Sons | Grand-sons | |
Britisher The Queen Ch Sealaville Hes Dolton x Britisher Canterbury Lass |
Britisher Gold Dust Bokabull Ch Britishpride Wild Thing x Britisher The Queen |
Bokabull Olympic Dream Ch Bokabull Sole Trader x Britisher Gold Dust Bokabull Ch Bokabull Sole Trader x Britisher Gold Dust Bokabull |
Britisher Magnanimous Ch Britishpride Wild Thing x Britisher The Queen |
Chef Rembombory Buldog Von Rauscher Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous |
Chelsea Bulldog Von Rauscher Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous |
Chloe Bulldog Von Rauscher Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous Ch Lemonvom Amos Amigos x Britisher Magnanimous |
Nice Angi At Leneyco Bulldog Von Rauscher Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Prideofbully Sir Kevin x Britisher Magnanimous Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Prideofbully Sir Kevin x Britisher Magnanimous |
Jr Ch Raymond Bulldog Von Rauscher Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous |
Rebecca Bulldog Von Rauscher Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous |
Roxanne Bulldog Von Rauscher Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous Mellowmood Montgomery Calibra x Britisher Magnanimous |
Jr Ch Britisher The Quest Ch Britishpride Wild Thing x Britisher The Queen |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Hall Of Fame Style Bullet Cookie Dough Of Fastlane Bulldogs Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Zafira Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Zafira |
Ch Style Bullet Bijou Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Hilda Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Hilda |
Jr Ch Style Bullet Donald Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Isla Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Isla |
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Style Bullet Donut Of Fastlane Bulldogs Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Isla Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Style Bullet Isla |
Ch, Jr Ch Style Bullet Enis Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Sunshine Bulls Miss Hollywood Jr Ch Britisher The Quest x Sunshine Bulls Miss Hollywood |