsey
Stockwell x Derby Dolly
Woodcote Sidar (uk-usa)
Stockwell x Springfield Duchess
Stockwell x Lady Lena (uk)
Young Stockwell
Stockwell x Kissing Crust