Resultados da busca
Irmaos de White King (usa) (de pai ou mae)
Brentwood QueenThornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Bridget Black I I
Cincy Jack
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Bridget Black I I
Deodora White Boy (uk-can)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Longton Lady
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Alliance Dixonia (uk-usa)
Ellens Double
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Lady Ellen
Foley Muggy
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Duranside Meg
Gentleman Jim (uk)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Northwich Jewel
Goldstone Cora
Jack Goldstone x Challenger White Queen (uk-usa)
Goldstone White Challenger
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Challenger White Queen (uk-usa)
Goldstone White Queen
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Challenger White Queen (uk-usa)
Isolt Of Britain
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Sedgley Mona
Ch Kersal King (uk-can)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Kersal Baroness
Kersal Queen
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Kersal Baroness
King Albert (usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Matchless Queen (uk-usa)
King Arthur Countess
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Matchless Queen (uk-usa)
King Arthur Princess
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Matchless Queen (uk-usa)
King Arthur Princess I I
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Alliance Dixonia (uk-usa)
King Arthur White Duke
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Maggie Jiggs (usa 1915)
King Of Dollarland
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Melbourne Girlie I I
Lady Beautiful (usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Bridget Black I I
Lancashire Lass (uk)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Shes British
Miss Ec Ce
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Bettie Clegg
Pride Of Rochester
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Maggie Jiggs (usa 1915)
Prince Arthur (uk-usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Challenger White Queen (uk-usa)
Rhylsdale White Marquis (uk-usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x White Lady (uk)
Rich Gift (uk-can)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Clarksfield Baroness
Son o' Susie
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Ch Montem Susie
Springvale White Major
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Gillyflower
St Roch White Monarque (usa-can)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Challenger White Queen (uk-usa)
Ch Strathway White Hope (uk-usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Kersal Baroness
The White Challenger
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Maggie Jiggs (usa 1915)
Thornwood King
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Puckersley Beauty
Ch Tintagel
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Ch Montem Susie
Ch Warfleigh Kingsome
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Puckersley Beauty
White King Arthur
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Maggie Jiggs (usa 1915)
White Wizard
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Alliance Dixonia (uk-usa)
Winnie Wrinkles (usa)
Thornwood King Arthur (uk-usa) x Bridget Black I I