Resultados da busca
Irmaos de Dempsey Judas (de pai ou mae)
Dempsey Messiah At Huntthorn

Ch Testwood Tom x Dempsey Absoluteley Juliey
Dempsey Messiah At Huntthorn

Ch Testwood Tom x Huntthorn Lady Of Choice
Diamond Geordie Beaut

Ch Testwood Tom x Harogebulls Sky Of Diamonds
Eastenders Dawn Run

Ch Testwood Tom x Eastenders Nessun Dorma
Eastenders Katie Nowaitee

Ch Testwood Tom x Eastenders Nessun Dorma
Eastenders Masterminded At Valhallabull

Ch Testwood Tom x Eastenders Nessun Dorma
Eastenders Persian Punch Kelloe

Ch Testwood Tom x Eastenders Nessun Dorma
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Eastenders Wayward Lad

Ch Testwood Tom x Eastenders Nessun Dorma
Evforce Amazing Ariana

Ch Testwood Tom x Seasve Hayley
Ch Huntthorn Harlem Shuffle At Baalzebul

Ch Testwood Tom x Macwatt Abracadabra At Huntthorn
Huntthorn Hummingbird for Bulljozer

Ch Testwood Tom x Macwatt Abracadabra At Huntthorn
Jw Rosco's Moondance By Em Testwood

Ch Testwood Tom x Smackerjack Pure Klass
Ragmarte Lilly Of The Valley For Ryjarlow

Ch Testwood Tom x Ragmarte Jelly Bean
Ragmarte Lilly Pad As Blenhiemstar

Ch Testwood Tom x Ragmarte Jelly Bean
Rosco's Masterpiece By Em

Ch Testwood Tom x Smackerjack Pure Klass
Ch Sawyermoon Earl Of Testwood

Ch Testwood Tom x Buldawg Lovely To Look At