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Родственники Fat Puppy's Kinder

Best Bulldogirona Flicka  
Best Bulldogirona Flicka
La Marca Fred x Best Bulldogirona Lady Rebel
Best Bulldogirona Hard Rock  
Best Bulldogirona Hard Rock
Ch Gemelia Jensen x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Best Bulldogirona Heathrow  
Best Bulldogirona Heathrow
Ch Gemelia Jensen x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Best Bulldogirona Rainbow  
Best Bulldogirona Rainbow
Ch, World Ch Britanic Major Sharpe Ocobo x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Best Bulldogirona Richie Rich  
Best Bulldogirona Richie Rich
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Best Bulldogirona Rolling Stone  
Ch, World Ch Britanic Major Sharpe Ocobo x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Royal Ascot   
Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Royal Ascot
Ch Mystyle Rolex Ocobo x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Best Bulldogirona Yaiza  
Best Bulldogirona Yaiza
La Marca Fred x Best Bulldogirona Lady Rebel
Best Bulldogirona Yanira  
Best Bulldogirona Yanira
La Marca Fred x Best Bulldogirona Lady Rebel
Bulldog Feeling Mali At Glen Kora`s  
Bulldog Feeling Mali At Glen Kora`s
La Marca Fred x Ch Bulldog Feeling Halle Berry
Fat Puppy's Harlock Unstopabull  
Fat Puppy's Harlock Unstopabull
La Marca Fred x Best Bulldogirona Gioconda
Fat Puppy's Igor I  
Fat Puppy's Igor I
La Marca Fred x La Chata Way Del Paraguay
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal   
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, BOY Seehurst Hand Of Stone x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Fat Puppy's Zac  
Fat Puppy's Zac
La Marca Fred x Blokhead Bull British Monarch
Fat Puppys Iago  
La Marca Fred x La Chata Way Del Paraguay
Ch Fat Puppys Kaffir   
La Marca Fred x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best
Fat Puppys Z-top  
Fat Puppys Z-top
La Marca Fred x Blokhead Bull British Monarch
Fatpuppys Karma  
La Marca Fred x Ch, Multi Ch Best Bulldogirona Simply The Best