Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go

Pedigree inverso (hijos y nietos) generado por

Ejemplar Hijos Nietos
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go   
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go
Ch, Jr Ch Home Pilar Born To Be Soul x Ch Maumi Billie Jean
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus   
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go x Jr Ch Maumi Alice
Voltabulldogs Marshal  
Voltabulldogs Marshal
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus x Jr Ch Voltabulldogs Tutti Frutti
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus x Jr Ch Voltabulldogs Tutti Frutti
Voltabulldogs Molly  
Voltabulldogs Molly
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus x Jr Ch Voltabulldogs Tutti Frutti
Jr Ch Maumi Sir Maximus x Jr Ch Voltabulldogs Tutti Frutti
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart   
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go x Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Penelope
Crystal Face Miss Money  
Crystal Face Miss Money
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart x Jr Ch Crystal Face Ledy Hanny
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart x Jr Ch Crystal Face Ledy Hanny
Crystal Face Nika  
Crystal Face Nika
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart x Jr Ch Ice Tea At Crystal Face
Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Mozzart x Jr Ch Ice Tea At Crystal Face
Jr Ch Samabibulldogs Mister X   
Jr Ch Samabibulldogs Mister X
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go x Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Penelope
Samabibulldogs My Heart  
Samabibulldogs My Heart
Ch, Jr Ch Maumi Let It Go x Jr Ch Samabi Bulldogs Penelope