
Resultados da busca

Irmaos de King George ( Henshall 1868) (de pai ou mae)

Belle ( Lloyd)  
Cure (the Cure), Old Cure Reeve'ss x Juliet (or Meg) Booth
Duchess ( Oswell's)  
King Dick I I (young King Dick, Old Puff ) x unknown
King George ( Booth 1870)  
Stead ( Butler's) x Juliet (or Meg) Booth
Madge ( Turner's)  
Stead ( Butler's) x Juliet (or Meg) Booth
Maggie Lauder 1868 ( Adcock)  
Maggie Lauder 1868 ( Adcock)
Stead ( Butler's) x Juliet (or Meg) Booth
Michael the Archangel  
Michael the Archangel
King Dick I I (young King Dick, Old Puff ) x Nell ( Parker's)
Nettle ( Lawrence)  
King Dick I I (young King Dick, Old Puff ) x Pet ( Littler)
Punch ( Dawes) x Juliet (or Meg) Booth
Queen (old Queen) Littler's  
King Dick I I (young King Dick, Old Puff ) x Pensioner ( Ryall's)
Tumbler ( Sheffield Tumbler) Mosley  
King Dick I I (young King Dick, Old Puff ) x Slut I I ( Bagnall's)